April 2, 2009, Introduced by Reps. Switalski, Tlaib, Young, Bettie Scott, Durhal, Johnson, Liss and Nathan and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.


     A bill to provide compensation for individuals wrongly


imprisoned for crimes; to prescribe the powers and duties of


certain state governmental officers and agencies; and to provide






     Sec. 1. This act shall be known and may be cited as the


"wrongful imprisonment compensation act".


     Sec. 2. As used in this act:


     (a) "Accusatory instrument" means the complaint filed against


the claimant that resulted in the conviction and imprisonment that


are the subject of the claim for compensation under this act.


     (b) "Claimant" means the individual making a claim for


compensation under this act. Claimant does not include the estate


of an individual entitled to make a claim for compensation under


this act who is deceased, the personal representative of the


estate, or any heir, devisee, beneficiary, or other person who is


entitled under other law to pursue a claim for damages, injury, or


death suffered by the individual.


     (c) "This state" means the state of Michigan and its agencies,


departments, commissions, and courts. This state does not include a


county, township, city, village, school district, or district or


authority authorized by law in this state, or a combination of 2 or


more of these.


     Sec. 3. An individual convicted under the law of this state


and subsequently imprisoned for 1 or more crimes that he or she did


not commit may bring an action for damages against this state in


the circuit court of Ingham county as allowed by this act.


     Sec. 4. (1) The claimant in an action under this act shall


attach to the complaint documentation that establishes all of the




     (a) The claimant was convicted of 1 or more crimes under the


law of this state, was sentenced to a term of imprisonment for the


crime or crimes, and served at least part of the sentence.


     (b) The claimant’s judgment of conviction was vacated and


either the accusatory instrument was dismissed or the claimant was


determined upon retrial or by court finding to be not guilty.


     (c) The factual or evidentiary basis that supported the


vacation of the judgment of conviction, dismissal of the accusatory


instrument, or finding of not guilty demonstrated the claimant’s


actual innocence of the charged offense. As used in this


subdivision, actual innocence means that the claimant did not


perpetrate and was not an accessory to the acts that were the basis


of the charge in the accusatory instrument.


     (2) A complaint filed under this section shall state the claim


of the claimant as required under general rules of pleading adopted


by the supreme court and shall include statements that both of the


following are true:


     (a) The claimant was actually innocent of the charged offense


in that the claimant did not perpetrate and was not an accessory to


the acts that were the basis of the charge in the accusatory




     (b) The claimant did not commit or suborn perjury or fabricate


evidence to cause or bring about his or her conviction. A guilty


plea to a crime the claimant did not commit or a confession or


inculpatory statement made during law enforcement interrogation


does not constitute perjury or fabricated evidence under this




     (3) A complaint filed under this section shall be verified by


the claimant.


     (4) The claimant may file an amended complaint as a matter of


course as provided under court rules generally applicable to civil


actions adopted by the supreme court. If the court finds after


reading a complaint filed under this section that the claimant is


not likely to succeed at trial, it shall dismiss the claim, either


on its own motion or on the motion of this state. If the dismissal


by the court is based on the failure of the claimant to state a


claim on which relief can be granted, the court shall dismiss the


action without prejudice.


     Sec. 5. (1) A claimant under this act is entitled to judgment


in the claimant's favor if the claimant provides evidence to prove


all of the following:


     (a) The claimant was convicted of 1 or more crimes under the


law of this state, was sentenced to a term of imprisonment for the


crime or crimes, and served at least part of the sentence.


     (b) The claimant’s judgment of conviction was vacated and


either the accusatory instrument was dismissed or the claimant was


determined upon retrial or by court finding to be not guilty.


     (c) The claimant was actually innocent of the charged offense


in that the claimant did not perpetrate and was not an accessory to


the acts that were the basis of the charge in the accusatory




     (d) The claimant did not commit or suborn perjury or fabricate


evidence to cause or bring about his or her conviction. A guilty


plea to a crime the claimant did not commit or a confession or


inculpatory statement made during law enforcement interrogation


does not constitute perjury or fabricated evidence under this




     (2) Subject to subsections (4) and (5), if a court finds that


a claimant was wrongfully convicted and imprisoned, the court shall


award damages, including, but not limited to, all of the following:


     (a) $40,000.00 for each year from the date the claimant was


incarcerated until the date the claimant's judgment of conviction


was vacated, the accusatory instrument was dismissed, or the


claimant was found not guilty, whichever is later. The claimant is


entitled to damages for the period described in this subsection


regardless of whether the claimant was released from incarceration


on parole or because the maximum sentence was served. The amount to


which the claimant is entitled under this subdivision shall be


adjusted for both of the following:


     (i) Inflation from the effective date of this act.


     (ii) Partial years.


     (b) Economic damages, including, but not limited to, lost


wages, costs associated with the claimant's criminal defense and


efforts to prove his or her innocence, and medical expenses


required after release.


     (c) Physical and mental health coverage comparable to that


provided under a group health plan available to employees in the


classified state civil service, to be offset by any benefits


provided by the claimant's employer during the coverage period. The


department of community health shall provide health coverage


awarded under this subdivision for 10 years from the date of the


award by purchasing a health coverage plan, policy, certificate, or


contract selected by the director of the department of community




     (d) Compensation for costs incurred by the claimant for


reasonable reintegrative services and mental and physical health


care after release from wrongful imprisonment and before the date


of the award.


     (e) Reasonable attorney fees, calculated at 10% of the damage


award, not to exceed $75,000.00 plus an adjustment for inflation


from the effective date of this act, and expenses. The award under


this subdivision shall not include any attorney fees or expenses


incurred in bringing a previous action that was dismissed. The


award under this subdivision shall not be deducted from the


compensation awarded the claimant, and the claimant's attorney is


not entitled to receive additional fees from the claimant.


     (3) A damage award under subsection (2) is not subject to


either of the following:


     (a) A cap applicable to private parties in civil lawsuits.


     (b) Taxes, except for the portion of the award for attorney




     (4) Damages shall not be awarded under subsection (2) for any


time during which the claimant was incarcerated under a concurrent


sentence for another conviction.


     (5) Damages shall not be awarded under subsection (2) for any


injuries sustained by the claimant while imprisoned. The making of


a claim or receipt of damages under this act does not preclude a


claim or action for damages because of injuries sustained by the


claimant while imprisoned.


     (6) The acceptance by the claimant of an award under this


section, or of a compromise or settlement of the claim, shall be in


writing and, unless it is procured by fraud, is final and


conclusive on the claimant, constitutes a complete release of all


claims against this state, and is a complete bar to any action by


the claimant against this state based on the same subject matter.


     (7) A damage award under this section shall not be offset by


any of the following:


     (a) Expenses incurred by this state or any political


subdivision of this state, including, but not limited to, expenses


incurred to secure the claimant’s custody or to feed, clothe, or


provide medical services for the claimant.


     (b) The value of any services awarded to the claimant under


this section.


     (c) The value of any reduction in fees for services awarded to


the claimant under this section.


     (8) If a claimant who is awarded damages under this section


recovers damages for the wrongful conviction or imprisonment from


any other person, the claimant shall reimburse this state for


damages paid under this section to the extent of damages recovered


from the other person.


     (9) If a court determines that a claimant was wrongfully


convicted and imprisoned, the court shall enter an order that


provides that any record of the arrest, fingerprints, conviction,


and sentence of the claimant related to the wrongful conviction


shall not be made available to the public and shall be removed from


the law enforcement information network. A document that is the


subject of an order entered under this subsection is exempt from


disclosure under the freedom of information act, 1976 PA 442, MCL


15.231 to 15.246.


     Sec. 6. (1) A court that enters a verdict, order, or judgment


as a result of an event described in section 4(1)(b) on or after


the effective date of this act shall provide a copy of this act to


the defendant at the time the verdict, order, or judgment is


entered. The individual shall be required to acknowledge his or her


receipt of a copy of this act in writing on a form approved by the


state court administrator's office. The acknowledgment shall be


filed with the court and is admissible in any proceeding filed by a


claimant under this act.


     (2) If a claimant entitled to receive a copy of this act under


subsection (1) shows that he or she did not properly receive the


copy, he or she is entitled to a 1-year extension of the 3-year


time limit in section 7.


     (3) The state court administrator's office shall make a


reasonable attempt to notify every person in whose favor a verdict,


order, or judgment was entered following an event described in


section 4(1)(b) before enactment of this act of his or her rights


under this act.


     Sec. 7. An action for compensation under this act shall be


commenced within 3 years after the entry of a verdict, order, or


judgment as the result of an event described in section 4(1)(b).


Any action by this state challenging or appealing a verdict, order,


or judgment entered as the result of an event described in section


4(1)(b) tolls the 3-year period. An individual convicted,


incarcerated, and released from custody before the effective date


of this act shall commence an action under this act within 5 years


of the effective date of this act.


     Enacting section 1. This act does not take effect unless


Senate Bill No.____ or House Bill No. 4791(request no. 01990'09 a)


of the 95th Legislature is enacted into law.