HB-4731, As Passed House, September 9, 2009















March 31, 2009, Introduced by Reps. Corriveau, Sheltrown, Leland, Melton, Durhal, Lori, Meadows and Dean and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.


     A bill to amend 2004 PA 452, entitled


"Identity theft protection act,"


by amending section 5 (MCL 445.65), as amended by 2006 PA 246.




     Sec. 5. (1) A person shall not do any of the following:


     (a) With intent to defraud or violate the law, use or attempt


to use the personal identifying information of another person to do


either of the following:


     (i) Obtain obtain credit, goods, services, money, property, a


vital record, a confidential telephone record, medical records or


information, or employment.


     (ii) Commit another unlawful act.


     (b) Use or attempt to use personal identifying information


that is not his or her personal identifying information to do any


of the following:


     (i) Engage in criminal activity or any other violation of law.


     (ii) Mislead a law enforcement agency or court concerning the


identity of an individual under criminal investigation or the


identity of a criminal defendant.


     (c) (b) By concealing, withholding, or misrepresenting the


person's identity, use or attempt to use the personal identifying


information of another person to do either of the following:


     (i) Obtain credit, goods, services, money, property, a vital


record, a confidential telephone record, medical records or


information, or employment.


     (ii) Commit another unlawful act.


     (2) A person who violates subsection (1)(b)(i) (1)(c)(i) may


assert 1 or more of the following as a defense in a civil action or


as an affirmative defense in a criminal prosecution, and has the


burden of proof on that defense by a preponderance of the evidence:


     (a) That the person gave a bona fide gift for or for the


benefit or control of, or use or consumption by, the person whose


personal identifying information was used.


     (b) That the person acted in otherwise lawful pursuit or


enforcement of a person's legal rights, including an investigation


of a crime or an audit, collection, investigation, or transfer of a


debt, child or spousal support obligation, tax liability, claim,


receivable, account, or interest in a receivable or account.


     (c) That the action taken was authorized or required by state


or federal law, rule, regulation, or court order or rule.

House Bill No. 4731 as amended September 9, 2009

     (d) That the person acted with the consent of the person whose


personal identifying information was used, unless the person giving


consent knows that the information will be used to commit an


unlawful act.

     [Enacting section 1. This amendatory act takes effect January 1, 2010.]

     Enacting section [2]. This amendatory act does not take effect


unless all of the following bills of the 95th Legislature are


enacted into law:


     (a) Senate Bill No. _____ or House Bill No. 4730(request no.




     (b) Senate Bill No. _____ or House Bill No. 4732(request no.




     (c) Senate Bill No. _____ or House Bill No. 4733(request no.




     (d) Senate Bill No. _____ or House Bill No. 4729(request no.




     (e) Senate Bill No. _____ or House Bill No. 4734(request no.

