June 8, 2017, Introduced by Reps. Ellison, Hammoud, LaGrand, Geiss, Chang, Love, Neeley, Peterson, Gay-Dagnogo, Sabo, Chirkun, Cochran, Rabhi, Wittenberg, Byrd, Sowerby, Scott, Moss, Green and Jones and referred to the Committee on Government Operations.


     A bill to amend 1980 PA 428, entitled


"An act to provide for the designation of state procurements of

goods, services, and construction for minority owned and woman

owned businesses; to provide powers and duties of the governor; to

prescribe powers and duties of certain state departments and

agencies; and to provide penalties,"


by amending the title and sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 (MCL


450.771, 450.772, 450.773, 450.774, 450.775, and 450.776).






     An act to provide for the designation of state procurements of


goods, services, and construction for immigrant owned, minority


owned, and woman owned businesses; to provide powers and duties of


the governor; to prescribe powers and duties of certain state


departments and agencies; and to provide penalties.


     Sec. 1. As used in this act:


     (a) "Controlled" means exercising the power to make policy

decisions in a business.


     (b) "Department" means a principal department of the executive


branch of the state government.


     (c) "Expenditures" means payments and contracts for goods,


services, and construction which may be acquired competitively and


are not regulated by separate authority, and, where the department


acts as the sole or primary contracting officer and has selective


discretion as to the supplier, vendor, or contractor.


     (d) "Immigrant" means a non-native-born resident of this




     (e) "Immigrant owned business" means a business of which more


than 50% of the voting shares or interest is owned, controlled, and


operated by an immigrant and with respect to which more than 50% of


the net profit or loss attributable to the business accrues to


immigrant shareholders.


     (f) (d) "Joint venture" means an agreement that combines 2 or


more businesses for specified purposes involving 1 or more


immigrant owned businesses, minority owned businesses, or woman


owned businesses and 1 or more businesses other than a an immigrant


owned business, minority owned business, or woman owned business.


     (g) (e) "Minority" means a person who is black, hispanic,


oriental, eskimo, or an American Indian who is not less than 1/4


quantum Indian blood as certified by the person's tribal


association and verified by the Indian affairs commission.


     (h) (f) "Minority owned business" means a business enterprise


of which more than 50% of the voting shares or interest in the


business is owned, controlled, and operated by individuals who are

members of a minority and with respect to which more than 50% of


the net profit or loss attributable to the business accrues to


shareholders who are members of a minority.


     (i) (g) "Operated" means the activity of being involved in the


day to day day-to-day management of a business.


     (j) (h) "Person" means an individual, sole proprietorship,


partnership, association, or corporation.


     (k) (i) "Subcontract" means an agreement to share a prime


contract between a prime contractor, who is not a an immigrant


owned business, minority owned business, or a woman owned business,


and a an immigrant owned business, minority owned business, or


woman owned business.


     (l) (j) "Woman owned business" means a business of which more


than 50% of the voting shares or interest in the business is owned,


controlled, and operated by women and with respect to which more


than 50% of the net profit or loss attributable to the business


accrues to the women shareholders.


     Sec. 2. (1) The construction, goods, and services procurement


policy for each department shall provide for the following


percentage of expenditures to be awarded to immigrant owned


businesses, minority owned businesses, and woman owned businesses


by each department except as provided in subsection (6):


     (a) For minority owned business, the goal for 1980-81 shall be


150% of the actual expenditures for 1979-80, the goal for 1981-82


shall be 200% of the actual expenditures for 1980-81, the goal for


1982-83 shall be 200% of the actual expenditures for 1981-82, the


goal for 1983-84 shall be 116% of the actual expenditures for 1982-

83, and this level of effort at for fiscal year 2017-2018 and each


fiscal year thereafter, not less than 7% of expenditures. shall be


maintained thereafter.


     (b) For woman owned business, the goal for 1980-81 shall be


150% of the actual expenditures for 1979-80, the goal for 1981-82


shall be 200% of the actual expenditures for 1980-81, the goal for


1982-83 shall be 200% of the actual expenditures for 1981-82, the


goal for 1983-84 shall be 200% of the actual expenditures for 1982-


83, the goal for 1984-85 shall be 140% of the expenditures for


1983-84, and this level of effort at for fiscal year 2017-2018 and


each fiscal year thereafter, not less than 5% of expenditures.


shall be maintained thereafter.


     (c) For immigrant owned business, for fiscal year 2017-2018


and each fiscal year thereafter, not less than 5% of expenditures.


     (2) If the first year goals construction, goods, and services


procurement expenditures described in subsection (1) are not


achieved, the governor shall recommend to the legislature changes


in programs to assist immigrant owned businesses, minority owned


businesses, and woman owned businesses.


     (3) Each department, to assist in meeting the construction,


goods, and services procurement expenditures percentages set forth


in subsection (1), shall include provisions for the accommodation


of subcontracts and joint ventures. The provisions shall be


established by the governor and shall require a bidder to indicate


the extent of immigrant owned business, minority owned business, or


woman owned business participation.


     (4) Only the portion of a prime contract that reflects

immigrant owned business, minority owned business, or woman owned


business participation shall be considered in meeting the


requirements of subsection (1).


     (5) Minority Immigrant owned businesses, minority owned


businesses, or woman owned businesses shall comply with the same


requirements expected of other bidders, including, but not limited


to, being adequately bonded.


     (6) If the bidders for any contract do not include a qualified


immigrant owned business, minority owned and operated business, or


woman owned and operated business, the contract shall be awarded to


the lowest bidder otherwise qualified to perform the contract.


     Sec. 3. (1) The governor shall establish a procurement policy


for each executive department to implement and establish the method


of meeting the projected goals established in section 2.


     (2) The governor shall submit a report to the legislature


every 3 months during the first year of operation and every 6


months. during succeeding years. The report shall detail the all of


the following:


     (a) The results of the governor's procurement policy


expenditures described in section 2(1), including the specific


contracts awarded by each department. and the


     (b) The type of business engaged in by the person awarded the




     (c) If the procurement expenditures described in section 2(1)


have not been met, how the governor will meet the requirements


described in section 2(1) and how the governor proposes to increase


the number of immigrant owned businesses, minority owned

businesses, and women owned businesses in the state to bid on state


procurement contracts.


     (3) Appropriate staff to implement the governor's policy shall


be provided by the department of technology, management, and




     Sec. 4. A person who wishes to be certified as a an immigrant


owned business, minority owned business, or woman owned business


shall complete a sworn affidavit that the person is a an immigrant


owned business, minority owned business, or woman owned business


and is prepared to bid on state contracts. All ownership interests


in the business shall be specifically identified in the affidavit.


The affidavit shall be filed with the governor or a department


designated by the governor.


     Sec. 5. A person who knowingly violates or conspires to


violate this act , or who knowingly and fraudulently procures or


attempts to procure a contract with this state as a an immigrant


owned business, minority owned business, or woman owned business is


guilty of a felony , punishable by imprisonment for not more than 2


years , or a fine of not less than $5,000.00, or both. A person who


violates this act shall be barred from obtaining future contracts


with the state.


     Sec. 6. If a an immigrant owned business, minority owned


business, or woman owned business receives a contract, the


immigrant owned business, minority owned business, or woman owned


business shall be the prime contractor through its duration.