June 6, 2017, Introduced by Reps. Green, Hertel, Phelps, Iden, Jones, Lasinski, Yanez, Lucido, Elder, Hoadley, LaGrand, Faris, Lower and Yaroch and referred to the Committee on Communications and Technology.


     A bill to amend 1976 PA 390, entitled


"Emergency management act,"


by amending section 2 (MCL 30.402), as amended by 1990 PA 50.




     Sec. 2. As used in this act:


     (a) "Chief executive official" means:


     (i) In the case of a county with an elected county executive,


the county executive.


     (ii) In the case of a county without an elected county


executive, the chairperson of the county board of commissioners, or


the appointed administrator designated by appropriate enabling




     (iii) In the case of a city, the mayor or the individual


specifically identified in the municipal charter.


     (iv) In the case of a township, the township supervisor.

     (v) In the case of a village, the village president or the


individual specifically identified in the village charter.


     (b) "Council" means the Michigan emergency management advisory




     (c) "Cybersecurity incident" means an event occurring on or


conducted through a computer network that actually or imminently


jeopardizes the integrity, confidentiality, or availability of


computers, information, or communications systems or networks,


physical or virtual infrastructure controlled by computers or


information systems, or information resident on any of these.


Cybersecurity incident includes, but is not limited to, the


existence of a vulnerability in an information system, system


security procedures, internal controls, or implementation that is


subject to exploitation.


     (d) (c) "Department" means the department of state police.


     (e) (d) "Director" or "state director of emergency management"


means the director of the department of state police or his or her




     (f) (e) "Disaster" means an occurrence or threat of widespread


or severe damage, injury, or loss of life or property resulting


from a natural or human-made cause, including, but not limited to,


fire, flood, snowstorm, ice storm, tornado, windstorm, wave action,


oil spill, water contamination, utility failure, cybersecurity


incident, hazardous peacetime radiological incident, major


transportation accident, hazardous materials incident, epidemic,


air contamination, blight, drought, infestation, explosion, or


hostile military action or paramilitary action, or similar

occurrences resulting from terrorist activities, riots, or civil




     (g) (f) "Disaster relief forces" means all agencies of state,


county, and municipal government, private and volunteer personnel,


public officers and employees, and all other persons or groups of


persons having duties or responsibilities under this act or


pursuant to a lawful order or directive authorized by this act.


     (h) (g) "District coordinator" means the state police


emergency management division district coordinator.


     (i) (h) "Emergency" means any occasion or instance in which


the governor determines state assistance is needed to supplement


local efforts and capabilities to save lives, protect property and


the public health and safety, or to lessen or avert the threat of a


catastrophe in any part of the state.


     (j) (i) "Emergency management coordinator" means a person


appointed pursuant to section 9 to coordinate emergency management


within the county or municipality. Emergency management coordinator


includes a civil defense director, civil defense coordinator,


emergency services coordinator, emergency program manager, or other


person with a similar title and duties.


     (k) (j) "Local state of emergency" means a proclamation or


declaration that activates the response and recovery aspects of any


and all applicable local or interjurisdictional emergency


operations plans and authorizes the furnishing of aid, assistance,


and directives under those plans.


     (l) (k) "Michigan emergency management plan" means the plan


prepared and maintained by the emergency management division of the

department and signed by the governor.


     (m) (l) "Municipality" means a city, village, or township.


     (n) (m) "Person" means an individual, partnership,


corporation, association, governmental entity, or any other entity.


     (o) (n) "Political subdivision" means a county, municipality,


school district, or any other governmental unit, agency, body,


board, or commission which that is not a state department, board,


commission, or agency of state government.


     (p) (o) "Rule" means a rule promulgated pursuant to the


administrative procedures act of 1969, Act No. 306 of the Public


Acts of 1969, being sections 24.201 to 24.328 of the Michigan


Compiled Laws.1969 PA 306, MCL 24.201 to 24.328.


     (q) (p) "State of disaster" means an executive order or


proclamation that activates the disaster response and recovery


aspects of the state, local, and interjurisdictional emergency


operations plans applicable to the counties or municipalities




     (r) (q) "State of emergency" means an executive order or


proclamation that activates the emergency response and recovery


aspects of the state, local, and interjurisdictional emergency


operations plans applicable to the counties or municipalities

