March 3, 2009, Introduced by Reps. Agema, Rick Jones, Denby, Crawford, Calley, Opsommer, Green, Genetski, Amash, Knollenberg, Hildenbrand, Roy Schmidt, Meekhof, Rogers, Booher, Caul, Haines, Haveman and Spade and referred to the Committee on Tax Policy.


     A bill to amend 1976 PA 451, entitled


"The revised school code,"


by amending section 1211 (MCL 380.1211), as amended by 2008 PA 455.




     Sec. 1211. (1) Except as otherwise provided in this section


and section 1211c, the board of a school district shall levy not


more than 18 mills for school operating purposes or the number of


mills levied in 1993 for school operating purposes, whichever is


less. A principal residence, qualified agricultural property,


qualified forest property, supportive housing property, and


industrial personal property are exempt from the mills levied under


this subsection except for the number of mills by which that


exemption is reduced under this subsection. New construction on


development property is exempt from the mills levied under this


subsection except for the number of mills by which that exemption


is reduced under this subsection for the period of time provided in


section 7mm of the general property tax act, 1893 PA 206, MCL


211.7mm. The board of a school district that had a foundation


allowance calculated under section 20 of the state school aid act


of 1979, MCL 388.1620, for the 1994-95 state fiscal year of more


than $6,500.00, may reduce the number of mills from which a


principal residence, qualified agricultural property, qualified


forest property, supportive housing property, and industrial


personal property are exempted under this subsection by up to the


number of mills, as certified under section 1211a, required to be


levied on a principal residence, qualified agricultural property,


qualified forest property, supportive housing property, and


industrial personal property for the school district's combined


state and local revenue per membership pupil for the school fiscal


year ending in 1995 to be equal to the school district's foundation


allowance for the state fiscal year ending in 1995, and the board


also may levy in 1994 or a succeeding year that number of mills for


school operating purposes on a principal residence, qualified


agricultural property, qualified forest property, supportive


housing property, and industrial personal property.


     (2) Subject to subsection (3), if the department of treasury


determines that the maximum number of mills allowed to be levied


under subsection (1) on all classes of property was not sufficient


for a school district's combined state and local revenue per


membership pupil for the school fiscal year ending in 1995 to be


equal to the school district's foundation allowance for that school


fiscal year, the board of the school district may levy in 1994 or a


succeeding year additional mills uniformly on all property up to


the number of mills required for the school district's combined


state and local revenue per membership pupil for the school fiscal


year ending in 1995 to be equal to the school district's foundation


allowance for the state fiscal year ending in 1995. However, the


board of a school district described in this subsection, by board


resolution, may elect to exempt each principal residence and all


qualified agricultural property, qualified forest property,


supportive housing property, and industrial personal property


located in the school district from some or all of the mills that


the board is authorized to levy under this subsection.


     (3) After 1994, the number of mills a school district may levy


under this section on any class of property shall not exceed the


lesser of the number of mills the school district was certified by


the department of treasury under section 1211a to levy on that


class of property under this section in 1994 or the number of mills


required to be levied on that class of property under this section


to ensure that the increase from the immediately preceding state


fiscal year in the school district's combined state and local


revenue per membership pupil, calculated as if the school district


had levied the maximum number of mills the school district was


allowed to levy under this section regardless of the number of


mills the school district actually levied, does not exceed the


lesser of the dollar amount of the increase in the basic foundation


allowance under section 20 of the state school aid act of 1979, MCL


388.1620, from the immediately preceding state fiscal year or the


percentage increase in the general price level in the immediately


preceding calendar year. If the number of mills a school district


is allowed to levy under this section in a year after 1994 is less


than the number of mills the school district was allowed to levy


under this section in the immediately preceding year, any reduction


required by this subsection in the school district's millage rate


shall be calculated by first reducing the number of mills the


school district is allowed to levy under subsection (2) and then


increasing the number of mills from which a principal residence,


qualified agricultural property, qualified forest property,


supportive housing property, and industrial personal property are


exempted under subsection (1).


     (4) Commercial personal property is exempt from 12 of the


mills levied under this section. However, if the number of mills


from which industrial personal property is exempted for a specific


school district is reduced under this section, then the number of


mills from which commercial personal property is exempted for that


school district shall be reduced by that same number of mills.


     (5) Millage levied under this section must be approved by the


school electors. For the purposes of this section, millage approved


by the school electors before January 1, 1994 for which the


authorization has not expired is considered to be approved by the


school electors.


     (6) If a school district levies millage for school operating


purposes that is in excess of the limits of this section, the


amount of the resulting excess tax revenue shall be deducted from


the school district's next regular tax levy.


     (7) If a school district levies millage for school operating


purposes that is less than the limits of this section, the board of


the school district may levy at the school district's next regular


tax levy an additional number of mills not to exceed the additional


millage needed to make up the shortfall.


     (8) A school district shall not levy mills allocated under the


property tax limitation act, 1933 PA 62, MCL 211.201 to 211.217a,


other than mills allocated to a school district of the first class


for payment to a public library commission under section 11(4) of


the property tax limitation act, 1933 PA 62, MCL 211.211, after




     (9) As used in this section:


     (a) "Combined state and local revenue per membership pupil"


means that term as defined in section 20 of the state school aid


act of 1979, MCL 388.1620.


     (b) "Commercial personal property" means property classified


as commercial personal property under section 34c of the general


property tax act, 1893 PA 206, MCL 211.34c.


     (c) "Development property" means that term as defined in


section 7mm of the general property tax act, 1893 PA 206, MCL




     (d) (c) "Foundation allowance" means a school district's


foundation allowance as calculated under section 20 of the state


school aid act of 1979, MCL 388.1620.


     (e) (d) "General price level" means that term as defined in


section 33 of article IX of the state constitution of 1963.


     (f) (e) "Industrial personal property" means property


classified as industrial personal property under section 34c of the


general property tax act, 1893 PA 206, MCL 211.34c.


     (g) (f) "Membership" means that term as defined in section 6


of the state school aid act of 1979, MCL 388.1606.


     (h) "New construction" means that term as defined in section


34d of the general property tax act, 1893 PA 206, MCL 211.34d.


     (i) (g) "Owner", "person", "principal residence", and


"qualified agricultural property" mean those terms as defined in


section 7dd of the general property tax act, 1893 PA 206, MCL




     (j) (h) "Qualified forest property" means that term as defined


in section 7jj of the general property tax act, 1893 PA 206, MCL




     (k) (i) "School operating purposes" includes expenditures for


furniture and equipment, for alterations necessary to maintain


school facilities in a safe and sanitary condition, for funding the


cost of energy conservation improvements in school facilities, for


deficiencies in operating expenses for the preceding year, and for


paying the operating allowance due from the school district to a


joint high school district in which the school district is a


participating school district under former part 3a. Taxes levied


for school operating purposes do not include any of the following:


     (i) Taxes levied by a school district for operating a community


college under part 25.


     (ii) Taxes levied under section 1212.


     (iii) Taxes levied under section 1356 for eliminating an


operating deficit.


     (iv) Taxes levied for operation of a library under section 1451


or for operation of a library established pursuant to 1913 PA 261,


MCL 397.261 to 397.262, that were not included in the operating


millage reported by the district to the department as of April 1,


1993. However, a district may report to the department not later


than April 1, 1994 the number of mills it levied in 1993 for a


purpose described in this subparagraph that the school district


does not want considered as operating millage and then that number


of mills is excluded under this section from taxes levied for


school operating purposes.


     (v) Taxes paid by a school district of the first class to a


public library commission pursuant to section 11(4) of the property


tax limitation act, 1933 PA 62, MCL 211.211.


     (vi) Taxes levied under former section 1512 for operation of a


community swimming pool. In addition, if a school district included


the millage it levied in 1993 for operation of a community swimming


pool as part of its operating millage reported to the department


for 1993, the school district may report to the department not


later than June 17, 1994 the number of mills it levied in 1993 for


operation of a community swimming pool that the school district


does not want considered as operating millage and then that number


of mills is excluded under this section from taxes levied for


school operating purposes.


     (l) (j) "Supportive housing property" means real property


certified as supportive housing property under chapter 3B of the


state housing development authority act of 1966, 1966 PA 346, MCL


125.1459 to 125.1459b. that meets all of the following




     (i) Is owned by an organization exempt under section 501(c)(3)


of the internal revenue code, 26 USC 501.


     (ii) All living units are occupied by 1 or more persons each


having incomes at or below 30% of the area median income and who


each individually receive services for not less than 1 hour per


month either directly from or contracted for by an organization


identified in subparagraph (i), which services include, but are not


limited to, mental health, substance abuse, counseling, and


assistance with daily living.


     (iii) Consists of not more than 6 individual living units.


     Enacting section 1. This amendatory act does not take effect


unless Senate Bill No.____ or House Bill No. 4488(request no.


01773'09) of the 95th Legislature is enacted into law.