April 9, 2019, Introduced by Reps. Hammoud, Cherry, Hope, Garrett, Garza, Neeley, Camilleri, Gay-Dagnogo, Manoogian, Rabhi and Whitsett and referred to the Committee on Local Government and Municipal Finance.


     A bill to prescribe the powers and duties of providers of


water, sewerage, and stormwater service in this state; to require


providers of water, sewerage, and stormwater service in this state


to file certain reports with the department of environmental


quality; to provide for the powers and duties of certain state and


local governmental officers and entities; and to provide for civil






     Sec. 1. As used in this act:


     (a) "Charges" means amounts that a provider bills to a


customer under specific circumstances that are not included in the


provider's base rate including, but not limited to, late fees,


connection fees, impact fees for new development, deposits for


opening new accounts, and any other fees, surcharges, or penalties.


     (b) "Department" means the department of environmental




     (c) "Provider" means any water, sewerage, or stormwater system


that provides retail or wholesale water, sewerage, or stormwater


service in this state.


     (d) "Rates" means the fixed component, if any, and the


volumetric or other variable component, if any, of the cost of


water, sewerage, or stormwater service that are applied to a


category of customers.


     (e) "Shutoff" means a disconnection of water, sewerage, or


stormwater service due to nonpayment.


     Sec. 2. (1) A provider shall by April 1 of each year file with


the department an annual report setting forth all of the following


information for the previous calendar year:


     (a) A statement of whether the provider is a governmental or


nongovernmental entity.


     (b) A statement of whether the provider provides water


service, sewerage service, stormwater service, or any combination


of those services and, for each service provided, whether the


provider provides that service to retail customers, wholesale


customers, or both.


     (c) An identification of the governing body that is


responsible for decisions concerning the provider's rates and


finances, and the individual or individuals comprising that


governing body.


     (d) A list and definitions of the categories of customers and


exempt users of the provider, including commercial, residential,

nonprofit, and exempt users.


     (e) Whether the provider bills for service as a distinct line


item on a bill received by customers and, if it does, whether that


line item for each service appears on its own bill, on a combined


bill for multiple utility services, or on a property tax or other


nonutility bill.


     (f) The rates and charges for water, sewerage, and stormwater


service by that provider in effect on July 1 or any other uniform


date established by the department, including any distinctions


among categories of customer, between retail and wholesale


customers, and among customers in different geographic areas within


the provider's service area.


     (g) The date on which the rates and charges reported in


subdivision (f) took effect.


     (h) The regular frequency, if any, at which rates and charges


are revised or readopted.


     (i) For the first annual report submitted after the effective


date of this act, the rates and charges for water, sewerage, and


stormwater service by that provider in effect on July 1 of the year


that is 6 years before the calendar year in which the report is


submitted, including any distinctions among categories of customer,


between retail and wholesale customers, and among customers in


different geographic areas within the provider's service area.


     (j) A statement of whether any volumetric or other variable


component of the provider's rates is structured as a uniform,


inclining block, or declining block rate.


     (k) If the provider provides water service, the number and

percentage of retail water service connections without meters,


broken down by categories of customers, and the number and


percentage of metered retail water customer bills based on an


estimate rather than an actual meter reading, broken down by


categories of customers as of July 1 or any other date established


by the department.


     (l) If the provider provides sewerage or stormwater service


and the rate for that service includes a volumetric or other


variable component, the method used to determine the quantity of


usage for which a customer is billed for that service as of July 1


or any other date established by the department.


     (m) The frequency of customer billing, by category of




     (n) The median monthly usage for retail, single-family


residential accounts and, to the extent possible, for retail


accounts serving 2-, 3-, and 4-family dwellings, respectively.


     (o) The bill for a retail residential customer using 1,000


cubic feet per month, 1,500 cubic feet per month, and 3,000 cubic


feet per month.


     (p) The process by which the rates and charges reported under


subdivision (f) were determined, including, at a minimum, all of


the following:


     (i) Whether the provider publishes public notice of proposed


changes in rates and charges and, if so, how many days' notice is


provided before the date on which a decision on the proposal is




     (ii) Whether the provider holds a public hearing on proposed

rate changes.


     (iii) The method of notifying customers when a rate change has


been adopted.


     (q) The total number of shutoffs that occurred during that


year and the total cost to the provider of performing those




     (r) The number of shutoffs that occurred during that year,


broken down by census tract and zip code.


     (s) The number of notices of shutoff issued to occupied


single-family residential dwellings and occupied multi-family


residential dwellings, respectively, and the total cost to the


provider of issuing those shutoff notices.


     (t) The number of customer accounts that received 1 or more of


the notices of shutoff identified in subdivision (s), broken down


between single-family and multi-family residential dwellings.


     (u) For occupied single-family residential dwellings and


occupied multi-family residential dwellings, respectively, the


number of shutoffs that occurred, the number of such instances of


shutoff in which service was subsequently restored, and for the


instances in which service was restored, the median number of days


between shutoff and restoration of service and the number of


shutoffs where service was restored in under 5 days, in 6 to 15


days, in 16 to 30 days, in 31 to 60 days, and in more than 60 days.


     (v) For occupied single-family and multi-family residential


dwellings, respectively, the number of customer accounts that were


subject to 1 or more of the shutoffs identified in subdivision (u)


and the number of such accounts that were subject to 1 or more of

the restorations of service identified in subdivision (u).


     (w) The number of shutoffs that occurred for commercial


customers during that year, and the number of customer accounts


that were subject to 1 or more of those shutoffs.


     (x) The provider's policies and procedures regarding shutoffs


of water and sewerage service.


     (y) The number of proceedings that were initiated to foreclose


on residential properties due to nonpayment of bills, and the


aggregate value of the arrearages sought to be collected through


those foreclosures.


     (z) The number of foreclosures on residential properties due


to nonpayment of bills that were completed, and the aggregate net


revenue recovered from those foreclosures, taking into account the


provider's costs of the foreclosure proceedings.


     (aa) The number and aggregate dollar value of liens recorded


for unpaid water and sewer bills.


     (bb) The incidence and dollar value of other forms of debt


collection actions besides shutoffs, liens, or foreclosures.


     (cc) The following information concerning each affordability


program the provider has available for low-income customers or


other customers:


     (i) The type of program.


     (ii) The benefit level.


     (iii) The eligibility criteria.


     (iv) The enrollment process.


     (v) The number of customers enrolled.


     (vi) The average payment amount made by customers enrolled in

each program.


     (vii) The aggregate dollar amount that was deferred in each




     (viii) The aggregate dollar amount that was collected in each




     (ix) The number of customers who defaulted while enrolled in


each program.


     (x) The funding source.


     (xi) The program cost.


     (xii) A description of the program information that the


provider provides to its customers and the means by which it


provides that information.


     (xiii) The total number of new deferred payment agreements


entered during the year, the number of deferred payment agreements


completed during the year, the number of deferred payment


agreements that defaulted, and the number of deferred payment


agreements that were active as of December 31.


     (dd) If the provider provides stormwater service, any credits


available to reduce bills for that service, and the criteria a


customer must meet to qualify for those credits.


     (ee) The following information concerning the provider's


revenues, arrearages, and expenses:


     (i) Total dollar amounts billed, including any distinctions


between customer bills and other identified sources of revenue,


among categories of customer, and between retail and wholesale


customers. This should include a breakdown of amounts collected


from base charges and any fees, penalties, or interest.

     (ii) Total revenues collected, including any distinctions


between customer bills and other identified sources of revenue,


among categories of customer, and between retail and wholesale




     (iii) The number of customers required to pay a deposit to


initiate water or sewer service, the number of these customers who


paid that deposit, the number of these customers who did not pay


the deposit, and the number of these customers who used other means


to demonstrate their creditworthiness.


     (iv) An itemized list of the dollar value of each federal or


state grant for capital improvements that the provider applied for


or received.


     (v) An itemized list of the dollar value of each federal or


state loan for capital improvements that the provider applied for


or received.


     (vi) The dollar value of any municipal bond revenues raised


for capital improvements.


     (vii) The dollar value and source of any additional income


received from sources other than customer rates and charges for the


purpose of making capital improvements.


     (viii) For each category of customer, the number of customer


accounts in arrears and the aggregate dollar amount of those


arrears, grouped by age of arrears as of December 31.


     (ix) The number of residential customer accounts that are


enrolled in a payment plan and the total dollar amount subject to


those payment plans as of December 31.


     (x) For each category of customer, the number of accounts

written off as uncollectible and the total dollar value of customer


bills written off as uncollectible.


     (xi) The provider's total operating expenses.


     (xii) An itemized list of the amount of each transfer of funds


by the provider to other governmental accounts, including payments


in lieu of taxes, rent, service fees, and other transfers.


     (ff) The following information concerning the provider's


customer base:


     (i) Identification of the municipalities, or portions of


municipalities, that are in the provider's retail service area.


     (ii) The total population of the provider's retail service


area for the most recent year for which a population estimate is




     (iii) The number of retail customers in each rate category.


     (iv) Identification of the municipalities, or portions of


municipalities, that are in the provider's wholesale service area,


if any.


     (v) The total population of the provider's wholesale service


area, if any, for the most recent year for which a population


estimate is available.


     (vi) If the provider is owned and operated by a municipality


and provides retail service in any areas outside of that


municipality's boundaries, all of the following:


     (A) A list of the municipalities or portions of municipalities


that are within those areas.


     (B) The total population served within those areas for the


most recent year for which a population estimate is available.

     (C) For each category of customer, the total number of


customers served within those areas.


     (vii) A list of any other providers that are wholesale


customers of the provider submitting the report.


     (viii) The provider's 10 largest retail customers.


     (ix) On the first annual report submitted under this section,


and once every 5 years thereafter, information on the racial and


other demographic composition of the population in the service




     (gg) The following information concerning the operations of


the provider's system:


     (i) If the provider operates a water system, all of the




     (A) The total volume of water produced in each month of the




     (B) The total volume of water purchased in each month of the


year, the amounts paid for that water, and to whom those amounts


were paid.


     (C) The total volume of retail water sales, in each month of


the year, by category of customer.


     (D) The total volume of wholesale water sales, in each month


of the year, and to whom those sales were made.


     (E) Real and apparent losses from the water distribution


system, calculated using the method adopted by the American Water


Works Association in the most recent version of "Water Audits and


Loss Control Programs", manual M36 and in the AWWA's free Water


Audit Software.

     (F) Any utility functions or services carried out by other


parties under contract.


     (ii) If the provider operates a sewerage system, all of the




     (A) The total flow in the system for each month of the year.


     (B) The total volume of wastewater generated, by each category


of customer, for each month of the year.


     (C) The estimated amount of infiltration and inflow, for each


month of the year.


     (D) If the provider purchases wastewater conveyance or


treatment services from another sewerage system under a wholesale


contract, the total flow conveyed or treated under that contract in


each month of the year, the dollar amounts paid under the contract,


and to whom those amounts were paid.


     (E) If the provider provides wastewater conveyance or


treatment services to another sewerage system under a wholesale


contract, the total flow conveyed or treated under that contract in


each month of the year, the dollar amounts received under that


contract, and from whom those funds were received.


     (F) Whether the system is a separate sanitary sewerage system


or a combined sanitary sewerage and stormwater system.


     (G) Any utility functions or services carried out by other


parties under contract.


     (iii) If the provider operates a stormwater system, all of the




     (A) The total amount of impervious area, or other unit of


measure on which the provider's stormwater rates or charges are

based, associated with each category of customer or each major land


use type, to the extent that information is in the possession of


the provider.


     (B) Any utility functions or services carried out by other


parties under contract.


     (2) If a provider provides some combination of water,


wastewater, and stormwater service, the provider shall report the


required information under subsection (1) separately for each




     (3) If a provider fails to submit the annual report required


by this section, the provider is subject to a civil fine of not


more than $1,000.00.


     Sec. 3. A provider shall maintain an internet webpage that


provides, at all times, the provider's current schedule of rates


and charges, the provider's current policies and procedures


regarding shutoffs of water and sewerage service, detailed


information on any payment plans that the provider offers to help


customers manage arrears, and detailed information on any


affordability programs that the provider currently has available


for low-income customers. A report under section 2 must include the


web address for the webpage.


     Sec. 4. A provider shall make the report and information


required under sections 2 and 3 available to customers on its


website and post a printed copy in its offices.


     Sec. 5. (1) The department shall develop standardized


reporting forms and an online reporting system, for purposes of


reporting under sections 2 and 3.

     (2) A provider shall submit the report under sections 2 and 3


using the standard form and online reporting system developed under


subsection (1).


     (3) The department shall make all information reported by


providers under subsection (2) publicly available on an internet


website in a format that can be easily searched for data on any


individual provider, facilitates comparisons across utilities, and


is capable of being downloaded in a database, spreadsheet, or other


format that would allow members of the public to perform analysis


on the entire dataset.


     (4) The department shall annually provide a summary report of


findings and recommendations to the legislature by September 30 and


publish this summary report on its website.