Act No. 10

Public Acts of 2022

Approved by the Governor

February 16, 2022

Filed with the Secretary of State

February 16, 2022

EFFECTIVE DATE:  February 16, 2022

state of michigan

101st Legislature

Regular session of 2022

Introduced by Rep. Albert


AN ACT to make, supplement, and adjust appropriations for capital outlay purposes for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022; to provide for certain conditions on appropriations; and to provide for the expenditure of the appropriations.

The People of the State of Michigan enact:

provisions concerning appropriations


Sec. 203. The cost to construct the Michigan Technological University – H-STEM Engineering and Health Technology Complex – Phase I project, initially authorized for construction in 2020 PA 257, is hereby increased by $8,400,000.00 to a new total project cost of $53,100,000.00 (total state building authority share $29,699,800.00; Michigan Technological University share $23,400,000.00; state general fund/general purpose share $200.00).


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Description automatically generatedSec. 204. The cost to construct the Oakland University – South Foundation Hall renovation and expansion project, initially authorized for construction in 2020 PA 257, is hereby increased by $4,200,000.00 to a new total project cost of $44,200,000.00 (total state building authority share $29,999,800.00; Oakland University share $14,200,000.00; state general fund/general purpose share $200.00).

This act is ordered to take immediate effect.


Black text on a white background

Description automatically generatedClerk of the House of Representatives


Secretary of the Senate


