February 11, 2015, Introduced by Reps. Price, Franz, Rutledge, Robinson, Schor, Chatfield, Moss, Victory, Gay-Dagnogo, Kelly, Brunner, Crawford and McCready and referred to the Committee on Local Government.


     A bill to set forth the methods for local governments and


other governmental entities to provide public notices; to prescribe


the powers and duties of certain public entities; and to prescribe


the duties of certain private entities.




     Sec. 1. This act shall be known and may be cited as the "local


government public notice act".


     Sec. 2. As used in this act:


     (a) "Internet" means that term as defined in 47 USC 230.


     (b) "Local media outlet" means a television station or radio


broadcast station, licensed by the federal communications




     (c) "Required area" means the county, city, township, village,


district, or other geographic territory where the notice is


required to be published or posted.


     (d) "Website" means a collection of pages of the internet,


usually in HTML format, with clickable or hypertext links to enable


navigation from 1 page or section to another, that often uses


associated graphics files to provide illustration and may contain


other clickable or hypertext links.


     Sec. 3. Except as otherwise provided in sections 4 and 5, as


used in this act, "newspaper" means a print publication that is


published for the dissemination of local news of a general


character or for the dissemination of legal news and to which all


of the following apply:


     (a) The print publication is published and distributed in not


less than weekly intervals.


     (b) Not less than 50% of the words in the print publication


are in the English language.


     (c) The print publication has a bona fide list of subscribers


in 1 or more counties in this state or is available to the public


at newsstands or other retail locations in 1 or more counties in


this state, or both.


     (d) The print publication accepts and publishes official and


other notices.


     (e) The print publication regularly contains information of a


public character or of interest or value to residents, property


owners, or the general public.


     (f) The print publication has been published or distributed


for not less than 1 year.


     Sec. 4. If there is no publication that meets the definition


in section 3 published and of general circulation in the required


area, "newspaper" means a website on the internet that meets all of


the following requirements:


     (a) The website is identified as a continuing online version


of a publication that previously met the definition in section 3


and was published and of general circulation in the required area.


     (b) The website is published in the English language for the


dissemination of local news of a general character or for the


dissemination of legal news for the required area.


     (c) The website has been established and operating without


interruption for at least 2 years.


     (d) News content on the website is published and posted and


was updated at least every 7 days for the preceding 2 years.


     (e) The website lists all of the following:


     (i) Contact information, including a list of staff located in


the required area.


     (ii) An address and telephone number in the required area.


     (iii) An address in the required area where the public notices


may be sent for posting.


     (iv) An address in the required area where complaints can be




     (v) An address in the required area where printed copies of


notices may be viewed by the public.


     (f) The website includes a clearly designated area for public


notices that is accessible via a prominently displayed and clearly


labeled link from the homepage of the website and the posted


notices are maintained permanently in a searchable database


accessible on the website.


     (g) A majority of visitors to the website are residents of the


required area.


     Sec. 5. If there is no publication or website that meets the


definition in section 3 or 4 in the required area, "newspaper"


means a publication or website in an adjoining county, city,


township, village, district, or other geographic territory, as


applicable, that meets the definition in section 3 or 4.


     Sec. 6. (1) Except as otherwise provided in section 10, and


subject to section 11, beginning January 1, 2016 and until December


31, 2019, a local government or other governmental entity required


to provide public notice under this act shall provide that public


notice as follows:


     (a) For tier A public notice, the notice shall be published


once a week for 2 consecutive weeks in a newspaper in the required


area and may be posted on the active notice portion of the website


of the required area for 30 days.


     (b) For tier A public notice with a link, the notice shall be


published once a week for 2 consecutive weeks in a newspaper in the


required area with a summary of the document involved as well as a


statement indicating a location where copies of the full document


involved are available for public inspection. In addition, the


notice may be posted on the active notice portion of the website of


the required area for 30 days with a link to the full document




     (c) For tier B public notice, the notice shall be published


once in a newspaper in the required area and may be posted on the


active notice portion of the website of the required area for 14




     (d) For tier B public notice with a link, the notice shall be


published once in a newspaper in the required area with a summary


of the document involved as well as a statement indicating a


location where copies of the full document involved are available


for public inspection. In addition, the notice may be posted on the


active notice portion of the website of the required area for 14


days with a link to the full document involved.


     (e) Except as otherwise provided in section 9, for tier C


public notice, the notice shall be posted on the active notice


portion of the website of the required area for 14 days. If the


local government or other governmental entity does not have a


website, the notice shall be published once in a newspaper in the


required area.


     (2) In addition to the notice requirements under subsection


(1), a printed copy of the notice required under subsection (1)


shall be made available for public inspection by the local


government or other governmental entity for the duration of time


that the notice is required under subsection (1).


     Sec. 7. (1) Except as otherwise provided in section 9 or 10,


and subject to section 11, beginning January 1, 2020 and until


December 31, 2024, a local government or other governmental entity


required to provide public notice under this act shall provide that


public notice as follows:


     (a) For tier A public notice, the notice shall be published


once in a newspaper in the required area and shall be posted on the


active notice portion of the website of the required area for 30


days. If the local government or other governmental entity does not


have a website, the notice shall be published once a week for 2


consecutive weeks in a newspaper in the required area.


     (b) For tier A public notice with a link, the notice shall be


published once in a newspaper in the required area with a summary


of the document involved as well as a statement indicating a


location where copies of the full document involved are available


for public inspection and shall be posted on the active notice


portion of the website of the required area for 30 days with a link


to the full document involved. If the local government or other


governmental entity does not have a website, the notice shall be


published once a week for 2 consecutive weeks in a newspaper in the


required area with a summary of the document involved as well as a


statement indicating a location where copies of the full document


involved are available for public inspection.


     (c) For tier B public notice, the notice shall be posted on


the active notice portion of the website of the required area for


14 days. If the local government or other governmental entity does


not have a website, the notice shall be published once in a


newspaper in the required area.


     (d) For tier B public notice with a link, the notice shall be


posted on the active notice portion of the website of the required


area for 14 days with a link to the full document involved. If the


local government or other governmental entity does not have a


website, the notice shall be published once in a newspaper in the


required area with a summary of the document involved as well as a


statement indicating a location where copies of the full document


involved are available for public inspection.


     (e) For tier C public notice, the notice shall be posted on


the active notice portion of the website of the required area for


14 days. If the local government or other governmental entity does


not have a website, the notice shall be published once in a


newspaper in the required area.


     (2) In addition to the notice requirements under subsection


(1), a printed copy of the notice required under subsection (1)


shall be made available for public inspection by the local


government or other governmental entity for the duration of time


that the notice is required under subsection (1).


     Sec. 8. (1) Except as otherwise provided in section 9 or 10,


and subject to section 11, beginning January 1, 2025, a local


government or other governmental entity required to provide public


notice under this act shall provide that public notice as follows:


     (a) For tier A public notice, the notice shall be posted on


the active notice portion of the website of the required area for


30 days.


     (b) For tier A public notice with a link, the notice shall be


posted on the active notice portion of the website of the required


area for 30 days with a link to the full document involved.


     (c) For tier B public notice, the notice shall be posted on


the active notice portion of the website of the required area for


14 days.


     (d) For tier B public notice with a link, the notice shall be


posted on the active notice portion of the website of the required


area for 14 days with a link to the full document involved.


     (e) For tier C public notice, the notice shall be posted on


the active notice portion of the website of the required area for


14 days.


     (2) In addition to the notice requirements under subsection


(1), a printed copy of the notice required under subsection (1)


shall be made available for public inspection by the local


government or other governmental entity for the duration of time


that the notice is required under subsection (1).


     Sec. 9. (1) Upon receipt of a written petition signed by not


less than 10% of the registered electors of a local government, the


governing body of that local government shall submit the question


of requiring that public notices be provided in a newspaper for 5


years to the registered electors of that local government at the


next general November election.


     (2) Subject to section 11, if a majority of the registered


electors voting on the question vote in favor of requiring that


public notices be provided in a newspaper for 5 years, the local


government shall provide public notice as follows:


     (a) For tier A public notice, the notice shall be published


once a week for 2 consecutive weeks in a newspaper in the required


area and may be posted on the active notice portion of the website


of the required area for 30 days.


     (b) For tier A public notice with a link, the notice shall be


published once a week for 2 consecutive weeks in a newspaper in the


required area with a summary of the document involved as well as a


statement indicating a location where copies of the full document


involved are available for public inspection. In addition, the


notice may be posted on the active notice portion of the website of


the required area for 30 days with a link to the full document




     (c) For tier B public notice, the notice shall be published


once in a newspaper in the required area and may be posted on the


active notice portion of the website of the required area for 14




     (d) For tier B public notice with a link, the notice shall be


published once in a newspaper in the required area with a summary


of the document involved as well as a statement indicating a


location where copies of the full document involved are available


for public inspection. In addition, the notice may be posted on the


active notice portion of the website of the required area for 14


days with a link to the full document involved.


     (e) For tier C public notice, the notice shall be published


once in a newspaper in the required area and may be posted on the


active notice portion of the website of the required area for 14




     (3) In addition to the notice required under subsection (2), a


printed copy of the notice required under subsection (2) shall be


made available for public inspection by the local government for


the duration of time that the notice is required under subsection




     (4) A petition under this section, including the circulation


and signing of the petition, is subject to section 488 of the


Michigan election law, 1954 PA 116, MCL 168.488. A person who


violates a provision of the Michigan election law, 1954 PA 116, MCL


168.1 to 168.992, applicable to a petition described in this


section is subject to the penalties for a violation in the Michigan


election law, 1954 PA 116, MCL 168.1 to 168.992.


     (5) As used in this section only, "newspaper" means a print


publication that is published for the dissemination of local news


of a general character or for the dissemination of legal news and


to which all of the following apply:


     (a) The print publication is published and distributed in not


less than weekly intervals.


     (b) Not less than 50% of the words in the print publication


are in the English language.


     (c) The print publication has a bona fide list of subscribers


in 1 or more counties in this state or is available to the public


at newsstands or other retail locations in 1 or more counties in


this state, or both.


     (d) The print publication accepts and publishes official and


other notices.


     (e) The print publication regularly contains information of a


public character or of interest or value to residents, property


owners, or the general public.


     (f) The print publication has been published or distributed


for not less than 1 year.


     Sec. 10. (1) Except as otherwise provided in section 9, if a


local government or other governmental entity required to provide


public notice under this act enters into a contract with a local


media outlet regarding the provision of public notice, then the


local government or other governmental entity shall provide public


notice as follows:


     (a) For tier A public notice, the notice shall be posted on


the active notice portion of the website of the local media outlet


for 30 days.


     (b) For tier A public notice with a link, the notice shall be


posted on the active notice portion of the website of the local


media outlet for 30 days with a link to the full document involved.


     (c) For tier B public notice, the notice shall be posted on


the active notice portion of the website of the local media outlet


for 14 days.


     (d) For tier B public notice with a link, the notice shall be


posted on the active notice portion of the website of the local


media outlet for 14 days with a link to the full document involved.


     (e) For tier C public notice, the notice shall be posted on


the active notice portion of the website of the local media outlet


for 14 days.


     (2) In addition to the notice requirements under subsection


(1), both of the following apply:


     (a) The local media outlet shall, at least once each day


during its peak listening or viewing hours, make a general


broadcast or transmission indicating that public notices may be


found on the website of the local media outlet.


     (b) A printed copy of the notice required under subsection (1)


shall be made available for public inspection by the local


government or other governmental entity for the duration of time


that the notice is required under subsection (1).


     (3) If a local government or other governmental entity


provides public notice under this section and that local government


or other governmental entity has a website, the local government or


other governmental entity shall provide a link on its website's


homepage to the active notice portion of the website of the local


media outlet.


     Sec. 11. (1) If a local government or other governmental


entity required to provide public notice under this act enters into


a contract with an outside entity to host and provide public


notices, then, as used in sections 6, 7, 8, and 9, "website of the


required area" includes the website of the outside entity.


     (2) If a local government or other governmental entity enters


into a contract with an outside entity to host and provide public


notices as provided under subsection (1) and that local government


or other governmental entity has a website, the local government or


other governmental entity shall provide a link on its website's


homepage to the active notice portion of the website of the outside




     Sec. 12. A website used for posting public notices under this


act shall meet both of the following requirements:


     (a) The homepage of the website and the portion of the website


containing active notices and archival notices shall be publicly


accessible and free.


     (b) The homepage of the website shall include a prominently


displayed link to the active notices and the archival notices.


     Sec. 13. (1) Subject to subsection (3), beginning January 1,


2016 and not later than December 31, 2024, if a local government or


other governmental entity posts a public notice on the website of


that local government or other governmental entity, the local


government or other governmental entity shall create an online


archive for public notices. In addition, the local government or


other governmental entity shall maintain for not less than 5 years


in a format that includes the dates of posting a printed copy of


each public notice provided for archival and verification purposes.


     (2) Subject to subsection (3), beginning January 1, 2025, each


local government or other governmental entity shall create an


online archive for public notices. In addition, the local


government or other governmental entity shall maintain for not less


than 5 years in a format that includes the dates of posting a


printed copy of each public notice provided for archival and


verification purposes.


     (3) This section does not apply to a local government that


provides public notice as set forth in section 9.


     Sec. 14. A notice posted on a website under this act shall be


maintained on the active notice portion of the website for the


duration the notice is required to be posted on the website under


this act. After that time, the notice shall be maintained in the


archival notice portion of the website for not less than 5 years.


     Sec. 15. A person that operates a publication that qualifies


as a newspaper under this act shall maintain a permanent and


complete printed copy of each published edition for archival and


verification purposes in the required area. A person that operates


a website that qualifies as a newspaper or as a local media outlet


under this act shall create a printed copy of any notice, in a


format that includes the dates of posting, on the first day that


the notice is posted on the website and shall maintain the printed


copy in the required area for archival and verification purposes.


     Sec. 16. (1) In addition to the requirements of this act, a


local government or other governmental entity shall create and


maintain a permanent public notice list. An individual,


organization, firm, or corporation may make a written request to be


placed on the permanent public notice list to receive by first-


class mail or electronic mail any public notice published or posted


under this act.


     (2) If an individual, organization, firm, or corporation on


the permanent public notice list requests to receive public notices


by first-class mail, upon the requesting party's payment of a


yearly fee of not more than the estimated cost for printing and


postage of the public notices, the local government or other


governmental entity shall send to the individual, organization,


firm, or corporation by first-class mail a copy of each public


notice published or posted under this act.


     (3) If an individual, organization, firm, or corporation on


the permanent public notice list requests to receive public notices


by electronic mail, the local government or other governmental


entity shall within 24 hours of each public notice being posted or


published under this act transmit to the individual, organization,


firm, or corporation an electronic copy of that public notice.


     Sec. 17. If a local government or other governmental entity


required to provide public notice under this act changes the method


by which public notice is published or posted as provided in this


act, the local government or other governmental entity shall


provide public notice of that change by using the most recent


method that the local government or other governmental entity uses


for publishing or posting public notices.