February 8, 2017, Introduced by Reps. Vaupel and Canfield and referred to the Committee on Elections and Ethics.


      A bill to amend 1954 PA 116, entitled


"Michigan election law,"


by amending sections 283, 560a, 570, 685, 696, and 719 (MCL


168.283, 168.560a, 168.570, 168.685, 168.696, and 168.719), section


283 as amended by 2004 PA 92, section 570 as amended by 1985 PA


160, section 685 as amended by 2002 PA 399, and section 696 as


amended by 2002 PA 163; and to repeal acts and parts of acts.




 1        Sec. 283. Not more than 24 hours after the conclusion of the


 2  fall state convention, the state central committee of each


 3  political party shall canvass the proceedings of the convention and


 4  determine the nominees of the convention for membership on the


 5  state board of education, the board of regents of the university


 6  University of Michigan, the board of trustees of Michigan state


 1  university, State University, and the board of governors of Wayne


 2  state university. State University. Not more than 1 business day


 3  after the conclusion of the state convention, the chairperson and


 4  secretary of the state central committee shall forward by


 5  registered or certified mail to the secretary of state a copy of


 6  the vignette adopted by the state central committee and a


 7  typewritten or printed list of the names and residence, including


 8  the street address if known, of the candidates nominated at the


 9  convention for the offices specified in this section. The secretary


10  of state shall forward a copy of a list received under this section


11  to the board of election commissioners of each county, in care of


12  the county clerk at the county seat.


13        Sec. 560a. A political party the principal candidate of which


14  received at the last preceding general election a vote equal to or


15  more than 1% of the total number of votes cast for the successful


16  candidate for secretary of state at the last preceding election in


17  which a secretary of state was elected is qualified to have its


18  name , party vignette, and candidates listed on the next general


19  election ballot.


20        Sec. 570. Paper ballots shall must be numbered consecutively


21  and identified by use of the words "official primary ballot" on the


22  upper right hand corner upon on the front of the ballot with a


23  perforated line across the corner and underneath the number and


24  identification so that the corner with the number and


25  identification may be torn off. The detachable corner stub shall


26  serve serves for the several party tickets and the ballot number


27  shall must be printed upon the stub on 1 side only. A political

 1  party designation shall must not appear upon a ballot corner so


 2  numbered and identified. After the ballots are trimmed and wrapped


 3  in sealed packages, they shall the ballots must be distributed for


 4  use at the primary election in the same manner as is now provided


 5  by law for the distribution of ballots to be used at general


 6  elections. Ballots shall must be prepared in substantially the


 7  following form:




                                      OFFICIAL PRIMARY BALLOT


                                             No.  ............




  Primary election to be held ..................... 1920......


in the county of ..........................................  .






  You cannot split your ticket. If you vote for candidates on


more than 1 party ticket, your ballot will be rejected.


  Make a cross or a check mark in the square to the left of


not more than the number of names for each office as may be


indicated under the title of each office.




            State.                         Legislative.




           Governor.                      State Senator.




  Vote for not more than one.      Vote for not more than one.




[ ] 1 John Doe                   [ ] 7 John Doe




[ ] 2 Richard Roe                [ ] 8 Richard Roe




[ ]                              [ ]




         Congressional.                Representative in State


________________________________             Legislature.


   United States Senator.....        .................District.


  Vote for not more than one.      Vote for not more than one.




[ ] 3 John Doe                   [ ] 9 John Doe




[ ] 4 Richard Roe                [ ] 10 Richard Roe




[ ]                              [ ]




  Representative in Congress.               County.


.................... District.       Prosecuting Attorney.


  Vote for not more than one.      Vote for not more than one.




[ ] 5 John Doe                   [ ] 11 John Doe




[ ] 6 Richard Roe                [ ] 12 Richard Roe




[ ]                              [ ]





22        Sec. 685. (1) The name of a candidate of a new political party


23  shall must not be printed upon the official ballots of an election


24  unless the chairperson and secretary of the state central committee


25  of the party files with the secretary of state, not later than 4


26  p.m. of the one hundred-tenth day before the general November

 1  election, a certificate signed by the chairperson and secretary of


 2  the state central committee bearing the name of the party, together


 3  with petitions bearing the signatures of registered and qualified


 4  electors equal to not less than 1% of the total number of votes


 5  cast for all candidates for governor at the last election in which


 6  a governor was elected. The petitions shall must be signed by at


 7  least 100 registered electors in each of at least 1/2 of the


 8  congressional districts of the this state. All signatures on the


 9  petitions shall must be obtained not more than 180 days immediately


10  before the date of filing.


11        (2) After the date on which a petition is filed, the secretary


12  of state shall not accept additional petition sheets for that


13  petition. The validity and authenticity of the signatures may be


14  determined in the same manner as provided for initiatory initiative


15  and referendary referendum petitions in section 9 of article II of


16  the state constitution of 1963. An official declaration of the


17  sufficiency or insufficiency of a petition filed under this section


18  shall must be made by the board of state canvassers not later than


19  60 days before the general November election.


20        (3) The petitions shall must be in substantially the following


21  form:






     We, the undersigned, duly registered electors of the


city, township of ................. county of  .................


 (strike one)


state of Michigan, residing at the places set opposite our


names, respectfully request the secretary of state, in


accordance with section 685 of the Michigan election law,


1954 PA 116, MCL 168.685, to receive the certificate and


vignette accompanying this petition, and place the names of


the candidates of the ........................ party on the


ballot at the .................... election.



 4        Warning: A person who knowingly signs petitions to organize


 5  more than 1 new state political party, signs a petition to organize


 6  a new state political party more than once, or signs a name other


 7  than his or her own is violating the provisions of the Michigan


 8  election law.











12        (4) The balance of the petition form shall must be


13  substantially as set forth in section 544c. The size of all


14  organizing petitions shall must be 8-1/2 inches by 13 inches and


15  shall must be printed in the following type sizes: The words


16  "petition to form new political party" and the name of the proposed


17  political party shall must be in 24-point boldface type; the word


18  "warning" and the language contained in the warning shall must be


19  in 12-point boldface type.


20        (5) Petitions circulated under this section may be circulated


21  on a countywide basis. A petition that is circulated countywide


22  shall must be on a form prescribed by the secretary of state.


23        (6) If the principal candidate of a political party receives a


24  vote equal to less than 1% of the total number of votes cast for


25  the successful candidate for the office of secretary of state at


26  the last preceding general November election in which a secretary


27  of state was elected, that political party shall not have the name

 1  of any candidate printed on the ballots at the next ensuing general


 2  November election, and a column shall must not be provided on the


 3  ballots for that party. A disqualified party may again qualify and


 4  have the names of its candidates printed in a separate party column


 5  on each election ballot in the manner set forth in subsection (1)


 6  for the qualification of new parties. The term "principal


 7  candidate" of a political party As used in this subsection,


 8  "principal candidate of a political party" means the candidate who


 9  receives the greatest number of votes of all candidates of that


10  political party for that election.


11        (7) A political party that complied with this section is


12  subject to section 686a in order to have the name of that party ,


13  its vignette, and its candidates appear on the general election


14  ballot.


15        (8) A person shall not knowingly sign a petition to organize


16  more than 1 new state political party, sign a petition to organize


17  a new state political party more than once, or sign a name other


18  than his or her own on the petition.


19        Sec. 696. (1) The board of election commissioners in each


20  county shall have the name of each candidate for federal, state,


21  district, county, and township offices at an election printed on 1


22  ballot, separate from any other ballot. The name of each candidate


23  of each political party shall must be placed in a separate column


24  on the ballot under the name and vignette of the party with the


25  name of each candidate opposite the name of the office for which


26  the candidate was certified to have been nominated.under the name


27  of the office for which the candidate was certified to have been

 1  nominated along with the political party name under the candidate's


 2  name.


 3        (2) If, in a district that is a county or entirely within 1


 4  county, 2 or more candidates nominated by the same political party


 5  or by different political parties for the same office, or


 6  nonpartisan candidates for the same office, have the same or


 7  similar surnames, a candidate may file a written request with the


 8  board of county election commissioners for a clarifying


 9  designation. The request shall must be filed not later than 3 days


10  after the certification of the relevant candidates. Not later than


11  3 days after the filing of the request, the board of county


12  election commissioners shall determine whether a similarity exists


13  and whether a clarifying designation should be granted. In a


14  district located in more than 1 county, the board of state


15  canvassers shall make a determination whether to grant a clarifying


16  designation upon the written request of a candidate who is


17  certified by the secretary of state. The request shall must be


18  filed with the state board of state canvassers not later than 3


19  days after the state board of state canvassers completes the


20  canvass of the primary election in compliance with section 581 and


21  the certification of nominees in compliance with section 687. The


22  board of state canvassers shall make its determination not later


23  than 3 days after the request is filed.


24        (3) In each instance, the determining board shall immediately


25  notify each candidate for the same office as the requester that a


26  request for a clarifying designation has been made and of the date,


27  time, and place of the hearing. The requester and each candidate

 1  for the same office shall must be notified of the board's


 2  determination by first-class mail sent within 24 hours after the


 3  final date for the determination. A candidate who is dissatisfied


 4  with the determination of the board of county election


 5  commissioners may file an appeal in the circuit court of the county


 6  where the board is located. A candidate who is dissatisfied with


 7  the determination of the board of state canvassers may file an


 8  appeal in the Ingham county County circuit court. The appeal shall


 9  must be filed within 14 days after the final date for determination


10  by the board. The court shall hear the matter de novo. Except as


11  provided in subsection (4), in the case of the same surname or of a


12  final determination by the board or by the court before the latest


13  date that the board can arrange for the ballot printing of the


14  existence of similarity, the board shall print the occupation, date


15  of birth, or residence of each of the candidates having the same or


16  similar surnames on the ballot or ballot labels or slips to be


17  placed on the voting machine, when used, under their respective


18  names. The request may not be made by a candidate of a political


19  party whose candidate for secretary of state received less than 10%


20  of the total vote cast in the state for all candidates for


21  secretary of state in the most recent November election in which a


22  secretary of state was elected. The term As used in this


23  subsection, "occupation" includes a currently held political


24  office, even though it is not the candidate's principal occupation,


25  but does not include reference to a previous position or


26  occupation.


27        (4) If there are 2 candidates with the same or similar

 1  surnames and 1 of the candidates is entitled to an incumbency


 2  designation by section 24 of article VI of the state constitution


 3  of 1963, no other designation shall be provided for the other


 4  candidate with the same or similar surname. If there are more than


 5  2 candidates with the same or similar surname and 1 of the


 6  candidates is entitled to an incumbency designation by section 24


 7  of article VI of the state constitution of 1963, a clarifying


 8  designation may be given to the other candidates with the same or


 9  similar surname. Except for an incumbency designation under section


10  24 of article VI of the state constitution of 1963, if 2 or more


11  candidates with the same or similar surnames are related, the board


12  shall only print the residence or date of birth of each of the


13  candidates as a clarifying designation. As used in this subsection,


14  "related" means that the candidates with the same or similar


15  surnames are related within the third degree of consanguinity.


16        (5) The board of state canvassers shall issue guidelines to


17  ensure fairness and uniformity in the granting of designations and


18  may issue guidelines relating to what constitutes the same or


19  similar surnames. The board of state canvassers and the boards of


20  county election commissioners shall follow the guidelines.


21        Sec. 719. The election commission of each city, township, and


22  village shall perform such those duties relative to the


23  preparation, printing, and delivery of ballots as are required by


24  law of the boards of county election commissioners. of counties.


25  Like duties and privileges as are enjoined and granted by this act


26  upon and to the various committees of the different political


27  organizations are hereby prescribed for city, village, or township

 1  committees in matters pertaining to any city, village, or township


 2  election, except that it shall is not be necessary for a city,


 3  township, or village committee of a political party or organization


 4  to furnish a vignette or heading for the ballots other than to


 5  designate the name of the party or political organization which


 6  they represent. In cities, villages, and townships, the names of


 7  candidates for city, township, or village offices , as the case may


 8  be, shall must be given by the committees of the various political


 9  organizations to the board of election commissioners of such the


10  city, village, or township not less than 18 days before each


11  election, but it shall is not be necessary for any party committee


12  to give to the board of election commissioners the name of any


13  candidate nominated at an official primary election. The proof of


14  the ballot shall must be open to public inspection at the office of


15  the township, city, or village clerk , not less than 15 days before


16  such the election.


17        Enacting section 1. Sections 684 and 775 of the Michigan


18  election law, 1954 PA 116, MCL 168.684 and 168.775, are repealed.


19        Enacting section 2. This amendatory act takes effect 90 days


20  after the date it is enacted into law.