January 24, 2013, Introduced by Reps. MacMaster and Lauwers and referred to the Committee on Regulatory Reform.


     A bill to amend 1994 PA 451, entitled


"Natural resources and environmental protection act,"


by amending section 80143 (MCL 324.80143), as added by 2012 PA 59.




     Sec. 80143. (1) The owner of a barge shall place his or her


name, address, and telephone number on a prominent place on the


hull of the barge in letters that are light-reflective, in a


contrasting color to the hull, and not less than 6 inches in




     (2) In addition to the other lighting requirements of this


chapter part and subject to subsection (3), the operator of a barge


shall ensure that the barge is properly lit with 4 or more white


lights during the period from sunset to sunrise and as practicable


during all periods of limited visibility if any of the following




     (a) The barge projects into a restricted channel or into a


channel established by buoys.


     (b) The barge is moored so that it reduces the available


navigable width of a channel.


     (c) The barge is not parallel to the bank or dock to which it


is moored.


     (d) The barge is moored as part of a group of 2 or more




     (3) The lights on a barge described in subsection (1) shall be


placed as follows if either of the following applies:


     (a) If the barge or group formation of barges is positioned so


that vessels may navigate on 1 or more sides of the barge or group


formation of barges, the lights shall be displayed on each outside


corner of the barge or group formation of barges.


     (b) If the barge projects from a group formation of barges,


the lights shall be displayed on the corners of the projecting


barge that are outboard of the group.


     (4) Lights used under this section shall meet the requirements


of R 281.1233 of the Michigan administrative code and shall be


positioned in such a manner and be of sufficient intensity as to be


visible from any direction for at least 1 nautical mile at night


under clear conditions.


     (5) A group of barges shall not be moored together if the


total width of those barges would exceed 82 feet.


     (6) Subsections (1) through (5) do not apply to any of the




     (a) A barge or group of barges moored in a slip or slough used


primarily for mooring purposes.


     (b) A barge or group of barges moored behind a pierhead.


     (c) A barge less than 20 meters in length when moored in a


special anchorage area designated under 33 CFR 109.10.


     (7) (6) The department or a local authority may order a vessel


moored in violation of this section that poses a hazard to


navigation to be immediately moved and, if the vessel is not moved


as ordered, may move or cause the vessel to be moved, with the


owner subject to the payment of costs under subsection (8) (9).


     (8) (7) A person who violates this section is guilty of a


misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment for not more than 90 days or


a fine of not more than $10,000.00, or both. For purposes of this


subsection, each 24-hour period that a violation exists constitutes


a separate violation.


     (9) (8) The court shall order a person convicted of violating


this section to pay the actual and reasonable costs incurred by


this state or a local unit of government in moving a vessel under


subsection (6) (7).


     (10) (9) As used in this section:


     (a) "Barge" means a flat-bottomed displacement vessel that is


used to carry cargo or as a work platform, whether or not it


operates under its own power.


     (b) "Operator" includes a person in command of a barge while


it is moored.