Introduced Version



     A SENATE RESOLUTION honoring Sugar Bailey for her years of public service.


     , read first time and referred to Committee on


Second Regular Session 116th General Assembly (2010)



    I offer the following resolution and move its adoption:

    A SENATE RESOLUTION honoring Sugar Bailey for her years of public service.

    Whereas, Pulled by her desire to serve the United States during World War II, Sugar "Sug" Bailey volunteered to join the Navy, becoming the youngest WAVE (Women Accepted for Volunteer Service) officer in the Navy at the age of 21;

    Whereas, During her time in the Navy, Sug served as an air traffic controller, where she learned to break codes and encode flight plans coming from Europe and South America. Sug also served as a personnel officer over a large group of sailors, acting primarily as a parole officer;

    Whereas, Sug attended the University of Louisiana- Lafayette and Smith College before arriving in Indiana, where she earned a master's degree at Purdue University;

    Whereas, Sug continued to serve her community by becoming a teacher, where she taught Home Economics and English;

    Whereas, Sugar “Sug” Bailey's legacy includes her portrait, which hangs among former governors in a museum in Winnfield, Louisiana: Therefore,


Be it resolved by the Senate of the

General Assembly of the State of Indiana:

    SECTION 1. The Indiana Senate recognizes Sugar Bailey for her years of public service.
    SECTION 2. The Secretary of the Senate is hereby directed to transmit a copy of this Resolution to Sugar Bailey.