Introduced Version




Citations Affected: IC 12-17.2-7.

Synopsis: Pre-kindergarten grant program. Establishes the pre-kindergarten grant program within the bureau of child care to fund child care and pre-kindergarten for certain low income families. Establishes the pre-kindergarten grant fund. Makes an annual appropriation.

Effective: July 1, 2012.

Breaux, Arnold, Broden, Hume, Lanane, Mrvan, Randolph, Rogers, Simpson, Skinner, Tallian, Taylor, Young R

    January 4, 2012, read first time and referred to Committee on Education and Career Development.


Second Regular Session 117th General Assembly (2012)

PRINTING CODE. Amendments: Whenever an existing statute (or a section of the Indiana Constitution) is being amended, the text of the existing provision will appear in this style type, additions will appear in this style type, and deletions will appear in this style type.
Additions: Whenever a new statutory provision is being enacted (or a new constitutional provision adopted), the text of the new provision will appear in this style type. Also, the word NEW will appear in that style type in the introductory clause of each SECTION that adds a new provision to the Indiana Code or the Indiana Constitution.
Conflict reconciliation: Text in a statute in this style type or this style type reconciles conflicts between statutes enacted by the 2011 Regular Session of the General Assembly.


    A BILL FOR AN ACT to amend the Indiana Code concerning human services and to make an appropriation.

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Indiana:

    Chapter 7. Pre-kindergarten Grant Program and Fund
    Sec. 1. As used in this chapter, "fund" refers to the pre-kindergarten grant fund established by section 7 of this chapter.
    Sec 2. As used in this chapter, "program" refers to the pre-kindergarten grant program established by section 3 of this chapter.
    Sec. 3. The pre-kindergarten grant program is established to fund child care or preschool for children of low income families during the school year immediately preceding the school year during which the child is expected to enter kindergarten.
    Sec. 4. (a) The bureau of child care shall, not later than August 31, 2012, adopt rules, including emergency rules, under IC 4-22-2 to establish criteria for participation in the program.
    (b) The criteria established by subsection (a) must include the following requirements:
        (1) A recipient is a child who:
            (A) is eligible for participation in the children's health insurance program under IC 12-17.6;
            (B) is not eligible for participation in the federal Child Care and Development Fund voucher program administered under 45 CFR 98 and 45 CFR 99; and
            (C) subject to subdivision (2), attends one (1) of the following during the school year preceding the school year during which the child enters kindergarten:
                (i) A child care home.
                (ii) A child care center.
                (iii) A child care ministry.
                (iv) A program described in IC 12-17.2-2-8(2) or IC 12-17.2-2-8(3), including a preschool.
        (2) An organization or program described in subdivision (1)(C)(i) through (1)(C)(iv) must have received at least a level 3 certification on the child care quality rating and improvement system administered by the bureau of child care.
    Sec. 5. The bureau of child care shall begin accepting applications to receive a grant under the program not later than November 1, 2012.
    Sec. 6. (a) The bureau of child care shall begin funding grants from the pre-kindergarten grant fund not later than August 1, 2013.
    (b) The bureau of child care shall develop a sliding scale of grant amounts for recipients.
    (c) The sliding scale of grant amounts required by subsection (b) must:
        (1) be based on the recipient's annual gross family income; and
        (2) provide for a:
            (A) minimum grant amount equal to fifty percent (50%); and
            (B) maximum grant amount equal to one hundred percent (100%);
        of the average annual cost of child care in Indiana, as determined by the bureau of child care.
    (d) Subject to the minimum and maximum amounts described in subsection (c), the bureau of child care may annually adjust the

scale of grant amounts adopted under this section.
    Sec. 7. (a) The pre-kindergarten grant fund is established for the purpose of funding grants under this chapter. The fund shall be administered by the bureau of child care.
    (b) The expenses of administering the fund shall be paid from money in the fund.
    (c) The treasurer of state shall invest the money in the fund not currently needed to meet the obligations of the fund in the same manner as other public money may be invested. Interest that accrues from these investments shall be deposited in the fund.
    (d) Money in the fund at the end of a state fiscal year does not revert to the state general fund.
    (e) The fund consists of:
        (1) gifts and appropriations to the fund;
        (2) appropriations from the state general fund; and
        (3) interest from investments deposited in the fund.
    (f) There is annually appropriated to the pre-kindergarten grant fund from the state general fund an amount sufficient to fund the grants distributed under this chapter.