Introduced Version



Introduced by: Welch, Davisson


    A HOUSE RESOLUTION urging the Legislative Council to assign to an appropriate study committee the topic of vaccinations and immunizations provided by pharmacists.
    Whereas, Ensuring the general availability of safely- administered vaccines and immunizations is an important goal of any state's public health policy; and,

    Whereas, Indiana law currently authorizes pharmacists to administer vaccinations, and it is the responsibility of the General Assembly to maintain standards and regulations with respect to this practice that are conducive to public health and safety; Therefore,

Be it resolved by the House of Representatives of the

General Assembly of the State of Indiana:

    SECTION 1. That the Indiana House of Representatives urges the Legislative Council to assign to an appropriate study committee for interim study the topic of developing a comprehensive plan for

pharmacist-administered vaccinations in Indiana, including a review of the different vaccinations and immunizations a pharmacist is authorized to administer.
    SECTION 2. That the Legislative Council is urged to make the findings and recommendations of the Center for Disease Control the basis of the committee's study.

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