Introduced Version



Introduced by: Heaton


        A HOUSE RESOLUTION urging the legislative council to establish an interim study committee to study the exemption of farm drainage components from sales tax.

Whereas, A farm draining system is defined as a system of drainage tubing, drainage tiles, and related control systems designed to facilitate the drainage of agricultural land; and

    Whereas, A committee, if established, should determine the value of allowing equipment used to install, repair, or maintain a farm drainage system to be exempt from sales tax if this equipment is acquired by a farmer: Therefore,

Be it resolved by the House of Representatives of the

General Assembly of the State of Indiana:

    SECTION 1. That the legislative council is urged to establish an interim study committee to study the exemption of farm drainage components from sales tax.
    SECTION 2. That the committee, if established, shall operate under the direction of the legislative council, and that the committee shall issue a final report when directed to do so by the council.


HR 1551/DI 84



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