Introduced Version



Introduced by: Messmer


        A RESOLUTION honoring Hannah Huff.

    Whereas, The quick actions of eighth grader Hannah Huff saved the life of Melissa Schaber, a seventh grade science teacher at Southridge Middle School in Huntingburg;

    Whereas, Ironically, Hannah Huff learned the Heimlich maneuver from Melissa Schaber;

    Whereas, While on a trip to Washington, D.C., Hannah quickly performed the Heimlich maneuver on Melissa Schaber when a piece of food became lodged in her throat;

    Whereas, It was Hannah who made the difference between life and death for Melissa Schaber - Hannah's quick actions

saved her life; and

    Whereas, Heroic acts require special recognition: Therefore,

Be it resolved by the House of Representatives of the

General Assembly of the State of Indiana:

    SECTION 1. That the Indiana House of Representatives wishes to recognize the quick actions of Hannah Huff in saving the life of Melissa Schaber.
    SECTION 2. That the Principal Clerk of the House of Representatives transmit a copy of this resolution to Hannah Huff and her family.


HR 1517/DI 84



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