Introduced Version



Introduced by: McNamara


        A HOUSE RESOLUTION honoring Saint Matthew Elementary School.

    Whereas, Saint Matthew Elementary School in Mount Vernon has been designated as a Four Star School for the second consecutive year;

    Whereas, Only 11 of Indiana's 238 nonpublic schools received this distinction;

    Whereas, To be considered a Four Star School, a school's combined English 10 and Algebra 1 End of Course Assessment, or English/Language Arts and Math ISTEP, passing percentages must fall into the top 25th percentile when compared with schools throughout Indiana and must meet or

exceed all expected performance indicators as detailed by the state of Indiana through the process of Performance Based Accreditation;

    Whereas, The faculty, staff, students, and parents of Saint Matthew Elementary School are to be commended for their great work;

    Whereas, Schools such as Saint Matthew Elementary School make a strong statement about the quality of the teachers and the high scholastic standards that exist in Hoosier schools; and

    Whereas, It is fitting that recognition of the achievements of the members of our educational system should be extensive to encourage them to always strive to develop Indiana's educational system to its full potential: Therefore,

Be it resolved by the House of Representatives of the

General Assembly of the State of Indiana:

    SECTION 1. That the Indiana House of Representatives acknowledges the value of a strong educational system in Indiana and commends the faculty, staff, students, and parents of Saint Matthew Elementary School for a "job well done".
    SECTION 2. That the Principal Clerk of the House of Representatives transmit copies of this resolution to the principal of Saint Matthew Elementary School.


HR 1512/DI 84



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