Introduced Version



        A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION recognizing Ronald Reagan and urging the Governor to proclaim February 6 as "Ronald Reagan Day".

Burton, Baird, Bacon, Behning, Borders, Bosma, Brown T, Cherry, Clere, Crouch, Culver, Davis, Davisson, Dermody, Dodge, Eberhart, Ellspermann, Espich, Foley, Friend, Frizzell, Frye R, GiaQuinta, Gutwein, Heaton, Heuer, Hinkle, Karickhoff, Kirchhofer, Knollman, Koch, Kubacki, Lehe, Lehman, Lutz, McClain, McMillin, McNamara, Mahan, Messmer, Morris, Neese, Noe, Pond, Rhoads, Richardson,

Saunders, Smith M, Soliday, Speedy, Steuerwald, Thompson, Torr, Truitt, Turner, Ubelhor, VanNatter, Wesco, Wolkins, Yarde

    _______________________, read first time and referred to Committee on


First Regular Session of the 117th General Assembly (2011)


        A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION recognizing Ronald Reagan and urging the Governor to proclaim February 6 as "Ronald Reagan Day".

    Whereas, President Ronald Wilson Reagan, a man of humble background, worked throughout his life serving freedom and advancing the public good, having been employed as an entertainer, union leader, corporate spokesman, Governor of California, and President of the United States;

    Whereas, Ronald Wilson Reagan was born on February 6, 1911, in Tampico, Illinois, to Nelle and John Reagan and died on June 5, 2004, at the age of 93;

    Whereas, Ronald Reagan served with honor and distinction for two terms as President of the United States;

    Whereas, In 1981, when Ronald Reagan was inaugurated as the 40th President of the United States, he inherited a disillusioned nation shackled by rampant inflation, high unemployment, and a lack of American resolve at home and abroad;

    Whereas, During his presidency, President Reagan worked in a bipartisan manner to enact his bold agenda of restoring accountability and common sense to government, which led to an unprecedented economic expansion and opportunity for millions of Americans;

    Whereas, President Reagan's commitment to an active social policy agenda for the nation's children helped lower crime and drug use in our neighborhoods;

    Whereas, President Reagan appointed the first woman to the United States Supreme Court, Justice Sandra Day O'Connor;

    Whereas, President Reagan delivered on his promise to cut taxes for American workers in 1981 and achieved the historic tax cuts of 1986, which overhauled the federal tax code and reduced tax rates for almost all taxpayers, including removing 6,000,000 Americans from the tax rolls;

    Whereas, President Reagan presided over the longest economic expansion in the history of the United States until that time and rebuilt the national defenses of the United States;

    Whereas, President Reagan's commitment to our armed forces contributed to the restoration of pride in America, its values and those cherished by the free world, and prepared America's armed forces to win the Gulf War;

    Whereas, President Reagan's version of "peace through strength" led to the end of the Cold War and the ultimate demise of the Soviet Union, guaranteeing basic human rights for millions of people;

    Whereas, President Reagan won reelection in 1984 carrying 49 out of 50 states, one of the biggest electoral victories in the political history of the United States;

    Whereas, Ronald Wilson Reagan, father, husband, actor, and dedicated public servant, restored the pride, optimism and strength of the United States and earned the deep respect and affection of his fellow citizens; and

    Whereas, February 6, 2011, will mark the 100th anniversary of the birth of Ronald Reagan: Therefore,

Be it resolved by the House of Representatives

of the General Assembly of the State of Indiana,

the Senate concurring:

    SECTION 1. That the Indiana General Assembly hereby recognizes the dedication and devotion to the United States of America and the compassion for its citizens displayed by President Ronald Reagan and urges Governor Daniels to proclaim February 6 as "Ronald Reagan Day".
    SECTION 2. That the Principal Clerk of the House of Representatives transmit a copy of this resolution to the office of Governor Mitchell Daniels.