Indiana Representative Mark Genda [R]

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StanceStateBillStatusSummary/TitleLast Actionsort icon
INHB1002VetoEnforcement of equal educational opportunity. Defines "antisemitism", specifies that the public policy of the state is to provide educational opportunities free of religious discrimination, and provides that antisemitism is discrimination on the basi...
Vetoed by the Governor
INHB1004PassPension matters. Provides that a state employee may affirmatively elect to enroll in the deferred compensation plan prior to the auto enroll date on day 31 of the state employee's employment. Removes a provision that sets a maximum employer surcharge...
Public Law 129
INHB1001PassEducation and higher education matters. Amends the definition of "eligible student" to include a sibling of a student with a disability with regards to the education scholarship account program (ESA). Provides that the sibling may not use the ESA acc...
Public Law 127
INSB0065PassSalvage motor vehicles. Allows an automotive salvage recycler or an agent of an automotive salvage recycler to apply for a certificate of authority for a motor vehicle on behalf of the seller with all required information collected at the point of sa...
Public Law 103

Sine Die
Recognizing the 100th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the United States of America and Ireland. Recognizing the 100th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the United States of America and I...
Representatives Payne, Genda, Fleming, Smith V added as coauthors

Sine Die
Supporting Israel. Supporting Israel.
To House Public Policy Committee

Sine Die
Opposing assisted medical suicide. A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION opposing assisted medical suicide.
To House Public Health Committee

Sine Die
Alkaline hydrolysis. Provides for alkaline hydrolysis as a means for the dissolution of human remains. Requires the state board of funeral and cemetery service to adopt rules governing the operation of alkaline hydrolysis facilities. Adds alkaline hy...
To House Public Health Committee
INHCR0008PassRecognizing South Bend Police Officer Brian Meador. A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION recognizing South Bend Police Officer Brian Meador.
Representative Abbott D added as coauthor

Sine Die
Major ground water withdrawal facilities. Defines a facility as a "major ground water withdrawal facility" if: (1) the facility includes one or more wells that have the capability of withdrawing at least 10,000,000 gallons of ground water from one or...
To House Utilities, Energy and Telecommunications Committee

Sine Die
Contest based raffles. Creates contest based raffles for charity gaming. Defines a "contest based raffle" as the selling of tickets or chances to win a prize award based on the result of a specific event or contest, including a sport horse competitio...
To House Public Policy Committee
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