SR2200LRB099 22763 GRL 50196 r
2 WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened to
3learn of the death of Michael Gary Beckford of Crystal Lake,
4who passed away on August 1, 2016; and
5 WHEREAS, Michael Beckford was born on June 19, 1968 in
6Chicago; his parents were Gary and Nancy Beckford; and
7 WHEREAS, Michael Beckford was a proud veteran of the United
8States Army; and
9 WHEREAS, Michael Beckford loved spending time with his
10family and playing games with his children, which led him to be
11a co-founder of Good Gaming, Inc., a company that runs amateur
12gaming tournaments; and
13 WHEREAS, Michael Beckford was preceded in death by his
14step-fathers, Dennis O'Mahoney and Duane Muehler, and his
15maternal and paternal grandparents; and
16 WHEREAS, Michael Beckford is survived by his loving wife,
17Jacqueline; his children, Nicolas, Matthew, Aidan, Emily,
18Abby, Christopher, and River; his parents, Gary (Linda)
19Beckford and Nancy Muehler; his sister, Jeanne (Tommy) Todd;
20his nieces and nephew, Megan, Brianna, and Mike; his

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1parents-in-law, Rich and Arlene Schmuldt; his brother-in-law,
2Kevin Schmuldt; his sister-in-law, Laura (Josh) Allen; and many
3other relatives and friends; therefore, be it
5ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we, along with his
6family and friends, mourn the passing of Michael Gary Beckford;
7and be it further
8 RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
9presented to the family of Michael Beckford as an expression of
10our sympathy.