SR2001LRB100 23371 MST 42394 r
2 WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois State Senate are
3pleased to recognize the significant milestones of educational
4institutions in this State; and
5 WHEREAS, Fenwick High School was started by the Dominican
6Friars of the Province of St. Joseph and named after Edward
7Dominic Fenwick, O.P., the first Bishop of Cincinnati; it
8opened its doors to 200 students on September 9, 1929; and
9 WHEREAS, Since its opening, Fenwick High School has
10embraced a tradition of excellence in academics, as evidenced
11by the number of National Merit Scholars and Illinois State
12Scholars, high SAT and ACT scores, and large numbers of
13students matriculating to top universities throughout the
14country; and
15 WHEREAS, Since its founding, Fenwick High School has
16maintained a 100% college matriculation rate, and its graduates
17have been awarded millions of dollars in scholarships to
18universities throughout the country; it has been selected as
19one of the top 60 private schools in the nation by the
20Department of Education and was rated an "Outstanding American
21High School" by U.S. News & World Report; and

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1 WHEREAS, Fenwick High School's devotion to excellence also
2extends to athletics; it has won numerous conference and state
3championships throughout its history; in 2007, Sports
4Illustrated rated Fenwick High School as one of the 50 Best
5High School Athletic Programs in the Country, and countless
6alumni have gone on to play for college and professional sports
7teams; and
8 WHEREAS, As Fenwick High School celebrates the start of its
990th year of academic, spiritual, and athletic excellence, that
10devotion to excellence can be seen throughout the State of
11Illinois and the country in the many talented alumni, including
12elected officials, an Olympic Gold Medalist, Rhodes Scholars,
13Pulitzer Prize winners, an astronaut, a Heisman Trophy winner,
14professional athletes, as well as CEOs of many national and
15international corporations; therefore, be it
17ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we declare September 9,
182018 as Fenwick High School Day throughout the State of
19Illinois as a celebration of the start of the school's 90th
20school year; and be it further
21 RESOLVED, That we congratulate Fenwick High School, its
22administration, faculty, staff, students, and alumni, on 90
23years of academic, athletic, and spiritual excellence; and be

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1it further
2 RESOLVED, That we wish the entire Fenwick Family many more
3years of great success in educating the high school students of
4Illinois; and be it further
5 RESOLVED, That suitable copies of this resolution be
6presented to Fenwick High School's President, Fr. Richard
7Peddicord, O.P., and Principal, Peter Groom, as a sign of our
8congratulations and well wishes.