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2 WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened to
3learn of the death of Vera H. Fernandes of Peoria, who passed
4away on December 4, 2014; and
5 WHEREAS, Vera Fernandes was born in New Haven, Connecticut
6on March 30, 1947 to Michael H. and Vera H. (nee Sakovich)
7Markitan; and
8 WHEREAS, Vera Fernandes began her career working store
9security at Bergner's department store; she then worked for the
10Bradley University Police Department, where she was among the
11first group of officers to complete the Illinois State Police
12Academy training; after completing training, she worked for the
13Peoria Police Department, where she worked in vice and patrol
14and was a violent crime detective and neighborhood police
15officer; she retired in 2011; while employed as a Peoria police
16officer, she received 8 letters of appreciation, 2 letters of
17commendation, a Distinguished Service Award, and the American
18Legion Meritorious Service Award; during her tenure in law
19enforcement, she worked part-time for L'Oreal as a Reset
20Coordinator for nearly 18 years; and
21 WHEREAS, Vera Fernandes was a member of the Peoria Police
22Benevolent Association and the International Association of

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1Women Police (IAWP) for 25 years, where she sponsored countless
2women to attend conferences all over the world; her love of
3travel with the IAWP took her to more than 6 countries and to
4numerous United States' cities; and
5 WHEREAS, Vera Fernandes' dedication and devotion to her
6family, her friends, and those who knew her was demonstrated by
7her generosity and by her love that was sprinkled into her
8cooking and chocolate chip cookies; she always dreamed of
9retiring to her birthplace in Connecticut near the ocean; and
10 WHEREAS, Vera Fernandes is survived by her daughter, Cheryl
11Ann Fernandes; her son, Michael E. Fernandes; her 2
12grandchildren, Haley and Cody Fernandes; her sister, Renee
13Markitan; and numerous cousins on the east coast; she valued
14her friendships with Vince and Mickey Wieland and their family
15as well as with her countless brothers and sisters in blue;
16therefore, be it
18ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn the passing of
19Vera H. Fernandes, and extend our sincere condolences to her
20family, friends, and all who knew and loved her; and be it
22 RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be

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1presented to the family of Vera Fernandes.