SR1681LRB100 21822 ALS 39553 r
2 WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened to
3learn of the death of Edwin Cleveland "Ebbie" Cook of
4Champaign, who passed away on April 22, 2018; and
5 WHEREAS, Ebbie Cook was born in Champaign to Hiram Cook and
6Iola Hughey on January 5, 1939; he graduated from Champaign
7High School in 1957; he was an avid baseball player and played
8in the Eastern Illinois Baseball League; he married Magnolia
9Reed on June 13, 1959; and
10 WHEREAS, Ebbie Cook retired from J.M. Jones after 26 years
11of service; and
12 WHEREAS, Ebbie Cook was an active member of the community;
13he, his brother, Jerome, and close friend, Bruce Nesbitt, were
14an integral part of the recruitment of minority athletes for
15the University of Illinois, and they provided a feeling of home
16for potential athletes; he was also a supporter of the Don
17Moyers Boys and Girls Club, the United Way, and many other
18local organizations; he coached Little League, All-Stars, and
19American Legion Baseball Teams; he was a strong supporter of
20the sporting events at Champaign Central High School and the
21University of Illinois; he was a member of the Kappa Omega
22Alumni Chapter of Iota Phi Theta Fraternity, Inc. and was

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1inducted in 1982; he was a mentor to the undergraduate chapter;
3 WHEREAS, In his later years, Ebbie Cook became involved
4with the 5th and Hill Neighborhood Rights Campaign, where he,
5along with his wife Maggie, was a resident leader; he attended
6every meeting, read all of the information, and became an
7informal historian for the Campaign, keeping press clippings
8and environmental testing reports and correspondence from
9various agencies; he did countless media interviews, met with
10local, state, and federal officials, canvassed and educated the
11neighborhood, spoke at Champaign City Council meetings, and was
12vigilant in the neighborhood; he, along with the other resident
13leaders, spoke at many University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
14classes; he found a special joy in working with young people
15and engaging students in the 5th & Hill struggle; he was an
16effective leader for the Campaign, and if it were not for his
17leadership and dedication, the Campaign would not have been as
18strong or successful; he appreciated each person who helped out
19in any way; and
20 WHEREAS, Ebbie Cook enjoyed working in his garden and often
21shared his harvest with his neighbors; he loved his life, and
22he lived it well; and
23 WHEREAS, Ebbie Cook is survived by his wife, Magnolia; his

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1sons, Jacques "Jock" Martel, Victor Earl, and Edwin "Boogie"
2Antonio; his daughter, Tamara Winston Johnson; his sisters,
3Patricia Roberts, Jacqueline Archey, and Betty Zamora; his
4brothers, Martel Cook, Ernest Cook, and William "Squirt" Smith;
5his 17 grandchildren; his 30 great-grandchildren; and his many
6nieces and nephews; therefore, be it
8ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn the passing of
9Edwin Cleveland "Ebbie" Cook and extend our sincere condolences
10to his family, friends, and all who knew and loved him; and be
11it further
12 RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
13presented to the family of Ebbie Cook as an expression of our
14deepest sympathy.