SR1576LRB098 21826 MST 60824 r
2 WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened to
3learn of the death of Jacob D. "Jake" Dumelle, Lt. Cmdr. (Ret.)
4United States Navy, of Oak Park, who passed away on June 14,
52014; and
6 WHEREAS, Jake Dumelle was born in Chicago on April 12, 1925
7to Frank and Virginia Dumelle; he graduated from Lane Tech
8College Preparatory High School and earned his bachelor's
9degree and Master of Science in Public Engineering
10Administration at the Illinois Institute of Technology; and
11 WHEREAS, Jake Dumelle was one of the original appointees to
12the Illinois Pollution Control Board in 1970; he served nearly
1321 years, through December 1991, taking the role of chairman
14from August of 1973 until November of 1988; prior to this, he
15held village/city manager positions in Brookfield, Peoria, and
16Lebanon, New Hampshire; on the federal level, he served as
17Chief of Staff for United States Sen. Norris Cotton (New
18Hampshire) in 1960, then as a Deputy Assistant Administrator in
19the United States Department of Commerce in Washington, D.C.
20from 1962 to 1964; and
21 WHEREAS, Jake Dumelle's dedication to environmental
22standards and quality of life was an ongoing force in his

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1career; he worked as Research Director for the Chicago
2Department of Air Pollution Control from 1961 to 1962,
3Assistant Chief Engineer for Operations of the Metropolitan
4Sanitary District of Greater Chicago in 1962 and from 1966 to
51968; he also directed an air pollution-land use study at the
6Northeastern Illinois Planning Commission from 1964 to 1966 and
7served as Director of the Lake Michigan Basin Office of the
8United States Federal Water Quality Administration from 1968 to
91970; and
10 WHEREAS, Jake Dumelle appeared as an extra in many major
11movies, including Home Alone (1990) and The Fugitive (1993); in
12The Lake House (2006), filmed partly in Riverside, he spoke his
13first lines when he was cast as a concerned patient examined by
14a doctor played by Sandra Bullock; he attended the premiere in
15Los Angeles in 2006, which included attending the screening and
16walking down the red carpet; at the after-party, co-stars
17Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves offered the highest compliment
18on his performance: "You got laughs!"; and
19 WHEREAS, Jake Dumelle was preceded in death by his
20brothers, Frank and Edward (the late Anne) Dumelle; and
21 WHEREAS, Jake Dumelle is survived by his wife, Dorothy J.
22(nee Konieczny); his children, Grace Dumelle (Walter
23Podrazik), Margo, Lili, and Christopher (Colleen) Dumelle; and

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1he was the papa of Cassandra and Audrey Dumelle; therefore, be
4ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn the passing of
5Jacob D. "Jake" Dumelle, Lt. Cmdr. (Ret.) United States Navy,
6and extend our sincere condolences to his family, friends, and
7all who knew and loved him; and be it further
8 RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
9presented to the family of Jake Dumelle as an expression of our
10deepest sympathy.