SR1526LRB098 23012 GRL 61972 r
2 WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened to
3learn of the death of Harold Richard "Corky" Baird, Sr., who
4passed away on October 14, 2014; and
5 WHEREAS, Harold Baird, Sr. was born on May 3, 1928 in
6Gillespie; his parents were William J. and Loraine (nee
7Williams) Baird; he married the former Ella Faye Wood on
8September 11, 1948; and
9 WHEREAS, Harold Baird, Sr. served in the United States Army
10for 9 years and the United States Navy Seabees for 15 years,
11retiring after 24 years of dedicated service; upon arriving in
12Italy in 1946, he immediately assumed responsibility as a
13disbursing clerk; and
14 WHEREAS, Harold Baird, Sr. was a passionate lover of
15history and traveled to many places throughout the world,
16including Switzerland and Italy, which included Livorno and
17Rome, where he visited the Coliseum and attended an audience
18with the Pope; during his military career, he also traveled to
19places such as Harlem, Georgia, Colorado Springs, and the
20Yukon; and
21 WHEREAS, Harold Baird, Sr. was a member of the Odd Fellows

SR1526- 2 -LRB098 23012 GRL 61972 r
1and the Alton Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1308 and a past
2president of the Alton High School Booster Club; as a longtime
3Boy Scout leader, he chaperoned young men at Camp Warren Levis
4and on many noteworthy hikes, including the Lincoln Heritage
5Trail in Springfield; he also had an extensive collection of
6antique tools; and
7 WHEREAS, Harold Baird, Sr. was preceded in death by his
8parents; a daughter, Phyllis Harrell; and 2 brothers, Gerald
9and James Baird; and
10 WHEREAS, Harold Baird, Sr. is survived by his wife, Ella; 2
11daughters, Sandra (Jim) Gellar and Lori (Gary) Schwartz; a son,
12Harold "Richard" Baird, Jr. (Terry O'Connor); Butch (Brenda)
13Chapman, whom he raised and considered a son; 16 grandchildren;
1422 great-grandchildren; and 2 great-great grandchildren;
15therefore, be it
17ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we, along with his
18family and friends, mourn the passing of Harold Richard "Corky"
19Baird, Sr.; and be it further
20 RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
21presented to the family of Harold Baird, Sr. as an expression
22of our sympathy.