SR1076LRB098 20869 GRL 58337 r
2 WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened to
3learn of the death of Julie A. Brady of St. Charles, formerly
4of Bloomington, who passed away on April 4, 2014; and
5 WHEREAS, Julie Brady was born on July 14, 1962 at the Great
6Lakes Naval Base in Waukegan; her parents were Donald and
7Barbara Ziehen Blink; she married Pat Brady on June 8, 1996 at
8Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Bloomington; and
9 WHEREAS, Julie Brady grew up in Antigo, Wisconsin and
10graduated from Antigo High School in 1980; she subsequently
11graduated with a degree in biology with high honors from St.
12Norbert College in 1984 and graduated magna cum laude from the
13University of Wisconsin Law School in 1991; and
14 WHEREAS, After graduating from law school, Julie Brady
15served as a trial attorney in the Honors Program of the Tax
16Division of the United States Department of Justice, where she
17investigated and prosecuted complex tax and white-collar
18federal criminal offenses in a variety of jurisdictions
19throughout the United States; she also worked as an attorney in
20the Class Action Unit of the Legal Department at State Farm
21Insurance Companies in Bloomington and served as a Special
22Assistant in the Executive Office of the Cook County Sheriff;

SR1076- 2 -LRB098 20869 GRL 58337 r
2 WHEREAS, Julie Brady was preceded in death by her mother
3and a brother, Joel Blink; and
4 WHEREAS, Julie Brady is survived by her husband, Pat; 4
5children, Maeve, Kelly, Patrick, and Grace; and 3 brothers, Dr.
6Jeffrey Blink, Brian Blink, and David Blink; therefore, be it
8ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we, along with her
9family and friends, mourn the passing of Julie A. Brady; and be
10it further
11 RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
12presented to the family of Julie Brady as an expression of our