SR1052LRB096 24416 KXB 44081 r
2 WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened to
3learn of the death of Peter M. Rosenthal, who passed away on
4November 8, 2010; and
5 WHEREAS, He was born in Chicago; he graduated from the
6University of Chicago Lab School; he received his Bachelor's
7degree from the University of Pennsylvania in 1971 and his law
8degree from the University of Michigan; and
9 WHEREAS, He joined the Ancel Glink law firm in Chicago,
10which specializes in municipal law; while working for the firm,
11he began representing local governments, including Rosemont
12and Fox River Grove; Mr. Rosenthal worked closely with Donald
13E. Stephens, Rosemont's mayor from 1956 to 2007; he was
14Rosemont's attorney during the long, unsuccessful fight to
15obtain a casino; and
16 WHEREAS, In 1987, Mr. Rosenthal and several colleagues
17formed their own firm: Rosenthal, Murphey, Coblentz & Donahue;
19 WHEREAS, Mr. Rosenthal loved knowledge and exploring
20places near and far, taking his family on a bicycle trip in
21Morocco and his daughter to her first tailgate party outside

SR1052- 2 -LRB096 24416 KXB 44081 r
1Soldier Field; and
2 WHEREAS, Mr. Rosenthal is survived by his wife, Gracemary;
3his sons, Matthew and Alex; his daughter, Eleanor; his sisters,
4Anne and Emily; and his brother, William; therefore, be it
6ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn, along with
7his family and friends, the passing of Peter Rosenthal; and be
8it further
9 RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
10presented to the family of Peter M. Rosenthal as a symbol of
11our sincere sympathy.