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2 WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate wish to
3recognize Dean Michèle Alexandre of Loyola University Chicago
4School of Law on her continued service to the educational
5institution; and
6 WHEREAS, Dean Alexandre began to serve in her current
7position as dean and professor of law at Loyola University
8Chicago School of Law in July 2022, becoming the 14th dean in
9the School of Law's history; and
10 WHEREAS, Prior to joining Loyola University Chicago, Dean
11Alexandre served as dean of Stetson University College of Law
12from 2019 to 2022, where she led efforts to expand the
13curriculum, increase alumni engagement, and establish new
14community partnerships; under her leadership, Stetson
15University raised more than $20 million for scholarships and
16capital projects, created a new business law concentration,
17and boasted the best pass rate for first-time takers of the
18Florida Bar exam since 2016; and
19 WHEREAS, Dean Alexandre previously held roles at the
20University of Mississippi School of Law, the American College
21of Law, the University of Baltimore School of Law, and the
22University of Memphis Cecil C. Humphreys School of Law, among

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1others; she also litigated discrimination cases in Selma,
2Alabama, including both iterations of the historic Black
3farmers class action litigation; and
4 WHEREAS, Dean Alexandre received her Bachelor of Arts in
5English and French with a background in Philosophy from
6Colgate University in Hamilton, New York in May 1996, and she
7earned her Juris Doctor from Harvard Law School in June 2000;
8she was a recipient of both Thomas J. Watson and Fulbright
9Fellowships; and
10 WHEREAS, A first-generation lawyer, Dean Alexandre has
11dedicated much of her career to issues of sustainability, race
12and gender equity, economic independence, and social justice
13for small farmers and poor populations; her scholarship has
14included constitutional law, international law, civil rights
15law, disability law, critical race theory, human rights, and
16gender; therefore, be it
18ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we recognize Dean
19Michèle Alexandre of the Loyola University Chicago School of
20Law on her continued service to the educational institution;
21and be it further
22 RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be

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