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2 WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened
3to learn of the death of Bruce M. Hannon, Ph.D., who passed
4away on February 18, 2024; and
5 WHEREAS, Dr. Hannon was born to of Walter and Kathleen
6(Phalen) Hannon in Ivesdale; he graduated from Bement High
7School; he attended the University of Illinois
8Urbana-Champaign, where he earned his Bachelor of Engineering
9in Civil Engineering in 1956, his Master of Engineering in
10Engineering Mechanics in 1965, and his Ph.D. in Engineering
11Mechanics in 1970; he became a first lieutenant in the U.S.
12Army ROTC program; he married Patricia Coffey; and
13 WHEREAS, Dr. Hannon worked as a registered professional
14engineer, aiding in the development of a new
15economic/environmental accounting system that enabled
16transactions to be recorded in monetary values and energy
17units in the same system, and this work was based in the Center
18for Advanced Computation; and
19 WHEREAS, Dr. Hannon then became a professor of geography
20at the University of Illinois, where he taught for over 40
21years; during his tenure, he conducted groundbreaking
22research, taught courses in biological and earth systems

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1modeling, led dynamic natural resource simulations, and
2mentored countless undergraduate and graduate students; and
3 WHEREAS, Dr. Hannon was a lifelong environmental advocate,
4founding the Prairie Rivers Network with his wife, Patricia,
5in 1967; he cofounded the Committee to Save Allerton Park and
6the Coalition on American Rivers (COAR); he was also active in
7the Land Conservation Foundation and the Urbana Courthouse
8Clock Restoration Project; and
9 WHEREAS, Dr. Hannon registered six patents and received
10numerous awards and accolades for his work; and
11 WHEREAS, Dr. Hannon was an accomplished hiker and walker;
12he was an avid photographer and historian for his family; he
13was affectionately known as "Grandpa Clock" to his
14great-grandchildren for his love of repairing antique clocks;
15he also enjoyed planting burr oak seeds; and
16 WHEREAS, Dr. Hannon was preceded in death by his wife; his
17son, Christopher; and his siblings, Susan Hannon Gorman and
18John Hannon; and
19 WHEREAS, Bruce Hannon is survived by his sister, Ellen
20(Chuck) Wolfenberger; his children, Claire (Brian) Deal, Laura
21(Scott) Madden, and Brian (Rhonda Starkey) Hannon; his

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1grandchildren, Caitlin (Derek) Peterson, John (Olivier
2Colombard) Deal, Ellen (Joe) Saathoff, Sean (Regina) Madden,
3Ben (Genevieve) Madden, Tyler (Camile) Starkey, and Logan
4(Megan) Hannon; and his great-grandchildren, Violet, George,
5Mae, Richie, Freddy, Lincoln, Kennedy, and James, with two
6more on the way; therefore, be it
8ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn the passing of
9Bruce M. Hannon, Ph.D. and extend our sincere condolences to
10his family, friends, and all who knew and loved him; and be it