SR0792LRB103 39686 MST 70096 r
2 WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened
3to learn of the death of Charles Jack Andrews of Philadelphia,
4Pennsylvania, formerly of Canton, who passed away on January
527, 2023; and
6 WHEREAS, Jack Andrews grew up in Canton, where he made
7lifelong friends; he attended the University of Illinois,
8where he earned a bachelor's degree and a master's degree,
9both with high honors; as is tradition, his achievement is
10recorded on the Bronze Tablets; he served in the U.S. Air Force
11during the Korean War; and
12 WHEREAS, Jack Andrews returned home and joined his parents
13in the family business, Andrews Furniture, which he ran with
14great success for many years; and
15 WHEREAS, Jack Andrews co-founded and served on the board
16of the Canton Community Bank and Trust and co-founded Scripps
17and McCartney; he served as board chair at the First Christian
18Church in Canton; he was an instructor in accounting at Spoon
19River College, formerly Canton Community College, where he was
20also served on the board; and
21 WHEREAS, Jack Andrews relocated to Washington D.C. after

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1his career in Canton, where he served as an examiner for the
2National Credit Union Association until his retirement; and
3 WHEREAS, Jack Andrews' greatest joy was to share his time
4and his home with the people he loved; he enjoyed cheering on
5the Chicago Cubs, reading, cooking, stamp collecting, and
6playing bridge; he was a founding member of the Fulton County
7Playhouse; and
8 WHEREAS, Jack Andrews is survived by his wife of 68 years,
9Nancy; his children, Kathy (Paul) Donovan, Thomas (Valerie)
10Andrews, and Karen (Michael) Meade; and his grandchildren,
11Sarah (Mike) Shane, Elizabeth Andrews, Jiamin Andrews, Lilly
12Andrews, Trygve Meade, and Mallory Meade; therefore, be it
14ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn the passing of
15Charles Jack Andrews and extend our sincere condolences to his
16family, friends, and all who knew and loved him; and be it