SR0743LRB103 39153 LAW 69298 r
2 WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened
3to learn of the death of Mary Catherine (Bloze) Thing of Des
4Plaines, who passed away on January 17, 2024; and
5 WHEREAS, Mary Thing was born to Michael and Marie Bloze in
6Chicago on January 8, 1928; she was raised in Chicago,
7graduating from Knickerbocker Grammar School in 1942 and
8Waller High School in 1946; she married C. Wayne Thing on
9October 2, 1948, and they moved to Des Plaines in 1958, where
10they raised their three children; and
11 WHEREAS, Mary Thing worked at Montgomery Ward on Chicago
12Avenue from 1946 until the birth of her first child in 1954;
14 WHEREAS, Mary Thing was an at-home mother who also spent
15much of her time volunteering; she delivered Meals on Wheels
16for over 40 years; she began volunteering for the Tourette
17Syndrome Association in 1978, serving the organization for
18over 30 years; and
19 WHEREAS, Mary Thing was a very active member of St Mary's
20Church in Des Plaines, belonging to the church's Altar and
21Rosary Society since 1960; she was also a member of the Des

SR0743- 2 -LRB103 39153 LAW 69298 r
1Plaines History Center, where she enjoyed helping with
2mailings; and
3 WHEREAS, Mary Thing was preceded in death by her husband
4of 56 years, C. Wayne Thing, and her brother, Michael; and
5 WHEREAS, Mary Thing is survived by her children, Wayne
6(Pamela) Thing, James (Monica) Thing, and Dianne (Kurt) Kuehn;
7seven grandchildren; and five great-grandchildren, with a
8sixth on the way; therefore, be it
10ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn the passing of
11Mary Catherine (Bloze) Thing and extend our sincere
12condolences to her family, friends, and all who knew and loved
13her; and be it further