SR0737LRB103 39201 MST 69348 r
2 WHEREAS, Cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer) is a rare
3form of cancer that originates from the cells lining the bile
4ducts that play a key role in digestion; there are three types
5of this cancer, intrahepatic, extrahepatic, and perihilar; and
6 WHEREAS, Approximately 12,000 Americans are diagnosed each
7year with cholangiocarcinoma, with numbers increasing yearly,
8and the mortality rate has increased dramatically in the last
9decade; and
10 WHEREAS, Patients are typically diagnosed at a late stage
11due to the lack of a validated early method of detection;
12symptoms of jaundice, abdominal pain, itchy skin, and weight
13loss are symptoms that do not usually present until advanced
14disease progression; and
15 WHEREAS, Cholangiocarcinoma is a rare cancer; of the top
16eight deadliest cancers, seven are rare; rare cancers have a
17five-year survival rate under 50%, with the cholangiocarcinoma
18five-year survival rate being approximately 20%; and
19 WHEREAS, There is currently no cure for
20cholangiocarcinoma/bile duct cancer; and

SR0737- 2 -LRB103 39201 MST 69348 r
1 WHEREAS, Kelly green is the color representing
2cholangiocarcinoma/bile duct cancer awareness; and
3 WHEREAS, Foundations, research and teaching hospitals,
4rare cancer advocate groups, and patient advocate groups from
5around the globe have joined together to recognize February
618, 2024 as World Cholangiocarcinoma Day; and
7 WHEREAS, Increased cholangiocarcinoma advocacy,
8awareness, research, and education will bring improved
9outcomes for patients in earlier detection and treatment and
10potential curative methods; therefore, be it