SR0703LRB103 36777 LAW 66887 r
2 WHEREAS, Dyscalculia is a condition that affects one's
3ability to understand mathematical and quantitative concepts
4and tasks; and
5 WHEREAS, Between 3% to 7% of all children, adolescents,
6and adults suffer from dyscalculia; however, data from the
7adult population is limited due to a lack of understanding and
8recognition of dyscalculia, leading many people to go
9undiagnosed; and
10 WHEREAS, The symptoms of dyscalculia are most likely to be
11present during childhood, when one is learning the foundations
12of math; and
13 WHEREAS, When dyscalculia goes undiagnosed, a lack of
14success at mathematical tasks can lead to an increased risk in
15developing depression and a decline in self-esteem; and
16 WHEREAS, Treatment for dyscalculia focuses on learning
17through repetition, positive reinforcement, tutoring, and
18teaching in a multisensory way, as there are no medications
19available to treat dyscalculia; and
20 WHEREAS, While individuals with dyscalculia may have a

SR0703- 2 -LRB103 36777 LAW 66887 r
1harder time learning math than their peers, they can still
2excel in the subject when given the necessary accommodations,
3constructive criticism, and positive reinforcement; therefore,
4be it