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2 WHEREAS, More than 11% of Illinoisans struggle to provide
3enough food for their families and more than 17% of children in
4the State are food insecure, meaning they do not have
5consistent access to adequate food; and
6 WHEREAS, There are children in every county of the State
7who experience food insecurity; and
8 WHEREAS, No child deserves to go without food, and children
9who are food insecure suffer from increased risk of chronic
10diseases, increased rates of behavioral problems, decreased
11academic achievement, and long-term social and economic
12impacts; and
13 WHEREAS, Federal nutrition programs play a pivotal role in
14helping low-income children access free, healthy meals,
15including the School Breakfast Program, National School Lunch
16Program, Summer Meals Programs, Child and Adult Care Food
17Program (CACFP) Afterschool Meals Programs, the Special
18Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and
19Children (WIC), and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance
20Program (SNAP); and
21 WHEREAS, In Illinois, more than 801,000 students depend on

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1a free or reduced-price school lunch, but fewer than half of
2those kids are getting a school breakfast; and
3 WHEREAS, Students who eat school breakfast achieve 17.5%
4higher scores on standardized math tests and attend 1.5 more
5days of school each year than those who do not; and
6 WHEREAS, Senate Bill 2393, Breakfast After the Bell, passed
7unanimously by both the Illinois Senate and House of
8Representatives in 2016; it was signed by Governor Rauner, and
9will be implemented in the 2017-18 school year; and
10 WHEREAS, The bill will increase school breakfast
11availability in hundreds of schools, where more than 70% of
12students are eligible for free and reduced-priced meals; and
13 WHEREAS, In Illinois, for every 100 children receiving a
14free or reduced-price lunch at school, only 14 are eating a
15summer meal; and
16 WHEREAS, In the summer of 2016, nearly 30 counties in
17Illinois had zero summer meal program sites, which meant that
18families struggling with hunger who depended on school lunches
19and breakfasts had more of a struggle during the summer months;

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1 WHEREAS, Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) sites are an
2ideal model for summer food delivery and provide on-site adult
3supervision and enrichment activities for children; however,
4more SFSP sites are needed that are open to the community;
5therefore, be it
7ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we encourage schools to
8offer Breakfast After the Bell to students via alternative
9delivery methods, such as Breakfast in the Classroom, Grab n'
10Go, and Second Chance Breakfast; and be it further
11 RESOLVED, That we encourage elected and community leaders
12around the State to do everything they can to ensure kids have
13access to summer meals in their communities; and be it further
14 RESOLVED, That we urge elected leaders to visit one summer
15meals site in their local area; and be it further
16 RESOLVED, That we encourage Summer Food Service Program
17sites to operate as open sites to the community so that all
18children can access healthy, nutritious meals during the
19summer; and be it further
20 RESOLVED, That we are opposed to cuts in funding to federal
21food and nutrition programs for children and families through

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1the annual federal budget process or any other measures; and be
2it further
3 RESOLVED, That suitable copies of this resolution be
4delivered to the members of the Illinois Congressional
5Delegation, the President of the United States, and the United
6States Secretary of Agriculture.