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2 WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened to
3learn of the death of Audrey Helen Nixon of North Chicago, who
4passed away on April 27, 2017 at the age of 81; and
5 WHEREAS, Audrey Nixon began her service in 1982 serving in
6District 14 and was the longest-serving Lake County Board
7member; she was a resident of North Chicago and also
8represented portions of Park City, Waukegan, and Gurnee; she
9was the longtime Chair of the Law and Judicial Committee,
10making her one of the few Democrats to retain a leadership post
11for any significant duration; and
12 WHEREAS, Audrey Nixon was known as a passionate
13representative for her district, which included some of Lake
14County's poorest neighborhoods; she fought to keep county
15buildings and offices in Waukegan and was a champion of the
16Greenbelt Cultural Center, a facility near North Chicago that
17was created and operated by the Lake County Forest Preserve
18District; and
19 WHEREAS, Audrey Nixon cared deeply about people and made it
20her life's purpose to help them; she was a tireless advocate
21for programs that promote and advance diversity and inclusion
22and focused on initiatives that could transform young lives for

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1the better; she was very passionate about Youth Build, which
2provides at-risk young adults with the education and training
3necessary to build the best future possible; she often spoke of
4the need for consensus on complicated or controversial issues,
5and for working together in pursuit of doing right by
6constituents; and
7 WHEREAS, Audrey Nixon served on numerous boards and
8commissions including the Enterprise Commission, the Minority
9Affairs Commission, the Private Industry Council, the National
10Association of Counties Justice and Public Safety Steering
11Committee, the Illinois Association of Park Districts, the
12North Chicago Leadership Council, the District 187 Steering
13Committee, the NAACP Emblem Chapter 140, the BET Organization,
14the Shawall Court #4 Daughter of Isis, the League of Women
15Voters, and the Waukegan Township Coalition to Reduce Past and
16Present Recidivism; and
17 WHEREAS, Audrey Nixon was very committed to her church and
18community and was a member of Christian Valley Missionary
19Baptist Church in North Chicago; she will be remembered for her
20quiet strength, wisdom, fearless persistence, and sense of
21optimism that made her an exceptional leader; and
22 WHEREAS, Audrey Nixon is survived by her children, Rodney,
23Tonya, and Anthony; and 20 grandchildren; therefore, be it

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2ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn the passing of
3Audrey Helen Nixon, and extend our sincere condolences to her
4family, friends, and all who knew and loved her; and be it
6 RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
7presented to the family of Audrey Nixon as an expression of our
8deepest sympathy.