SR0424LRB103 33704 LAW 63516 r
2 WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate wish to
3congratulate Beth Mund of St. Charles on the occasion of the
4successful launch of her Stories of Space project; and
5 WHEREAS, The Stories of Space, also known as The STORIES
6Project and formerly known as the Story SD Card Testing and
7On-Board Research on the International Space Station
8Experiment and Survey, is an open-source project available to
9a global community of storytellers who wish to connect people
10to space and is driven by a team of scientists, researchers,
11communicators, and writers; the project features written work
12that has been sent to and will return from space on micro-SD
13cards, creating a unique International Space Station science
14experiment that tests the effects of radiation on micro-SD
15electronics and data storage; and
16 WHEREAS, Beth Mund serves as the executive director of the
17Stories of Space project; she is also an analog astronaut, the
18CEO of Stellar Communications, a former communications officer
19for NASA, a keynote speaker, and a space communicator; as an
20analog astronaut, she served on two simulated missions, one to
21Mars at the HI-SEAS research facility in Hawaii and the other a
22lunar simulation in Poland at the Lunares Research Station;
23during her tenure at NASA, she served as a public affairs

SR0424- 2 -LRB103 33704 LAW 63516 r
1officer and an International Space Station communications
2officer; and
3 WHEREAS, Beth Mund is the weekly host of the Casual Space
4podcast, which provides intimate conversations each week with
5astronauts, authors, scientists, and CEOs who are looking to
6share their love for space exploration while helping to
7inspire the next generation; her podcast will feature work
8submitted to the Stories of Space project; and
9 WHEREAS, Beth Mund currently serves on the Space Camp
10Alumni Board and the Space Drinks Association; she is a
11founding board member of the Women's Leadership Alliance at
12her alma mater, Loras College, and a two-time host of the
13Humans to Mars conference; and
14 WHEREAS, Beth Mund works passionately to connect people to
15space exploration through her projects, her podcast, and her
16in-person programs; therefore, be it
18ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we congratulate Beth
19Mund on the successful launch of her Stories of Space project,
20and we wish her continued success in her endeavors to make
21space exploration information accessible for people of all
22backgrounds; and be it further

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1 RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
2presented to Beth Mund as an expression of our esteem and