SR0278LRB097 12249 GRL 56711 r
2 WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened to
3learn of the death of Robert J. Cunningham Sr. of Danville; and
4 WHEREAS, Robert Cunningham Sr. was born on March 18, 1934,
5in Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin; his parents were Glenn and Marie
6(Thill) Cunningham; and
7 WHEREAS, Robert Cunningham Sr. attended Hooton School,
8which he lovingly called Hooton Tech, and Danville High School,
9where he graduated in 1952; from 1953 to 1956, he proudly
10served in the United States Army with the 14th Armored Cavalry
11and spent two years in Germany; he was subsequently appointed
12to attend the Non-Commissioned Officers Academy in Munich,
13Germany, and was appointed an instructor in field operations
14upon returning to his base; he then turned down attending
15Commissioned Officers Academy in the United States and retired
16as a staff sergeant; and
17 WHEREAS, In 1957, Robert Cunningham Sr. joined the
18International Brotherhood of Boilermakers Union; as a welder,
19he traveled to many parts of the United States with his
20brother-in-law and best friend, Kenny Laws, as his welding
21partner; in 1975, he was elected to serve as the business
22manager/secretary treasurer of Local 60; while in his second

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1term in this position, he was asked to join the international
2staff in the newly-created construction division as an
3international representative; for five years prior to his
4retirement, he also served as assistant to the international
5president; he served on the international staff until January
6of 1993; and
7 WHEREAS, Wishing to retire at the age of 60, Robert
8Cunningham Sr. returned to the field for one final year Bobby
9Jr. and Mark, who had both graduated from the Boilermakers
10Apprenticeship program; on the last day of March 1993, he said
11goodbye to his fellow workers and hung up his welding hat and
12lunch box; having turned 60 that month, he realized his dream;
14 WHEREAS, Robert Cunningham Sr. was involved with numerous
15community organizations; he was very proud of the Hooton
16community and helped with the placing of the marker stone where
17the Hooton School had been and the signs and flower gardens at
1814th Street and Ross Lane; he served as a Democratic precinct
19committeeman for several years and was always eager to help
20anyone in his community; he was involved in the creation of the
21Vermilion County Nursing Home Foundation and served on the
22foundation board for several years; he accompanied the youth
23from Central Christian Church on their youth mission trips on
24several occasions and formed lasting relationships with the

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1young people; he also enjoyed fundraising for political
2candidates; and
3 WHEREAS, Robert Cunningham Sr. enjoyed working on his
4classic cars, fishing with his grandchildren, attending his
5grandchildren's school and sports events, going on trips and
6cruises with his wife, hunting mushrooms, and tending his
7flower gardens; and
8 WHEREAS, Robert Cunningham Sr. was preceded in death by his
9parents; his first wife, Barbara (Taylor) Cunningham; his
10brother-in-law, Kenny Laws; and his grandson, Tommy Smith; and
11 WHEREAS, Robert Cunningham Sr. is survived by his wife,
12Carol; his sons, Mark and Robert Jr.; his daughter, Susie
13Gaudio; his stepson, Doug (Charlotte Bailey) Hanson; his
14grandchildren, Cassie (Johnny) Thomas, Kasey (Eric) Antonini,
15Robert Cunningham III, Nick Gaudio, and Markie Cunningham; his
16sister, Shirley Laws; his sister-in-law, Anita (Ron) Jenkins;
17his great-grandchildren, Kindall, Jesse, Taren, and Kenny; his
18several cousins; his nieces and nephews; his aunt, Doris Thill;
19and his wonderful friends and his church family at Central
20Christian Church; therefore, be it
22ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn, along with

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1his family and friends, the passing of Robert J. Cunningham
2Sr.; and be it further
3 RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
4presented to the family of Robert Cunningham Sr. as an
5expression of our sympathy.