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3ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that the Rules of the Senate
4of the 101st General Assembly are amended by changing Rules 3-8
5and 5-2 as follows:
6 (Senate Rule 3-8)
7 3-8. Referrals to Committees.
8 (a) All Senate Bills and House Bills shall, after having
9been initially read by the Secretary, be automatically referred
10to the Committee on Assignments, which may thereafter refer any
11bill before it to a committee. The Committee on Assignments may
12refer any resolution before it to a committee. No bill or
13resolution may be referred to a committee except pursuant to
14this Rule or Rule 7-17. A standing or special committee may
15refer a matter pending in that committee to a special
16subcommittee of that committee.
17 (b) All floor amendments, joint action motions for final
18action, and conference committee reports shall, upon filing
19with the Secretary, be automatically referred to the Committee
20on Assignments. No such amendment, joint action motion, or
21conference committee report may be considered by the Senate
22unless approved for consideration by the Committee on

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1Assignments. The Committee on Assignments may approve for
2consideration to the Senate any floor amendment, joint action
3motion for final action, or conference committee report that:
4(i) consists of language that has previously been favorably
5reported to the Senate by a committee; (ii) consists of
6technical or clarifying language; or (iii) consists of language
7deemed by the Committee on Assignments to be of an emergency
8nature, of substantial importance to the operation of
9government, or in the best interests of Illinois. The Committee
10on Assignments may refer any floor amendment, joint action
11motion for final action, or conference committee report to a
12committee for its review and consideration (in those instances,
13and notwithstanding any other provision of these Senate Rules,
14the committee may hold a hearing on and consider those
15legislative measures pursuant to one-hour advance notice). Any
16floor amendment, joint action motion for final action, or
17conference committee report that is not approved for
18consideration or referred by the Committee on Assignments, and
19is attempted to be acted upon by a committee shall be out of
20order, except as provided for under Rule 8-4.
21 (b-1) A floor amendment filed by the chief sponsor of a
22bill shall be automatically referred to the standing committee
23from which the bill was reported (or to another standing
24committee as the Committee on Assignments may determine) upon
25adjournment of the Senate on the third regular session day

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1following the day on which the floor amendment was filed,
2unless (i) the Committee on Assignments referred the floor
3amendment to a standing committee or acted on the floor
4amendment in the first instance and referred it to the Senate
5for consideration; (ii) the bill is no longer pending before
6the Senate; (iii) the floor amendment deals with the subject of
7appropriations or State revenue; or (iv) the Committee on
8Assignments has determined by a majority vote that the floor
9amendment substantively alters the nature and scope of the
10underlying bill. If the Committee on Assignments makes a
11determination under item (iv) of this subsection, then the
12Committee on Assignments may, in its discretion, (A) refer the
13floor amendment to any standing committee or (B) not refer the
14floor amendment to any other committee.
15 (c) All committee amendments shall, upon filing with the
16Secretary, be automatically referred to the Committee on
17Assignments. No committee amendment may be considered by a
18committee unless the committee amendment is referred to the
19committee by the Committee on Assignments and the committee
20amendment has first been made available electronically or
21otherwise for not less than one hour. Any committee amendment
22referred by the Committee on Assignments shall be referred to
23the committee before which the underlying bill or resolution is
24pending. Any committee amendment that is not referred by the
25Committee on Assignments to a committee, and is attempted to be

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1acted upon by a committee shall be out of order.
2 (c-1) A committee amendment filed by the chief sponsor of a
3bill shall be automatically referred to the standing committee
4to which the bill was assigned upon adjournment of the Senate
5on the third regular session day following the day on which the
6committee amendment was filed, unless (i) the Committee on
7Assignments referred the committee amendment to the standing
8committee to which the bill was assigned; (ii) the bill is no
9longer pending before the committee; (iii) the committee
10amendment deals with the subject of appropriations or State
11revenue; or (iv) the Committee on Assignments has determined by
12a majority vote that the committee amendment substantively
13alters the nature and scope of the underlying bill. If the
14Committee on Assignments makes a determination under item (iv)
15of this subsection, then the Committee on Assignments may, in
16its discretion, (A) refer both the bill and the committee
17amendment to any standing committee or (B) not refer the
18committee amendment to any other committee.
19 (d) The Committee on Assignments may at any time re-refer a
20legislative measure from a committee to a Committee of the
21Whole or to any other committee.
22 (d-3) Notwithstanding any other provision of these Senate

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1 (1) Upon written request of the chief sponsor, any bill
2 not otherwise assigned to a standing committee shall be
3 assigned to a standing committee.
4 (2) Upon written request of the chief sponsor, any bill
5 not otherwise called for hearing in the standing committee
6 to which it has been assigned shall be heard (and called
7 for a vote, if so requested by the chief sponsor) in that
8 standing committee.
9 (3) Each chief sponsor may make a total of 3 written
10 requests under paragraph (1) or (2) during any calendar
11 year (for purposes of this provision, the period from
12 January 1 until the next General Assembly convenes in the
13 odd-numbered year following a general election shall be
14 considered part of the previous calendar year).
15 (d-5) Notwithstanding any other provision of these Senate
16Rules, any bill pending before the Committee on Assignments
17shall be immediately referred to the indicated standing
18committee if the chief sponsor of the bill files a discharge
19motion for that bill that is signed by no less than
20three-fifths of the members of both the majority and minority
21caucus, and each of the members signing the discharge motion is
22a sponsor of the bill. This subsection does not apply to bills
23dealing with the subject of appropriations or State revenue.
24 (e) This Rule may be suspended by a vote of three-fifths of

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1the members elected.
2(Source: S.R. 2, 101st G.A.)
3 (Senate Rule 5-2)
4 5-2. Reading and Printing of Bills. Every bill shall be
5read by title on three different days prior to passage by the
6Senate, and the bill and all adopted amendments thereto shall
7be printed before the vote is taken on its final passage. No
8bill that provides for an appropriation or expenditure of money
9from the State Treasury may be read a third time until at least
1072 hours have elapsed since the language to be voted upon was
12(Source: S.R. 2, 101st G.A.)