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2 WHEREAS, In late 2013, Target experienced a security data
3breach that affected as many as 40 million people who used
4their credit or debit cards at the retailer; and
5 WHEREAS, In 2014, credit card data security breaches were
6reported by retailers including, but not limited to: Neiman
7Marcus, Sally Beauty, Michaels, P.F. Chang's China Bistro,
8Albertson's and Supervalu, UPS, Dairy Queen, Goodwill
9Industries, Home Depot, Jimmy John's, Kmart, Staples, and Bebe;
11 WHEREAS, On February 5, 2015, Anthem Inc., a health
12insurer, announced that it experienced a cyber-data breach on
13its database of 80 million records containing personal
14information such as names, birth dates, addresses, and Social
15Security numbers; and
16 WHEREAS, On January 27, 2015, United States Representative
17Gus Bilarikis of Florida stated in the United States House
18Subcommittee on Commerce, Manufacturing, and Trade that a need
19exists to ensure that merchants are appropriately protecting
20consumers; and
21 WHEREAS, The Credit Union National Association has created

SR0142- 2 -LRB099 10137 GRL 30360 r
1a national action alert regarding data breaches, including a
2website,; and
3 WHEREAS, The Credit Union National Association urges
4citizens to make their government officials and
5representatives aware of the problem of data breaches;
6therefore, be it
8ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we urge the federal
9government of the United States of America to address the issue
10of data security breaches; and be it further
11 RESOLVED, That we urge the United States government to
12focus on increased accountability and higher security
13regarding both credit data used at retailers and personal
14information data kept by any organization; and be it further
15 RESOLVED, That suitable copies of this resolution be
16presented to the members of the Illinois congressional