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2 WHEREAS, The Underground Railroad was a network of people
3offering shelter and aid to escaped enslaved people from the
4South; and
5 WHEREAS, Most of the enslaved people helped by the
6Underground Railroad escaped border states such as Kentucky,
7Virginia, and Maryland; and
8 WHEREAS, Hiding places included private homes, churches,
9and schoolhouses; and
10 WHEREAS, A former station on the Underground Railroad, the
11Lovejoy Homestead, is located at the eastern edge of Princeton
12and was the home of the Denham and Lovejoy families for nearly
13100 years; and
14 WHEREAS, Reverend Lovejoy was its most famous resident and
15occupied the house from 1838 until his death in 1864; he was
16prominent in the abolition movement and the Underground
17Railroad, a founder of the Illinois and national Republican
18Party, and a congressional leader; and
19 WHEREAS, Reverend Lovejoy is perhaps best known for his
20role in the Underground Railroad; as an outspoken

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1abolitionist, he openly proclaimed his willingness to assist
2fugitive slaves; his involvement made his house one of the
3most important stations on the Underground Railroad in
4Illinois; and
5 WHEREAS, The Owen Lovejoy Home now belongs to the City of
6Princeton and was opened as a museum in 1972; the United States
7Secretary of the Interior declared the property a National
8Historic Landmark in 1997; therefore, be it
10ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we urge the Illinois
11Department of Transportation to place road signs in the
12vicinity of the Owen LoveJoy Homestead directing people to
13this National Historic Landmark; and be it further
14 RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
15delivered to the Illinois Department of Transportation.