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2 WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened to
3learn of the death of Merrill W. Huffman M.D. of Urbana, who
4passed away on January 7, 2019; and
5 WHEREAS, Dr. Huffman was born in Toledo to W. Logan and
6Delores Huffman on July 29, 1929; he grew up in Central
7Illinois and graduated from Champaign High School in 1947; he
8went on to study medicine at the University of Illinois and,
9after graduating, served as a medical officer in the United
10States Air Force; and
11 WHEREAS, Dr. Huffman joined Carle Clinic as its fourth
12obstetrics and gynecology physician in 1960; he was one of the
13first Carle physicians to perform laparoscopy procedures and
14routine fetal monitoring on obstetric patients; he then
15introduced the routine fetal monitoring technique to local
16physicians and nurses in 1971; he served on The Carle
17Foundation Board of Trustees, The Carle Development Foundation
18Board of Trustees, and the New Heights Campaign Retired
19Physician Committee; he retired in 1996 after 36 years of
20service; and
21 WHEREAS, Shortly after his retirement, Dr. Huffman teamed
22with the Carle Center for Philanthropy and introduced "Women at

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1Midlife: The Merrill Huffman Education Series"; in 2008, he
2received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Carle medical
3staff; and
4 WHEREAS, Dr. Huffman had many interests, including
5spending time with his family, traveling the world, reading
6good books, spending time outdoors, and photography; he and his
7wife were strong supporters of University of Illinois sports,
8the Krannert Center for the Performing Arts, the Carle Center
9for Philanthropy, and other local charities; and
10 WHEREAS, Dr. Huffman was preceded in death by his parents
11and his wife of 62 years, Barbara; and
12 WHEREAS, Dr. Huffman is survived by his children, Cathy
13Huffman, Michael (Dawn) Huffman, Beth Huffman Voss, David
14Huffman, and Ann Huffman Rauh; and his 11 grandchildren;
15therefore, be it
17ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn the passing of
18Merrill W. Huffman M.D. and extend our sincere condolences to
19his family, friends, and all who knew and loved him; and be it
21 RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be

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1presented to the family of Dr. Huffman as an expression of our
2deepest sympathy.