State of Illinois
2017 and 2018

Introduced 11/7/2018, by Sen. Wm. Sam McCann

215 ILCS 5/512-2 from Ch. 73, par. 1065.59-2
215 ILCS 5/Art. XXXIIB heading new
215 ILCS 5/513b1 new
215 ILCS 5/513b5 new
215 ILCS 5/513b10 new
215 ILCS 5/513b15 new
215 ILCS 5/513b20 new
215 ILCS 5/513b25 new
215 ILCS 5/513b30 new
215 ILCS 5/513b35 new
215 ILCS 5/513b40 new
215 ILCS 5/513b45 new
215 ILCS 5/513b50 new
215 ILCS 5/513b55 new
215 ILCS 5/513b60 new
215 ILCS 5/513b65 new
215 ILCS 5/513b70 new
215 ILCS 5/513b75 new
215 ILCS 5/513b80 new
215 ILCS 5/513b85 new
215 ILCS 5/513b90 new
215 ILCS 5/513b95 new
215 ILCS 5/513b100 new
215 ILCS 5/513b105 new
215 ILCS 5/513b110 new

Amends the Illinois Insurance Code. Provides that the Third Party Prescription Program Act does not apply to pharmacy benefits managers. Creates the Pharmacy Benefits Managers Article in the Code. Requires all pharmacy benefits managers doing business in the State to register with the Director of Insurance. Includes provisions on applications for registration, discipline of registered pharmacy benefits managers, examinations, fines, multi-source generic lists, reimbursements, restricted pharmacy fees, audits, and review by the Director.
LRB100 24035 SMS 43132 b


SB3642LRB100 24035 SMS 43132 b
1 AN ACT concerning regulation.
2 Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4 Section 5. The Illinois Insurance Code is amended by
5changing Section 512-2 and adding Article XXXIIB as follows:
6 (215 ILCS 5/512-2) (from Ch. 73, par. 1065.59-2)
7 Sec. 512-2. Purpose and applicability. It is hereby
8determined and declared that the purpose of this Article is to
9regulate certain practices engaged in by third-party
10prescription program administrators. This Article does not
11apply to pharmacy benefits managers.
12(Source: P.A. 82-1005.)
13 (215 ILCS 5/Art. XXXIIB heading new)
15 (215 ILCS 5/513b1 new)
16 Sec. 513b1. Short title. This Article shall be known and
17may be cited as the Pharmacy Benefits Manager Regulation Act.
18 (215 ILCS 5/513b5 new)
19 Sec. 513b5. Purpose. It is hereby determined and declared
20that the purpose of this Article is to regulate certain

SB3642- 2 -LRB100 24035 SMS 43132 b
1practices engaged in by pharmacy benefits managers.
2 (215 ILCS 5/513b10 new)
3 Sec. 513b10. Definitions.
4 As used in this Article, unless the context indicates
6 "Audit" means an on-site or remote review of the records of
7a pharmacy by an independent third party.
8 "Clerical error" means a minor error (i) in the keeping,
9recording, or transcribing of records or documents or in the
10handling of electronic or hard copies of correspondence, (ii)
11that does not result in financial harm to a pharmacy benefits
12manager, and (iii) that does not involve dispensing an
13incorrect dose, amount or type of medication, or dispensing a
14prescription drug to the wrong person.
15 "Entity" means an independent third party that audits
17 "Multi-source generic list" means the list of drugs used by
18a pharmacy benefits manager that sets the maximum cost on which
19reimbursement to a pharmacy is based.
20 "Pharmacy" means a pharmacy licensed under the Pharmacy
21Practice Act.
22 "Pharmacist" means a pharmacist licensed under the
23Pharmacy Practice Act.
24 "Pharmacy benefits manager" means a person who processes
25claims for a contracted fee per transaction on behalf of an

SB3642- 3 -LRB100 24035 SMS 43132 b
1insurer, third-party administrator, or plan sponsor to process
2claims for prescription drugs, provide retail network
3management for pharmacies, and pay pharmacies for prescription
5 "Pharmacy benefits manager affiliate" means a pharmacy or
6pharmacist that directly or indirectly, through one or more
7intermediaries, owns or controls, is owned or controlled by, or
8is under common ownership or control with a pharmacy benefits
10 (215 ILCS 5/513b15 new)
11 Sec. 513b15. Registration.
12 (a) All pharmacy benefits managers doing business in the
13State shall register with the Director and annually renew that
15 (b) The Director shall adopt rules establishing criteria
16for registration and renewal, including, but not limited to,
17annual fees, in accordance with the terms of this Article.
18 (c) The application form for pharmacy benefits manager
19registration shall include, but is not limited to:
20 (1) the address and contact telephone number for the
21 pharmacy benefits manager;
22 (2) the name and address of the pharmacy benefits
23 manager's agent for service of process in the State;
24 (3) the name, address, and official positions of the
25 individuals who are responsible for the conduct of the

SB3642- 4 -LRB100 24035 SMS 43132 b
1 affairs of the pharmacy benefits manager, including, but
2 not limited to, all members of the board of directors,
3 board of trustees, executive committee, other governing
4 board or committee, the principal officers in the case of a
5 corporation, or the partners or members in the case of a
6 partnership or association, and any other persons who
7 exercise control or influence over the affairs of the
8 pharmacy benefits manager; and
9 (4) a statement concerning any activity, policy,
10 practice, or personnel of the pharmacy benefits manager
11 that directly or indirectly present a conflict of interest
12 with the Director or any pharmacy.
13 (d) Within 30 days after a change in any of the information
14disclosed to the Director on an application for registration or
15renewal, the pharmacy benefits manager shall notify the
16Director of that change in writing.
17 (215 ILCS 5/513b20 new)
18 Sec. 513b20. Registration suspension, revocation, or
20 (a) The Director may suspend, revoke, or refuse to issue or
21renew any registration for: (i) conduct of a character likely
22to mislead, deceive, or defraud the public or the Director;
23(ii) unfair or deceptive business practices; or (iii)
24nonpayment of the renewal fee, after notice and an opportunity
25for a hearing.

SB3642- 5 -LRB100 24035 SMS 43132 b
1 (b) Denial of an application or suspension or revocation of
2a registration pursuant to this Section shall be by written
3order sent to the applicant or registered pharmacy benefits
4manager by certified or registered mail at the address
5specified in the records of the Department. The written order
6shall state the grounds, charges, or conduct upon which the
7denial, suspension, or revocation is based. The pharmacy
8benefits manager may in writing request a hearing within 30
9days from the date of mailing. Upon receipt of such a request,
10the Director shall issue an order setting: (i) a specific date
11and time for the hearing, which may not be less than 20 nor
12more than 30 days after receipt of the request, and (ii) a
13specific place for the hearing, which may be in the office of
14the Department in Springfield or Chicago. If no written request
15is received by the Director, the order of the Director shall be
16final upon the expiration of 30 days.
17 (c) Upon revocation of a registration, the pharmacy
18benefits manager shall deliver it to the Director in person or
19by mail within 30 days after such revocation.
20 (d) Any pharmacy benefits manager whose registration is
21revoked or whose application is denied under this Section shall
22be ineligible to submit an application for registration for 2
23years. A suspension under this Section may be for a period of
24up to 2 years.
25 (215 ILCS 5/513b25 new)

SB3642- 6 -LRB100 24035 SMS 43132 b
1 Sec. 513b25. Examination.
2 (a) The Director, or his or her designee, may examine a
3registered pharmacy benefits manager.
4 (b) Any pharmacy benefits manager being examined shall
5provide to the Director, or his or her designee, convenient and
6free access to all books, records, documents, and other papers
7relating to such pharmacy benefits manager's business affairs
8at all reasonable hours at its offices.
9 (c) The Director, or his or her designee, may administer
10oaths and thereafter examine any individual about the business
11of the pharmacy benefits manager.
12 (d) The examiners designated by the Director under this
13Section may make reports to the Director. Any report alleging
14substantive violations of this Article, any applicable
15provisions of this Code, or any applicable Part of Title 50 of
16the Illinois Administrative Code shall be in writing and be
17based upon facts obtained by the examiners. The report shall be
18verified by the examiners.
19 (e) If a report is made, the Director shall either deliver
20a duplicate report to the pharmacy benefits manager being
21examined or send such duplicate by certified or registered mail
22to the pharmacy benefits manager's address specified in the
23records of the Department. The Director shall afford the
24pharmacy benefits manager an opportunity to request a hearing
25to object to the report. The pharmacy benefits manager may
26request a hearing within 30 days after receipt of the duplicate

SB3642- 7 -LRB100 24035 SMS 43132 b
1report by giving the Director written notice of such request
2together with written objections to the report. Any hearing
3shall be conducted in accordance with Sections 402 and 403 of
4this Code. The right to a hearing is waived if the delivery of
5the report is refused or the report is otherwise undeliverable
6or the pharmacy benefits manager does not timely request a
7hearing. After the hearing or upon expiration of the time
8period during which a pharmacy benefits manager may request a
9hearing, if the examination reveals that the pharmacy benefits
10manager is operating in violation of any applicable provision
11of this Code, any applicable Part of Title 50 of the Illinois
12Administrative Code, a provision of this Article, or prior
13order, the Director, in the written order, may require the
14pharmacy benefits manager to take any action the Director
15considers necessary or appropriate in accordance with the
16report or examination hearing. If the Director issues an order,
17it shall be issued within 90 days after the report is filed, or
18if there is a hearing, within 90 days after the conclusion of
19the hearing. The order is subject to review under the
20Administrative Review Law.
21 (215 ILCS 5/513b30 new)
22 Sec. 513b30. Administrative fine.
23 (a) If the Director finds that one or more grounds exist
24for the revocation or suspension of a registration issued under
25this Article, the Director may, in lieu of or in addition to

SB3642- 8 -LRB100 24035 SMS 43132 b
1such suspension or revocation, impose a fine upon the pharmacy
2benefits manager as provided under subsection (b).
3 (b) With respect to any knowing and willful violation of a
4lawful order of the Director, any applicable portion of this
5Code, Part of Title 50 of the Illinois Administrative Code, or
6provision of this Article, the Director may impose a fine upon
7the pharmacy benefits manager in an amount not to exceed
8$100,000 for each violation.
9 (215 ILCS 5/513b35 new)
10 Sec. 513b35. Failure to register. Any pharmacy benefits
11manager that operates without a registration or fails to
12register with the Director and pay the fee prescribed by this
13Article is an unauthorized insurer as defined in Article VII of
14this Code and shall be subject to all penalties provided for
16 (215 ILCS 5/513b40 new)
17 Sec. 513b40. Insurance Producer Administration Fund. All
18fees and fines paid to and collected by the Director under this
19Article shall be paid promptly after receipt thereof, together
20with a detailed statement of such fees, into the Insurance
21Producer Administration Fund. The moneys deposited into the
22Insurance Producer Administration Fund may be transferred to
23the Professions Indirect Cost Fund, as authorized under Section
242105-300 of the Department of Professional Regulation Law of

SB3642- 9 -LRB100 24035 SMS 43132 b
1the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois.
2 (215 ILCS 5/513b45 new)
3 Sec. 513b45. Multi-source generic list.
4 (a) At the time it enters into a contract with a pharmacy
5and subsequently upon request, a pharmacy benefits manager
6shall provide the pharmacy with the sources used to determine
7the pricing for the multi-source generic list.
8 (b) The multi-source generic list shall be the same for all
9pharmacies and shall include all A-B rated national drug code
11 (c) The pharmacy benefits manager shall:
12 (1) review and update the price information for each
13 drug on the multi-source generic list at least once every 5
14 business days to reflect any modification of pricing;
15 (2) establish a process for eliminating products from
16 the multi-source generic list in a timely manner to remain
17 consistent with pricing changes and product availability
18 in the marketplace; and
19 (3) provide a process for a pharmacy to readily access
20 the multi-source generic list specific to the pharmacy in a
21 searchable and usable format.
22 (d) In order to place a prescription drug on a multi-source
23generic list, a pharmacy benefits manager shall ensure that:
24 (1) the drug is listed as "A" or "B" rated in the most
25 recent version of the United States Food and Drug

SB3642- 10 -LRB100 24035 SMS 43132 b
1 Administration's approved drug products with therapeutic
2 equivalence evaluations, also known as the Orange Book, or
3 has an "NR" or "NA" rating by a nationally recognized
4 reference;
5 (2) the price of the drug listed is the same, for all
6 pharmacists or pharmacies the pharmacy benefits manager
7 contracts with, as the price of equivalent drugs;
8 (3) the drug is generally available for purchase by
9 pharmacies in the State from a national wholesaler at the
10 multi-source generic price; and
11 (4) is not obsolete.
12 (215 ILCS 5/513b50 new)
13 Sec. 513b50. Multi-source generic; appeals process.
14 (a) Each contract between a pharmacy benefits manager and a
15pharmacy must include a process to appeal, investigate, and
16resolve disputes resolving multi-source generic pricing by an
17independent third party that includes:
18 (1) a procedure by which a pharmacy may appeal the
19 price of a drug on the multi-source generic list;
20 (2) a telephone number at which a pharmacy may contact
21 the pharmacy benefits manager to discuss the status of the
22 pharmacy's appeal; and
23 (3) a final determination of an appeal within 7
24 business days.
25 (b) If the final determination is denial of the pharmacy's

SB3642- 11 -LRB100 24035 SMS 43132 b
1appeal, the pharmacy benefits manager shall state the reason
2for the denial and provide the national drug code of an
3equivalent drug that is available for purchase by pharmacies in
4the State from national wholesalers at a price that is equal to
5or less than the multi-source generic for that drug.
6 (c) If a pharmacy's appeal is determined to be valid by the
7pharmacy benefits manager, the pharmacy benefits manager
9 (1) make an adjustment in the drug price effective on
10 the date the appeal is resolved; and
11 (2) permit the appealing pharmacy to reverse and rebill
12 the claim in question, using the dates of the original
13 claim or claims.
14 (d) A pharmacy benefits manager shall make price
15adjustments to all similarly situated pharmacies within 3 days.
16 (e) Within 30 days after a final determination denying an
17appeal, a pharmacy may submit a written request that the
18Director review the determination and examine the pharmacy
19benefits manager in accordance with Section 513b25 of this
21 (f) If a final determination of an appeal is not issued
22within 7 business days as set forth above, within 30 days
23thereafter, a pharmacy may submit a written request that the
24Director review the appeal and examine the pharmacy benefits
25manager in accordance with Section 513b25 of this Article.

SB3642- 12 -LRB100 24035 SMS 43132 b
1 (215 ILCS 5/513b55 new)
2 Sec. 513b55. Reimbursement.
3 (a) A pharmacy benefits manager shall reimburse a pharmacy
4or pharmacist for drugs subject to multi-source generic drug
5pricing based upon pricing information that has been updated
6within 5 business days as set forth in subsection (c) of
7Section 513b45 of this Article. Such amount shall not be
8subject to: (i) any fee, including, but no limited to, charges
9or withholdings related to the adjudication process or
10performance standards; or (ii) any recoupment without first
11complying the audit requirements set forth in Section 513b75.
12 (b) A pharmacy benefits manager shall not reimburse a
13pharmacy or pharmacist in the State an amount less than the
14amount that the pharmacy benefits manager reimburses: (i) a
15pharmacy benefits manager affiliate, (ii) another pharmacist
16or pharmacy in the State, or (iii) an out-of-State mail order
17or specialty pharmacy that provides services to individuals who
18reside in or are employed in this State, for providing the same
19products, goods, or services.
20 (c) The amount shall be calculated on a per unit basis
21based on the same generic product identifier or generic code
23 (d) If a pharmacy benefits manager fails to comply with
24this Section, a pharmacy or pharmacist may submit a written
25request that the Director review the determination and examine
26the pharmacy benefits manager in accordance with Section 513b25

SB3642- 13 -LRB100 24035 SMS 43132 b
1of this Article.
2 (215 ILCS 5/513b60 new)
3 Sec. 513b60. Prohibited pharmacy fees.
4 (a) A pharmacy benefits manager shall not charge a
5pharmacist or pharmacy a fee related to the adjudication of a
6claim, including: (i) the receipt and processing of a pharmacy
7claim; (ii) the development or management of a claim processing
8or adjudication network; or (iii) participation in a claim
9processing or claim adjudication network.
10 (b) A pharmacy benefits manager shall not charge fees to a
11pharmacy or pharmacist in the State that is greater than the
12amount the pharmacy benefits manager charges to a (i) a
13pharmacy benefits manager affiliate, (ii) another pharmacist
14or pharmacy in the State, or (iii) an out-of-State mail order
15or specialty pharmacy that provides services to individuals who
16reside in or are employed in this State, for providing the same
17products, goods, or services. Such fees include, but are not
18limited to, transaction fees or performance fees. Along with
19reimbursing all pharmacies the same cost for medication, all
20pharmacies shall be paid the same dispensing fees. No other
21positive form of reimbursement shall be paid to any pharmacy,
22unless equally paid to all pharmacies.
23 (215 ILCS 5/513b65 new)
24 Sec. 513b65. Purchaser choice; mail order or specialty

SB3642- 14 -LRB100 24035 SMS 43132 b
1pharmacy. A contract entered into between a pharmacy benefits
2manager and a pharmacy shall not:
3 (1) require an individual purchasing prescription
4 medication to use a mail order or a specialty pharmacy;
5 (2) require an individual to pay a different
6 co-payment, fee, or other condition not imposed upon
7 individuals using a mail order or specialty pharmacy;
8 (3) subject any prescription dispensed by a pharmacy to
9 a minimum or maximum quantity length, length of script,
10 restriction on refills, or requirement to obtain refills
11 not imposed upon a mail order or specialty pharmacy;
12 (4) require an individual in whole or part to pay for
13 any prescription dispensed by a pharmacy and seek
14 reimbursement if the individual is not required to pay for
15 and seek reimbursement in the same manner for a
16 prescription dispensed by a mail order or specialty
17 pharmacy;
18 (5) subject an individual to any administrative
19 requirement to use a pharmacy that is not imposed upon the
20 use of a mail order or specialty pharmacy; or
21 (6) impose any other term, condition, or requirement
22 pertaining to the use of the services of a pharmacy that
23 materially and unreasonably interferes with or impairs the
24 right of an individual to obtain prescriptions from a
25 pharmacy of the individual's choice.

SB3642- 15 -LRB100 24035 SMS 43132 b
1 (215 ILCS 5/513b70 new)
2 Sec. 513b70. Disclosure of prescription information to
3purchaser. No contract entered into between a pharmacy benefits
4manager and a pharmacy shall contain a provision prohibiting a
5pharmacist from disclosing any relevant information to an
6individual purchasing prescription medication, including, but
7not limited to, the cost of the prescription medication, actual
8reimbursement for a particular prescription, efficacy of the
9prescription medication, and the availability of any
10alternative medications that are less expensive than the
11prescription medication.
12 (215 ILCS 5/513b75 new)
13 Sec. 513b75. Audits. For purposes of Sections 513b75
14through 513b95, an entity that audits claims:
15 (1) must establish, in writing, a procedure for a
16 pharmacy to appeal the entity's findings with respect to a
17 claim and must provide a pharmacy with a notice regarding
18 the procedure, in writing or electronically, prior to
19 conducting an audit of the pharmacy's claims;
20 (2) may not conduct an audit of a claim more than 24
21 months after the date the claim was adjudicated by the
22 entity;
23 (3) must give at least 15 days' advance written notice
24 of an on-site audit to the pharmacy or corporate
25 headquarters of the pharmacy, the written notice shall

SB3642- 16 -LRB100 24035 SMS 43132 b
1 provide a date range of prescriptions to be audited;
2 (4) may not conduct an on-site audit during the first 5
3 days of any month without the pharmacy's consent;
4 (5) must conduct the audit in consultation with a
5 pharmacist who is licensed by this State or another state
6 if the audit involves clinical or professional judgment;
7 (6) may not conduct an on-site audit of more than 250
8 unique prescriptions of a pharmacy in any 12-month period,
9 except in cases of alleged fraud supported by preliminary
10 findings;
11 (7) may not conduct more than one on-site audit of a
12 pharmacy in any 12-month period;
13 (8) must audit each pharmacy under the same standards
14 and parameters that the entity uses to audit all other
15 pharmacies;
16 (9) must pay any outstanding claims of a pharmacy no
17 more than 45 days after the earlier of the date all appeals
18 are concluded or the date a final report is issued under
19 Section 513b95 of this Article;
20 (10) may not include dispensing fees or interest in the
21 amount of any overpayment assessed on a claim unless the
22 overpaid claim was for a prescription that was not filled
23 correctly;
24 (11) may not recoup costs associated with a clerical
25 error or other errors that do not result in financial harm
26 to the entity or a consumer;

SB3642- 17 -LRB100 24035 SMS 43132 b
1 (12) may not charge a pharmacy for a denied or disputed
2 claim until the audit and the appeals procedure established
3 under subsection (a) of this Section are final;
4 (13) must allow the pharmacy to provide supplemental
5 documentation that corresponds to a claim; and
6 (14) must provide written notice that the pharmacy may
7 request the Director review a final report provided under
8 this Article.
9 (215 ILCS 5/513b80 new)
10 Sec. 513b80. Audit findings. An entity's finding that a
11claim was incorrectly presented or paid must be based on
12identified transactions and not based on probability sampling,
13extrapolation, or other means that project an error using the
14number of patients served who have a similar diagnosis or the
15number of similar prescriptions or refills for similar drugs.
16 (215 ILCS 5/513b85 new)
17 Sec. 513b85. Restrictions. A pharmacy benefits manager may
19 (1) agree to compensate an entity based on a percentage
20 of the amount of overpayments recovered; or
21 (2) disclose information obtained during an audit
22 except to the entity, the pharmacy subject to the audit, or
23 the holder of the policy or certificate of insurance that
24 paid the claim.

SB3642- 18 -LRB100 24035 SMS 43132 b
1 (215 ILCS 5/513b90 new)
2 Sec. 513b90. Evidence of validation of a claim. For
3purposes of Sections 513b75 through 513b95 of this Article, an
4entity must allow as evidence of validation of a claim:
5 (1) an electronic or physical copy of a prescription
6 that complies with the Pharmacy Practice Act if the
7 prescribed drug was, within 14 days after the dispensing
8 date:
9 (A) picked up by the patient or the patient's
10 designee;
11 (B) delivered by the pharmacy to the patient; or
12 (C) sent by the pharmacy to the patient using the
13 United States Postal Service or other common carrier;
14 (2) point of sale electronic register data showing
15 purchase of the prescribed drug, medical supply, or service
16 by the patient or the patient's designee; or
17 (3) written or electronic records, including
18 electronic beneficiary signature logs, electronically
19 scanned and stored patient records maintained at or
20 accessible to the audited pharmacy's central operations,
21 and any other reasonably clear and accurate written or
22 electronic documentation that corresponds to a claim.
23 (215 ILCS 5/513b95 new)
24 Sec. 513b95. Audit reports.

SB3642- 19 -LRB100 24035 SMS 43132 b
1 (a) After conducting an audit, an entity must provide the
2pharmacy that is the subject of the audit with a preliminary
3report of the audit. The preliminary report must be received by
4the pharmacy no later than 45 days after the date on which the
5audit was completed and must be sent:
6 (1) by mail or common carrier with a return receipt
7 requested; or
8 (2) electronically with electronic receipt
9 confirmation.
10 (b) An entity shall provide a pharmacy receiving a
11preliminary report under subsection (a) no fewer than 45 days
12after receiving the report to contest the report or any
13findings in the report in accordance with the appeals procedure
14established under Section 513b75 of this Article and to provide
15additional documentation in support of the claim. The entity
16shall consider a reasonable request for an extension of time to
17submit documentation to contest the report or any findings in
18the report.
19 (c) If an audit results in the dispute or denial of a
20claim, the entity conducting the audit shall allow the pharmacy
21to resubmit the claim using any commercially reasonable method,
22including mail or electronic mail.
23 (d) An entity must provide a pharmacy that is the subject
24of an audit with a final report of the audit no later than 60
25days after the later of the date the preliminary report was
26received or the date the pharmacy contested the report using

SB3642- 20 -LRB100 24035 SMS 43132 b
1the appeals procedure established under Section 513b75 of this
2Article. The final report must include a final accounting of
3all moneys to be recovered by the entity.
4 (e) Recoupment of disputed funds from a pharmacy or
5repayment of funds by a pharmacy, unless otherwise agreed to by
6the entity and the pharmacy, shall occur after the audit and
7the appeals procedure established under Section 513b75 of this
8Article are final. If the identified discrepancy for an
9individual audit exceeds $40,000, any future payments to the
10pharmacy may be withheld until the audit and the appeals
11procedure established under Section 513b75 of this Article are
13 (215 ILCS 5/513b100 new)
14 Sec. 513b100. Director review of final report.
15 (a) Within 30 days after an entity provides a pharmacy a
16final report, a pharmacy may request the Director review the
17audit report.
18 (b) The Director shall adopt rules establishing criteria
19for this review of audit reports, in accordance with the terms
20of this Article.
21 (215 ILCS 5/513b105 new)
22 Sec. 513b105. Application of Sections 513b75 through
23513b95. Sections 513b75 through 513b95 of this Article do not:
24 (1) preclude a person from instituting an action for

SB3642- 21 -LRB100 24035 SMS 43132 b
1 fraud against a pharmacy;
2 (2) apply to an audit of pharmacy records when fraud or
3 other intentional and willful misrepresentation is
4 evidenced by physical review, review of claims data, or
5 statements or other investigative methods; or
6 (3) apply to a State agency that is conducting audits
7 or a person that has contracted with a State agency to
8 conduct audits of a pharmacy.
9 (215 ILCS 5/513b110 new)
10 Sec. 513b110. Severability. The provisions of this Article
11are severable under Section 1.31 of the Statute on Statutes.