Rep. Sam Yingling

Filed: 5/15/2014

09800SB3503ham002LRB098 16866 HLH 59636 a
2 AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend Senate Bill 3503 on page 1,
3line 6, by replacing "4-17" with "9-17"; and
4by deleting everything from line 16 on page 2 through line 8 on
5page 3; and
6on page 5, immediately below line 4, by inserting the
8 "(35 ILCS 200/9-17 new)
9 Sec. 9-17. Annual meeting with the Department.
10 (a) The Department shall, in each year, assemble all
11supervisors of assessment who have been appointed or elected
12under Section 3-5 or 3-45 for consultation and shall instruct
13them in the uniformity of their functions. The instructions
14shall be in writing and shall be available to the public.
15Notice of the annual assembly shall be published on the

09800SB3503ham002- 2 -LRB098 16866 HLH 59636 a
1Department's website. The assembly may be held concurrently
2with the assembly for board of review members under subsection
3(b) and shall be open to the public.
4 (b) The Department shall, in each year, assemble all board
5of review members who have been appointed or elected under
6Section 6-5, 6-30, or 6-35, and all county commissioners
7constituting a board of review under Section 6-30, for
8consultation and shall instruct them in the uniformity of their
9functions. The instructions shall be in writing and shall be
10available to the public. Notice of the annual assembly shall be
11published on the Department's website. The assembly may be held
12concurrently with the assembly for supervisors of assessments
13under subsection (a) and shall be open to the public.
14 (c) This Section does not apply to supervisors of
15assessment or board of review members in counties with more
16than 3,000,000 inhabitants."; and
17on page 5, line 13, after the period, by inserting "This
18Section does not apply in any county with more than 3,000,000