State of Illinois
2013 and 2014

Introduced 2/4/2014, by Sen. Iris Y. Martinez

105 ILCS 5/27A-11

Amends the Charter Schools Law of the School Code. Makes a technical change in a Section concerning local financing.
LRB098 16153 NHT 51210 b


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1 AN ACT concerning education.
2 Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4 Section 5. The School Code is amended by changing Section
527A-11 as follows:
6 (105 ILCS 5/27A-11)
7 Sec. 27A-11. Local financing.
8 (a) For purposes of the the School Code, pupils enrolled in
9a charter school shall be included in the pupil enrollment of
10the school district within which the pupil resides. Each
11charter school (i) shall determine the school district in which
12each pupil who is enrolled in the charter school resides, (ii)
13shall report the aggregate number of pupils resident of a
14school district who are enrolled in the charter school to the
15school district in which those pupils reside, and (iii) shall
16maintain accurate records of daily attendance that shall be
17deemed sufficient to file claims under Section 18-8
18notwithstanding any other requirements of that Section
19regarding hours of instruction and teacher certification.
20 (b) Except for a charter school established by referendum
21under Section 27A-6.5, as part of a charter school contract,
22the charter school and the local school board shall agree on
23funding and any services to be provided by the school district

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1to the charter school. Agreed funding that a charter school is
2to receive from the local school board for a school year shall
3be paid in equal quarterly installments with the payment of the
4installment for the first quarter being made not later than
5July 1, unless the charter establishes a different payment
7 All services centrally or otherwise provided by the school
8district including, but not limited to, rent, food services,
9custodial services, maintenance, curriculum, media services,
10libraries, transportation, and warehousing shall be subject to
11negotiation between a charter school and the local school board
12and paid for out of the revenues negotiated pursuant to this
13subsection (b); provided that the local school board shall not
14attempt, by negotiation or otherwise, to obligate a charter
15school to provide pupil transportation for pupils for whom a
16district is not required to provide transportation under the
17criteria set forth in subsection (a)(13) of Section 27A-7.
18 In no event shall the funding be less than 75% or more than
19125% of the school district's per capita student tuition
20multiplied by the number of students residing in the district
21who are enrolled in the charter school.
22 It is the intent of the General Assembly that funding and
23service agreements under this subsection (b) shall be neither a
24financial incentive nor a financial disincentive to the
25establishment of a charter school.
26 The charter school may set and collect reasonable fees.

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1Fees collected from students enrolled at a charter school shall
2be retained by the charter school.
3 (c) Notwithstanding subsection (b) of this Section, the
4proportionate share of State and federal resources generated by
5students with disabilities or staff serving them shall be
6directed to charter schools enrolling those students by their
7school districts or administrative units. The proportionate
8share of moneys generated under other federal or State
9categorical aid programs shall be directed to charter schools
10serving students eligible for that aid.
11 (d) The governing body of a charter school is authorized to
12accept gifts, donations, or grants of any kind made to the
13charter school and to expend or use gifts, donations, or grants
14in accordance with the conditions prescribed by the donor;
15however, a gift, donation, or grant may not be accepted by the
16governing body if it is subject to any condition contrary to
17applicable law or contrary to the terms of the contract between
18the charter school and the local school board. Charter schools
19shall be encouraged to solicit and utilize community volunteer
20speakers and other instructional resources when providing
21instruction on the Holocaust and other historical events.
22 (e) (Blank).
23 (f) The State Board shall provide technical assistance to
24persons and groups preparing or revising charter applications.
25 (g) At the non-renewal or revocation of its charter, each
26charter school shall refund to the local board of education all

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1unspent funds.
2 (h) A charter school is authorized to incur temporary,
3short term debt to pay operating expenses in anticipation of
4receipt of funds from the local school board.
5(Source: P.A. 90-548, eff. 1-1-98; 90-757, eff. 8-14-98;
691-407, eff. 8-3-99.)