State of Illinois
2017 and 2018

Introduced 2/6/2018, by Sen. Pamela J. Althoff

725 ILCS 5/109-1 from Ch. 38, par. 109-1
725 ILCS 5/110-6 from Ch. 38, par. 110-6

Amends the Code of Criminal Procedure of 1963. Provides that the Chief Judge of the Circuit Court of a county may decide not to implement a provision by local court rule that requires a person charged with an offense to be allowed counsel at the hearing at which bail is determined and if the defendant desires counsel for his or her initial appearance but is unable to obtain counsel, the court shall appoint a public defender or licensed attorney at law of this State to represent him or her for purposes of that hearing. Provides that the Chief Judge of the Circuit Court of a county may decide not to implement a provision requiring that a person in custody for a Category B offense due to an inability to post monetary bail be brought before the court at the next available court date or 7 calendar days from the date bail was set, whichever is earlier, for a rehearing on the amount or conditions of bail or release pending further court proceedings. Effective immediately.
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SB2564LRB100 16376 SLF 31504 b
1 AN ACT concerning criminal law.
2 Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4 Section 5. The Code of Criminal Procedure of 1963 is
5amended by changing Sections 109-1 and 110-6 as follows:
6 (725 ILCS 5/109-1) (from Ch. 38, par. 109-1)
7 Sec. 109-1. Person arrested.
8 (a) A person arrested with or without a warrant shall be
9taken without unnecessary delay before the nearest and most
10accessible judge in that county, except when such county is a
11participant in a regional jail authority, in which event such
12person may be taken to the nearest and most accessible judge,
13irrespective of the county where such judge presides, and a
14charge shall be filed. Whenever a person arrested either with
15or without a warrant is required to be taken before a judge, a
16charge may be filed against such person by way of a two-way
17closed circuit television system, except that a hearing to deny
18bail to the defendant may not be conducted by way of closed
19circuit television.
20 (a-5) A person charged with an offense shall be allowed
21counsel at the hearing at which bail is determined under
22Article 110 of this Code. If the defendant desires counsel for
23his or her initial appearance but is unable to obtain counsel,

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1the court shall appoint a public defender or licensed attorney
2at law of this State to represent him or her for purposes of
3that hearing. The Chief Judge of the Circuit Court of a county
4may decide not to implement this subsection (a-5) by local
5court rule.
6 (b) The judge shall:
7 (1) Inform the defendant of the charge against him and
8 shall provide him with a copy of the charge;
9 (2) Advise the defendant of his right to counsel and if
10 indigent shall appoint a public defender or licensed
11 attorney at law of this State to represent him in
12 accordance with the provisions of Section 113-3 of this
13 Code;
14 (3) Schedule a preliminary hearing in appropriate
15 cases;
16 (4) Admit the defendant to bail in accordance with the
17 provisions of Article 110 of this Code; and
18 (5) Order the confiscation of the person's passport or
19 impose travel restrictions on a defendant arrested for
20 first degree murder or other violent crime as defined in
21 Section 3 of the Rights of Crime Victims and Witnesses Act,
22 if the judge determines, based on the factors in Section
23 110-5 of this Code, that this will reasonably ensure the
24 appearance of the defendant and compliance by the defendant
25 with all conditions of release.
26 (c) The court may issue an order of protection in

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1accordance with the provisions of Article 112A of this Code.
2 (d) At the initial appearance of a defendant in any
3criminal proceeding, the court must advise the defendant in
4open court that any foreign national who is arrested or
5detained has the right to have notice of the arrest or
6detention given to his or her country's consular
7representatives and the right to communicate with those
8consular representatives if the notice has not already been
9provided. The court must make a written record of so advising
10the defendant.
11 (e) If consular notification is not provided to a defendant
12before his or her first appearance in court, the court shall
13grant any reasonable request for a continuance of the
14proceedings to allow contact with the defendant's consulate.
15Any delay caused by the granting of the request by a defendant
16shall temporarily suspend for the time of the delay the period
17within which a person shall be tried as prescribed by
18subsections (a), (b), or (e) of Section 103-5 of this Code and
19on the day of the expiration of delay the period shall continue
20at the point at which it was suspended.
21(Source: P.A. 99-78, eff. 7-20-15; 99-190, eff. 1-1-16; 100-1,
22eff. 1-1-18.)
23 (725 ILCS 5/110-6) (from Ch. 38, par. 110-6)
24 Sec. 110-6. Modification of bail or conditions.
25 (a) Upon verified application by the State or the defendant

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1or on its own motion the court before which the proceeding is
2pending may increase or reduce the amount of bail or may alter
3the conditions of the bail bond or grant bail where it has been
4previously revoked or denied. If bail has been previously
5revoked pursuant to subsection (f) of this Section or if bail
6has been denied to the defendant pursuant to subsection (e) of
7Section 110-6.1 or subsection (e) of Section 110-6.3, the
8defendant shall be required to present a verified application
9setting forth in detail any new facts not known or obtainable
10at the time of the previous revocation or denial of bail
11proceedings. If the court grants bail where it has been
12previously revoked or denied, the court shall state on the
13record of the proceedings the findings of facts and conclusion
14of law upon which such order is based.
15 (a-5) In addition to any other available motion or
16procedure under this Code, a person in custody for a Category B
17offense due to an inability to post monetary bail shall be
18brought before the court at the next available court date or 7
19calendar days from the date bail was set, whichever is earlier,
20for a rehearing on the amount or conditions of bail or release
21pending further court proceedings. The court may reconsider
22conditions of release for any other person whose inability to
23post monetary bail is the sole reason for continued
24incarceration, including a person in custody for a Category A
25offense. The Chief Judge of the Circuit Court of a county may
26decide not to implement this subsection (a-5) by local court

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2 (b) Violation of the conditions of Section 110-10 of this
3Code or any special conditions of bail as ordered by the court
4shall constitute grounds for the court to increase the amount
5of bail, or otherwise alter the conditions of bail, or, where
6the alleged offense committed on bail is a forcible felony in
7Illinois or a Class 2 or greater offense under the Illinois
8Controlled Substances Act, the Cannabis Control Act, or the
9Methamphetamine Control and Community Protection Act, revoke
10bail pursuant to the appropriate provisions of subsection (e)
11of this Section.
12 (c) Reasonable notice of such application by the defendant
13shall be given to the State.
14 (d) Reasonable notice of such application by the State
15shall be given to the defendant, except as provided in
16subsection (e).
17 (e) Upon verified application by the State stating facts or
18circumstances constituting a violation or a threatened
19violation of any of the conditions of the bail bond the court
20may issue a warrant commanding any peace officer to bring the
21defendant without unnecessary delay before the court for a
22hearing on the matters set forth in the application. If the
23actual court before which the proceeding is pending is absent
24or otherwise unavailable another court may issue a warrant
25pursuant to this Section. When the defendant is charged with a
26felony offense and while free on bail is charged with a

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1subsequent felony offense and is the subject of a proceeding
2set forth in Section 109-1 or 109-3 of this Code, upon the
3filing of a verified petition by the State alleging a violation
4of Section 110-10 (a) (4) of this Code, the court shall without
5prior notice to the defendant, grant leave to file such
6application and shall order the transfer of the defendant and
7the application without unnecessary delay to the court before
8which the previous felony matter is pending for a hearing as
9provided in subsection (b) or this subsection of this Section.
10The defendant shall be held without bond pending transfer to
11and a hearing before such court. At the conclusion of the
12hearing based on a violation of the conditions of Section
13110-10 of this Code or any special conditions of bail as
14ordered by the court the court may enter an order increasing
15the amount of bail or alter the conditions of bail as deemed
17 (f) Where the alleged violation consists of the violation
18of one or more felony statutes of any jurisdiction which would
19be a forcible felony in Illinois or a Class 2 or greater
20offense under the Illinois Controlled Substances Act, the
21Cannabis Control Act, or the Methamphetamine Control and
22Community Protection Act and the defendant is on bail for the
23alleged commission of a felony, or where the defendant is on
24bail for a felony domestic battery (enhanced pursuant to
25subsection (b) of Section 12-3.2 of the Criminal Code of 1961
26or the Criminal Code of 2012), aggravated domestic battery,

SB2564- 7 -LRB100 16376 SLF 31504 b
1aggravated battery, unlawful restraint, aggravated unlawful
2restraint or domestic battery in violation of item (1) of
3subsection (a) of Section 12-3.2 of the Criminal Code of 1961
4or the Criminal Code of 2012 against a family or household
5member as defined in Section 112A-3 of this Code and the
6violation is an offense of domestic battery against the same
7victim the court shall, on the motion of the State or its own
8motion, revoke bail in accordance with the following
10 (1) The court shall hold the defendant without bail
11 pending the hearing on the alleged breach; however, if the
12 defendant is not admitted to bail the hearing shall be
13 commenced within 10 days from the date the defendant is
14 taken into custody or the defendant may not be held any
15 longer without bail, unless delay is occasioned by the
16 defendant. Where defendant occasions the delay, the
17 running of the 10 day period is temporarily suspended and
18 resumes at the termination of the period of delay. Where
19 defendant occasions the delay with 5 or fewer days
20 remaining in the 10 day period, the court may grant a
21 period of up to 5 additional days to the State for good
22 cause shown. The State, however, shall retain the right to
23 proceed to hearing on the alleged violation at any time,
24 upon reasonable notice to the defendant and the court.
25 (2) At a hearing on the alleged violation the State has
26 the burden of going forward and proving the violation by

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1 clear and convincing evidence. The evidence shall be
2 presented in open court with the opportunity to testify, to
3 present witnesses in his behalf, and to cross-examine
4 witnesses if any are called by the State, and
5 representation by counsel and if the defendant is indigent
6 to have counsel appointed for him. The rules of evidence
7 applicable in criminal trials in this State shall not
8 govern the admissibility of evidence at such hearing.
9 Information used by the court in its findings or stated in
10 or offered in connection with hearings for increase or
11 revocation of bail may be by way of proffer based upon
12 reliable information offered by the State or defendant. All
13 evidence shall be admissible if it is relevant and reliable
14 regardless of whether it would be admissible under the
15 rules of evidence applicable at criminal trials. A motion
16 by the defendant to suppress evidence or to suppress a
17 confession shall not be entertained at such a hearing.
18 Evidence that proof may have been obtained as a result of
19 an unlawful search and seizure or through improper
20 interrogation is not relevant to this hearing.
21 (3) Upon a finding by the court that the State has
22 established by clear and convincing evidence that the
23 defendant has committed a forcible felony or a Class 2 or
24 greater offense under the Illinois Controlled Substances
25 Act, the Cannabis Control Act, or the Methamphetamine
26 Control and Community Protection Act while admitted to

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1 bail, or where the defendant is on bail for a felony
2 domestic battery (enhanced pursuant to subsection (b) of
3 Section 12-3.2 of the Criminal Code of 1961 or the Criminal
4 Code of 2012), aggravated domestic battery, aggravated
5 battery, unlawful restraint, aggravated unlawful restraint
6 or domestic battery in violation of item (1) of subsection
7 (a) of Section 12-3.2 of the Criminal Code of 1961 or the
8 Criminal Code of 2012 against a family or household member
9 as defined in Section 112A-3 of this Code and the violation
10 is an offense of domestic battery, against the same victim,
11 the court shall revoke the bail of the defendant and hold
12 the defendant for trial without bail. Neither the finding
13 of the court nor any transcript or other record of the
14 hearing shall be admissible in the State's case in chief,
15 but shall be admissible for impeachment, or as provided in
16 Section 115-10.1 of this Code or in a perjury proceeding.
17 (4) If the bail of any defendant is revoked pursuant to
18 paragraph (f) (3) of this Section, the defendant may demand
19 and shall be entitled to be brought to trial on the offense
20 with respect to which he was formerly released on bail
21 within 90 days after the date on which his bail was
22 revoked. If the defendant is not brought to trial within
23 the 90 day period required by the preceding sentence, he
24 shall not be held longer without bail. In computing the 90
25 day period, the court shall omit any period of delay
26 resulting from a continuance granted at the request of the

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1 defendant.
2 (5) If the defendant either is arrested on a warrant
3 issued pursuant to this Code or is arrested for an
4 unrelated offense and it is subsequently discovered that
5 the defendant is a subject of another warrant or warrants
6 issued pursuant to this Code, the defendant shall be
7 transferred promptly to the court which issued such
8 warrant. If, however, the defendant appears initially
9 before a court other than the court which issued such
10 warrant, the non-issuing court shall not alter the amount
11 of bail set on such warrant unless the court sets forth on
12 the record of proceedings the conclusions of law and facts
13 which are the basis for such altering of another court's
14 bond. The non-issuing court shall not alter another courts
15 bail set on a warrant unless the interests of justice and
16 public safety are served by such action.
17 (g) The State may appeal any order where the court has
18increased or reduced the amount of bail or altered the
19conditions of the bail bond or granted bail where it has
20previously been revoked.
21(Source: P.A. 100-1, eff. 1-1-18.)
22 Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon
23becoming law.