SB2097 Engrossed LRB096 11357 JAM 21813 b
1 AN ACT concerning the legislature.
2 Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3 represented in the General Assembly:
4 Section 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the Joint
5 Committee on Obsolete Laws and Programs Act.
6 Section 5. Committee established. The Joint Committee on
7 Obsolete Laws and Programs is established, consisting of 12
8 members of the General Assembly, appointed as follows: 6
9 Senators appointed 3 each by the President and Minority Leader
10 of the Senate and 6 Representatives appointed 3 each by the
11 Speaker and Minority Leader of the House of Representatives. A
12 member shall serve at the pleasure of the legislative leader
13 authorized to make the appointment to that position. A vacancy
14 shall be filled by appointment by the legislative leader
15 authorized to make the appointment to the vacated position.
16 The President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of
17 Representatives each shall designate one of his or her
18 appointees to serve as co-chair of the Committee. The Committee
19 shall meet as frequently as necessary at the call of either
20 co-chair. Members shall not receive compensation for their
21 service on the Committee but shall be reimbursed for their
22 reasonable expenses actually incurred in the performance of
23 their service on the Committee from funds appropriated for that

SB2097 Engrossed - 2 - LRB096 11357 JAM 21813 b
1 purpose. The Committee shall receive staff and technical
2 assistance provided by the General Assembly.
3 Section 10. Research and report. By March 20, 2010, the
4 Committee must prepare and file a report listing any statutes
5 or State programs, or portion of a statute or program, that are
6 obsolete, unnecessary due to changes in technology or lifestyle
7 changes, or duplicative of other State or federal statutes or
8 programs. The report must also include (i) an explanation of
9 why all or part of a statute or program is obsolete,
10 unnecessary, or duplicative of other State or federal statutes
11 or programs and (ii) a timetable for repeal of all or part of
12 the statutes or programs. The report shall be filed with the
13 Secretary of the Senate, the Clerk of the House of
14 Representatives, and the Legislative Reference Bureau and also
15 with the Office of the Governor for distribution to affected
16 State agencies.
17 Section 15. Repeal. This Act is repealed April 1, 2010.
18 Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon
19 becoming law.