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1 AN ACT concerning education.
2 Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4 Section 5. The Public Community College Act is amended by
5adding Section 2-26 as follows:
6 (110 ILCS 805/2-26 new)
7 Sec. 2-26. 21st Century Employment grant program.
8 (a) Subject to appropriation, the State Board shall
9establish and administer a 21st Century Employment grant
10program. To qualify for a grant, a community college district
11and a public high school located in that district must jointly
12establish a collaborative regional partnership with workforce
13development organizations, including community-based
14organizations with a vested interest in the workforce, regional
15economic development organizations, and economic development
16officials in the district, along with manufacturers,
17healthcare service providers, and innovative technology
18businesses that have a presence in the district, to provide a
19manufacturing training program. A grant recipient must provide
20the State Board with a plan that meets all of the following
22 (1) The plan shall define specific goals that a student
23 must meet upon graduation.

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1 (2) The plan shall include the type of professional
2 skills that will be taught in order for the students to
3 gain and retain employment. The professional skills
4 curriculum in the program shall include, but not be limited
5 to, training on all of the following:
6 (A) Effective communication skills.
7 (B) Teamwork.
8 (C) Dependability.
9 (D) Adaptability.
10 (E) Conflict resolution.
11 (F) Flexibility.
12 (G) Leadership.
13 (H) Problem-solving.
14 (I) Research.
15 (J) Creativity.
16 (K) Work ethic.
17 (L) Integrity.
18 In awarding grants under this Section, the State Board
19 must give priority to plans that demonstrate a formal
20 articulation agreement between a public high school and a
21 community college district.
22 (3) The plan shall include a budget that includes any
23 outside donations, including any in-kind donations, made
24 to help the program, including from non-profit entities and
25 individuals.
26 (4) The plan shall include the proposed number of

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1 individuals who would be enrolled in the program, along
2 with the places that those individuals could be employed at
3 after graduation and what industries would be targeted. The
4 plan must support a seamless transition into higher
5 education and career opportunities and must outline the
6 college credit and on-the-job training hours that will
7 transfer from the high school to a community college.
8 (5) The plan shall require a private-public
9 partnership clause that requires private businesses to
10 contribute an amount determined by the State Board and the
11 collaborative regional partnership that does not exceed
12 40% of the amount of the total project. The applicant must
13 provide the State Board with a receipt of contributions
14 from businesses to evidence compliance with this
15 paragraph. However, businesses may contribute equipment or
16 offer their facilities, in which case a business shall
17 establish a cost of use of its facility, to meet the
18 requirements of this paragraph.
19 (6) The plan shall indicate the certificates that the
20 community college or high school will offer to students
21 upon graduation, as agreed to by the collaborative regional
22 partnership. The community college or high school shall
23 offer no less than 6 types of industry-recognized
24 certificates.
25 (b) The State Board shall establish an advisory board for
26the grant program established under subsection (a) that

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1consists of all of the following members:
2 (1) The Director of Commerce and Economic Opportunity.
3 (2) The Executive Director of the State Board.
4 (3) The State Superintendent of Education.
5 (4) The Director of Labor.
6 (5) A senator appointed by the President of the Senate.
7 (6) A senator appointed by the Minority Leader of the
8 Senate.
9 (7) A representative appointed by the Speaker of the
10 House of Representatives.
11 (8) A representative appointed by the Minority Leader
12 of the House of Representatives.
13 (9) A member from a statewide organization that
14 represents manufacturing companies throughout this State,
15 appointed by the Governor.
16 (10) A member who represents at-risk students,
17 including, but not limited to, opportunity youth,
18 appointed by the Governor.
19 (11) A member from a statewide organization that
20 represents multiple employee unions in this State,
21 appointed by the Governor.
22 (12) A member from a trade union, appointed by the
23 Governor.
24 (13) A member from a statewide organization that
25 represents the business community, appointed by the
26 Governor.

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1 (14) A member from a statewide organization that
2 represents service employees in this State, appointed by
3 the Governor.
4 (15) Educators representing various regions of this
5 State from professional teachers' organizations, appointed
6 by the Governor.
7 (16) A member from a statewide organization that
8 represents hospitals in this State, appointed by the
9 Governor.
10 (17) A president of a community college, appointed by
11 the Governor.
12 (18) A district superintendent of a high school
13 district, appointed by Governor.
14 The members of the advisory board shall serve without
15compensation but shall be reimbursed for their reasonable and
16necessary expenses from funds appropriated to the State Board
17for that purpose, including travel, subject to the rules of the
18appropriate travel control board.
19 The advisory board shall meet at the call of the State
20Board and shall report to the State Board. The State Board
21shall provide administrative and other support to the advisory
23 (c) The advisory board established under subsection (b)
24shall have all of the following duties:
25 (1) To review the progress made by each grant
26 recipient, including, but not limited to, the

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1 gainful-employment success rate, how many students remain
2 employed for how long, and how many students went on to
3 receive higher manufacturing certificates.
4 (2) To review how many students went on to complete a
5 paid internship or apprenticeship upon graduation.
6 (3) To compile a list of programs offered by each
7 community college or high school.
8 (4) To analyze whether the certificates are closing the
9 gap in education for the current needs of the labor force,
10 and to offer suggestions on how to close the gap if one
11 still exists.
12 (5) To suggest certificates that could help future
13 employers looking to locate in this State.
14 (6) To offer guidelines for the types of certificates
15 that a community college or high school should pursue.
16 (7) To offer possible rules to the State Board that the
17 grant process should follow.
18 (d) The State Board may adopt any rules necessary for the
19purposes of this Section.