SB1895 EngrossedLRB100 11131 MJP 21397 b
1 AN ACT concerning regulation.
2 Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4 Section 5. The Volunteer Emergency Worker Job Protection
5Act is amended by changing Section 5 as follows:
6 (50 ILCS 748/5)
7 Sec. 5. Volunteer emergency worker; when termination of
8employment prohibited.
9 (a) No public or private employer may terminate an employee
10who is a volunteer emergency worker because the employee, when
11acting as a volunteer emergency worker, is absent from or late
12to his or her employment in order to respond to an emergency
13prior to the time the employee is to report to his or her place
14of employment. A public or private employer shall not
15discipline an employee who is a volunteer emergency worker if
16the employee, in the scope of acting as a volunteer emergency
17worker, responds to an emergency phone call or text message
18during work hours that requests the person's volunteer
19emergency services unless the person is employed by a public or
20private vehicle service provider and is in the course of
21performing services as Emergency Medical Services personnel as
22defined in Section 3.5 of the Emergency Medical Services (EMS)
23Systems Act.

SB1895 Engrossed- 2 -LRB100 11131 MJP 21397 b
1 (b) An employer may charge, against the employee's regular
2pay, any time that an employee who is a volunteer emergency
3worker loses from employment because of the employee's response
4to an emergency in the course of performing his or her duties
5as a volunteer emergency worker.
6 (c) In the case of an employee who is a volunteer emergency
7worker and who loses time from his or her employment in order
8to respond to an emergency in the course of performing his or
9her duties as a volunteer emergency worker, the employer has
10the right to request the employee to provide the employer with
11a written statement from the supervisor or acting supervisor of
12the volunteer fire department or governmental entity that the
13volunteer emergency worker serves stating that the employee
14responded to an emergency and stating the time and date of the
16 (d) An employee who is a volunteer emergency worker and who
17may be absent from or late to his or her employment in order to
18respond to an emergency in the course of performing his or her
19duties as a volunteer emergency worker must make a reasonable
20effort to notify his or her employer that he or she may be
21absent or late.
22(Source: P.A. 93-1027, eff. 8-25-04; 94-599, eff. 1-1-06.)