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1 AN ACT concerning education.
2 Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4 Section 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the Credit
5for Prior Learning Act.
6 Section 5. Definitions. In this Act:
7 "Community college" means a public community college that
8is included in the definition of "Community Colleges" under
9Section 1-2 of the Public Community College Act.
10 "Credit for prior learning" means the evaluation and
11assessment of a student's life learning through employment,
12training, and experiences outside an academic environment from
13which skills that comprise terminal objectives are mastered to
14an acceptable degree of proficiency for college credit,
15certification, or advanced standing toward further education
16or training.
17 "Public university" means the University of Illinois,
18Southern Illinois University, Chicago State University,
19Eastern Illinois University, Governors State University,
20Illinois State University, Northeastern Illinois University,
21Northern Illinois University, Western Illinois University, or
22any other public university or college, other than a community
23college, now or hereafter established or authorized by the

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1General Assembly.
2 Section 10. Purpose. The purpose of this Act is to
3accomplish all of the following:
4 (1) To reduce college costs.
5 (2) To speed the time to certificate and degree
6 completion consistent with this State's completion agenda.
7 (3) To facilitate the transition into postsecondary
8 education for non-traditional students.
9 (4) To offer opportunities for improving degree
10 attainment for underserved student populations,
11 particularly underserved non-traditional students.
12 Section 15. Policies and procedures.
13 (a) Each public university shall submit its policies and
14procedures for students to earn credit for prior learning to
15the Board of Higher Education. At a minimum, these procedures
16shall include a listing of the types of documentation
17acceptable to the public university and the dates of inclusion
18for which prior learning is acceptable.
19 (b) Each community college shall submit its policies and
20procedures for students to earn credit for prior learning to
21the Illinois Community College Board. At a minimum, these
22procedures shall include a listing of the types of
23documentation acceptable to the community college and the dates
24of inclusion for which prior learning is acceptable.

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1 Section 90. Rules.
2 (a) The Board of Higher Education shall adopt rules to
3permit public universities to award credit for prior learning
4after the assessment of prior learning experiences for
5documented learning that demonstrates achievement of all
6terminal objectives for a specific course or courses.
7 (b) The Illinois Community College Board shall adopt rules
8to permit community colleges to award credit for prior learning
9after the assessment of prior learning experiences for
10documented learning that demonstrates achievement of all
11terminal objectives for a specific course or courses.