Public Act 101-0562
SB1724 EnrolledLRB101 07218 AXK 52256 b
AN ACT concerning education.
Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
represented in the General Assembly:
Section 5. The University of Illinois Act is amended by
adding Section 105 as follows:
(110 ILCS 305/105 new)
Sec. 105. Water rates report.
(a) Subject to appropriation, no later than December 1,
2020, the Government Finance Research Center at the University
of Illinois at Chicago, in coordination with an
intergovernmental advisory committee, must issue a report
evaluating the setting of water rates throughout the Lake
Michigan service area of northeastern Illinois and, no later
than December 1, 2021, for the remainder of Illinois. The
report must provide recommendations for policy and regulatory
needs at the State and local level based on its findings. The
report shall, at a minimum, address all of the following areas:
(1) The components of a water bill.
(2) Reasons for increases in water rates.
(3) The definition of affordability throughout the
State and any variances to that definition.
(4) Evidence of rate-setting that utilizes
inappropriate practices.
(5) The extent to which State or local policies drive
cost increases or variations in rate-settings.
(6) Challenges within economically disadvantaged
communities in setting water rates.
(7) Opportunities for increased intergovernmental
coordination for setting equitable water rates.
(b) In developing the report under this Section, the
Government Finance Research Center shall form an advisory
committee, which shall be composed of all of the following
(1) The Director of the Environmental Protection
Agency, or his or her designee.
(2) The Director of Natural Resources, or his or her
(3) The Director of Commerce and Economic Opportunity,
or his or her designee.
(4) The Attorney General, or his or her designee.
(5) At least 2 members who are representatives of
private water utilities operating in Illinois, appointed
by the Director of the Government Finance Research Center.
(6) At least 4 members who are representatives of
municipal water utilities, appointed by the Director of the
Government Finance Research Center.
(7) One member who is a representative of an
environmental justice advocacy organization, appointed by
the Director of the Government Finance Research Center.
(8) One member who is a representative of a consumer
advocacy organization, appointed by the Director of the
Government Finance Research Center.
(9) One member who is a representative of an
environmental planning organization that serves
northeastern Illinois, appointed by the Director of the
Government Finance Research Center.
(10) The Director of the Illinois State Water Survey,
or his or her designee.
(11) The Chairperson of the Illinois Commerce
Commission, or his or her designee.
(c) After all members are appointed, the committee shall
hold its first meeting at the call of the Director of the
Government Finance Research Center, at which meeting the
members shall select a chairperson from among themselves. After
its first meeting, the committee shall meet at the call of the
chairperson. Members of the committee shall serve without
compensation but may be reimbursed for their reasonable and
necessary expenses incurred in performing their duties. The
Government Finance Research Center shall provide
administrative and other support to the committee.
(d) No later than 60 days after the effective date of this
amendatory Act of the 101st General Assembly, the Government
Finance Research Center must provide an opportunity for public
comment on the questions to be addressed in the report, the
metrics to be used, and the recommendations that need to be
(e) This Section is repealed on January 1, 2022.
Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon
becoming law.