State of Illinois
2017 and 2018

Introduced 2/9/2017, by Sen. Pamela J. Althoff

415 ILCS 150/30
415 ILCS 150/40
415 ILCS 150/57 new

Amends the Electronic Products Recycling and Reuse Act. Provides that a retailer may collect a fee for each covered electronic device or eligible electronic device collected. Provides that municipalities, townships, and other units of local government that are acting as collectors may collect a fee for each covered electronic device or eligible electronic device collected. Removes provisions providing that individual consumers shall not be charged a fee for bringing covered electronic devices or eligible electronic devices to collection sites. Provides that a retailer shall be considered to have complied with specified provisions prohibiting the sale of computers, computer monitors, printers, or televisions if certain conditions are met. Effective immediately.
LRB100 09551 MJP 19717 b


SB1417LRB100 09551 MJP 19717 b
1 AN ACT concerning safety.
2 Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4 Section 5. The Electronic Products Recycling and Reuse Act
5is amended by changing Sections 30 and 40 and by adding Section
657 as follows:
7 (415 ILCS 150/30)
8 Sec. 30. Manufacturer responsibilities.
9 (a) Prior to April 1, 2009 for the first program year, and
10by October 1 for program year 2011 and each program year
11thereafter, manufacturers who sell computers, computer
12monitors, printers, televisions, electronic keyboards,
13facsimile machines, videocassette recorders, portable digital
14music players, digital video disc players, video game consoles,
15electronic mice, scanners, digital converter boxes, cable
16receivers, satellite receivers, digital video disc recorders,
17or small-scale servers in this State must register with the
18Agency. The registration must be submitted in the form and
19manner required by the Agency. The registration must include,
20without limitation, all of the following:
21 (1) a list of all of the manufacturer's brands of
22 computers, computer monitors, printers, televisions,
23 electronic keyboards, facsimile machines, videocassette

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1 recorders, portable digital music players, digital video
2 disc players, video game consoles, electronic mice,
3 scanners, digital converter boxes, cable receivers,
4 satellite receivers, digital video disc recorders, and
5 small-scale servers to be offered for sale in the next
6 program year;
7 (2) (blank); and
8 (3) a statement disclosing whether any of the
9 manufacturer's computers, computer monitors, printers,
10 televisions, electronic keyboards, facsimile machines,
11 videocassette recorders, portable digital music players,
12 digital video disc players, video game consoles,
13 electronic mice, scanners, digital converter boxes, cable
14 receivers, satellite receivers, digital video disc
15 recorders, or small-scale servers sold in this State exceed
16 the maximum concentration values established for lead,
17 mercury, cadmium, hexavalent chromium, polybrominated
18 biphenyls (PBBs), and polybrominated diphenyl ethers
19 (PBDEEs) under the RoHS (restricting the use of certain
20 hazardous substances in electrical and electronic
21 equipment) Directive 2002/95/EC of the European Parliament
22 and Council and any amendments thereto and, if so, an
23 identification of the aforementioned electronic device
24 that exceeds the directive.
25 If, during the program year, any of the manufacturer's
26aforementioned electronic devices are sold or offered for sale

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1in Illinois under a new brand that is not listed in the
2manufacturer's registration, then, within 30 days after the
3first sale or offer for sale under the new brand, the
4manufacturer must amend its registration to add the new brand.
5 (b) Prior to July 1, 2009 for the first program year, and
6by the November 1 preceding program years 2011 and later, all
7manufacturers whose computers, computer monitors, printers,
8televisions, electronic keyboards, facsimile machines,
9videocassette recorders, portable digital music players,
10digital video disc players, video game consoles, electronic
11mice, scanners, digital converter boxes, cable receivers,
12satellite receivers, digital video disc recorders, or
13small-scale servers are offered for sale in the State shall
14submit to the Agency, at an address prescribed by the Agency,
15the registration fee for the next program year. The
16registration fee for program year 2010 is $5,000. The
17registration fee for program year 2011 is $5,000, increased by
18the applicable inflation factor as described below. In program
19year 2012, if, in program year 2011, a manufacturer sold 250 or
20fewer of the aforementioned electronic devices in the State,
21then the registration fee for that manufacturer is $1,250. In
22each program year after 2012, if, in the preceding program
23year, a manufacturer sold 250 or fewer of the aforementioned
24electronic devices in the State, then the registration fee is
25the fee that applied in the previous year to manufacturers that
26sold that number of the aforementioned electronic devices,

SB1417- 4 -LRB100 09551 MJP 19717 b
1increased by the applicable inflation factor as described
2below. In program year 2012, if, in the preceding program year
3a manufacturer sold 251 or more of the aforementioned
4electronic devices in the State, then the registration fee for
5that manufacturer is $5,000. In each program year after 2012,
6if, in the preceding program year, a manufacturer sold 251 or
7more of the aforementioned electronic devices in the State,
8then the registration fee is the fee that applied in the
9previous year to manufacturers that sold that number of the
10aforementioned electronic devices, increased by the applicable
11inflation factor as described below. For program year 2011,
12program year 2013, and each program year thereafter, the
13applicable registration fee is increased each year by an
14inflation factor determined by the annual Implicit Price
15Deflator for Gross National Product, as published by the U.S.
16Department of Commerce in its Survey of Current Business. The
17inflation factor must be calculated each year by dividing the
18latest published annual Implicit Price Deflator for Gross
19National Product by the annual Implicit Price Deflator for
20Gross National Product for the previous year. The inflation
21factor must be rounded to the nearest 1/100th, and the
22resulting registration fee must be rounded to the nearest whole
23dollar. No later than October 1 of each program year, the
24Agency shall post on its website the registration fee for the
25next program year.
26 (c) A manufacturer whose computers, computer monitors,

SB1417- 5 -LRB100 09551 MJP 19717 b
1printers, televisions, electronic keyboards, facsimile
2machines, videocassette recorders, portable digital music
3players, digital video disc players, video game consoles,
4electronic mice, scanners, digital converter boxes, cable
5receivers, satellite receivers, digital video disc recorders,
6or small-scale servers are sold or offered for sale in this
7State on or after January 1 of a program year must register
8with the Agency within 30 days after the first sale or offer
9for sale in accordance with subsection (a) of this Section and
10submit the registration fee required under subsection (b) of
11this Section prior to the aforementioned electronic devices
12being sold or offered for sale.
13 (d) Each manufacturer shall recycle or process for reuse
14CEDs and EEDs whose total weight equals or exceeds the
15manufacturer's individual recycling and reuse goal set forth in
16Section 15 of this Act. Individual consumers shall not be
17charged a fee when bringing their CEDs and EEDs to collection
18locations, unless a financial incentive of equal or greater
19value, such as a coupon, is provided. Collectors may charge a
20fee for premium services such as curbside collection, home
21pick-up, or a similar method of collection.
22 When determining whether a manufacturer has met or exceeded
23its individual recycling and reuse goal set forth in Section 15
24of this Act, all of the following adjustments must be made:
25 (1) The total weight of CEDs processed by the
26 manufacturer, its recyclers, or its refurbishers for reuse

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1 is doubled.
2 (2) The total weight of CEDs is tripled if they are
3 donated for reuse by the manufacturer to a primary or
4 secondary public education institution the majority of
5 whose students are considered low income or
6 developmentally disabled or to low-income children or
7 families or to assist the developmentally disabled in
8 Illinois. This subsection applies only to CEDs for which
9 the manufacturer has received a written confirmation that
10 the recipient has accepted the donation. Copies of all
11 written confirmations must be submitted in the annual
12 report required under Section 30.
13 (3) The total weight of CEDs collected by manufacturers
14 free of charge in underserved counties is doubled. This
15 subsection applies only to CEDs that are documented by
16 collectors as being collected or received free of charge in
17 underserved counties. This documentation must include,
18 without limitation, the date and location of collection or
19 receipt, the weight of the CEDs collected or received, and
20 an acknowledgement by the collector that the CEDs were
21 collected or received free of charge. Copies of the
22 documentation must be submitted in the annual report
23 required under subsection (h), (i), (j), (k), or (l) of
24 Section 30.
25 (4) If an entity (i) collects, recycles, or refurbishes
26 CEDs for a manufacturer, (ii) qualifies for non-profit

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1 status under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code
2 of 1986, and (iii) at least 75% of its employees are
3 developmentally disabled, then the total weight of CEDs
4 will be tripled. A manufacturer that uses such a recycler
5 or refurbisher shall submit documentation in the annual
6 report required under Section 30 identifying the name,
7 location, and length of service of the entity that
8 qualifies for credit under this subsection.
9 (e) (Blank).
10 (f) Manufacturers shall ensure that only recyclers and
11refurbishers that have registered with the Agency are used to
12meet the individual recycling and reuse goals set forth in this
14 (g) Manufacturers shall ensure that the recyclers and
15refurbishers used to meet the individual recycling and reuse
16goals set forth in this Act shall, at a minimum, comply with
17the standards set forth under subsection (d) of Section 50 of
18this Act. By November 1, 2011 and every November 1 thereafter,
19manufacturers shall submit a document, as prescribed by the
20Agency, listing each registered recycler and refurbisher that
21will be used to meet the manufacturer's annual CED recycling
22and reuse goal and certifying that those recyclers or
23refurbishers comply with the standards set forth in subsection
24(d) of Section 50.
25 (h) By September 1, 2012 and every September 1 thereafter,
26manufacturers of computers, computer monitors, printers,

SB1417- 8 -LRB100 09551 MJP 19717 b
1televisions, electronic keyboards, facsimile machines,
2videocassette recorders, portable digital music players,
3digital video disc players, video game consoles, electronic
4mice, scanners, digital converter boxes, cable receivers,
5satellite receivers, digital video disc recorders, or
6small-scale servers shall submit to the Agency, in the form and
7manner required by the Agency, a report that contains the total
8weight of the aforementioned electronic devices sold under each
9of the manufacturer's brands to individuals in this State as
10calculated under subsection (c) and (c-5) of Section 15, as
11applicable. Each manufacturer shall indicate on the report
12whether the total weight of the aforementioned electronic
13devices was derived from its own sales records or national
14sales data. If a manufacturer's weight for aforementioned
15electronic devices is derived from national sales data, the
16manufacturer shall indicate the source of the sales data.
17 (i) (Blank).
18 (j) (Blank).
19 (k) (Blank).
20 (l) On or before January 31, 2013 and on or before every
21January 31 thereafter, manufacturers of computers, computer
22monitors, printers, televisions, electronic keyboards,
23facsimile machines, videocassette recorders, portable digital
24music players, digital video disc players, video game consoles,
25electronic mice, scanners, digital converter boxes, cable
26receivers, satellite receivers, digital video disc recorders,

SB1417- 9 -LRB100 09551 MJP 19717 b
1and small-scale servers shall submit to the Agency, on forms
2and in a format prescribed by the Agency, a report that
3contains all of the following information for the previous
4program year:
5 (1) The total weight of computers, the total weight of
6 computer monitors, the total weight of printers, facsimile
7 machines, and scanners, the total weight of televisions,
8 the total weight of the remaining CEDs, and the total
9 weight of EEDs recycled or processed for reuse.
10 (2) The identification of all weights that are adjusted
11 under subsection (d) of this Section. For all weights
12 adjusted under item (2) of subsection (d), the manufacturer
13 must include copies of the written confirmation required
14 under that subsection.
15 (3) A list of each recycler, refurbisher, and collector
16 used by the manufacturer to fulfill the manufacturer's
17 individual recycling and reuse goal set forth in
18 subsections (c) and (c-5) of Section 15 of this Act.
19 (4) A summary of the manufacturer's consumer education
20 program required under subsection (m) of this Section.
21 (m) Manufacturers must develop and maintain a consumer
22education program that complements and corresponds to the
23primary retailer-driven campaign required under Section 40 of
24this Act. The education program shall promote the recycling of
25electronic products and proper end-of-life management of the
26products by consumers.

SB1417- 10 -LRB100 09551 MJP 19717 b
1 (n) Beginning January 1, 2012, no manufacturer may sell a
2computer, computer monitor, printer, television, electronic
3keyboard, facsimile machine, videocassette recorder, portable
4digital music player, digital video disc player, video game
5console, electronic mouse, scanner, digital converter box,
6cable receiver, satellite receiver, digital video disc
7recorder, or small-scale server in this State unless the
8manufacturer is registered with the State as required under
9this Act, has paid the required registration fee, and is
10otherwise in compliance with the provisions of this Act.
11 (o) Beginning January 1, 2012, no manufacturer may sell a
12computer, computer monitor, printer, television, electronic
13keyboard, facsimile machine, videocassette recorder, portable
14digital music player, digital video disc player, video game
15console, electronic mouse, scanner, digital converter box,
16cable receiver, satellite receiver, digital video disc
17recorder, or small-scale server in this State unless the
18manufacturer's brand name is permanently affixed to, and is
19readily visible on, the computer, computer monitor, printer, or
21(Source: P.A. 97-287, eff. 8-10-11; 98-714, eff. 7-16-14.)
22 (415 ILCS 150/40)
23 Sec. 40. Retailer responsibilities.
24 (a) Retailers shall be a primary source of information
25about end-of-life options to residential consumers of

SB1417- 11 -LRB100 09551 MJP 19717 b
1computers, computer monitors, printers, and televisions. At
2the time of sale, the retailer shall provide each residential
3consumer with information from the Agency's website that
4provides information detailing where and how a consumer can
5recycle a CED or return a CED for reuse.
6 (b) Beginning January 1, 2010, no retailer may sell or
7offer for sale any computer, computer monitor, printer, or
8television in or for delivery into this State unless:
9 (1) the computer, computer monitor, printer, or
10 television is labeled with a brand and the label is
11 permanently affixed and readily visible; and
12 (2) the manufacturer is registered with the Agency and
13 has paid the required registration fee as required under
14 Section 20 of this Act.
15This subsection (b) does not apply to any computer, computer
16monitor, printer, or television that was purchased prior to
17January 1, 2010.
18 (b-5) A retailer shall be considered to have complied with
19subsection (b) if:
20 (1) a manufacturer registers with the Agency within 30
21 days of a retailer taking possession of the manufacturer's
22 CED;
23 (2) a manufacturer's registration expires and the
24 manufacturer is listed as non-compliant on the Agency's
25 website and the retailer ordered the CED prior to the
26 posting, the retailer may sell the CED, but only if the

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1 sale takes place within 180 days of the posting; or
2 (3) a manufacturer is no longer conducting business and
3 has no successor in interest, the retailer may sell any
4 orphan CED ordered prior to the discontinuation of
5 business.
6 (c) By July 1, 2009, retailers shall report to each
7television manufacturer, by model, the number of televisions
8sold at retail to individuals in this State under each of the
9manufacturer's brands during the 6-month period from October 1,
102008 through March 31, 2009.
11 (d) (Blank).
12 (e) (Blank).
13(Source: P.A. 95-959, eff. 9-17-08; 96-1154, eff. 7-21-10.)
14 (415 ILCS 150/57 new)
15 Sec. 57. Collection fee. Notwithstanding any other
16provision of this Act, a retailer may collect a fee for each
17CED or EED collected. Municipalities, townships, and other
18unites of local government that are acting as collectors may
19collect a fee for each CED or EED collected.
20 Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon
21becoming law.